Page 29 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        26     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        To apply for a loan under the Federal Direct Loan Program   HEALTH CENTER
        a student must complete a Free Application for Federal   The GCC Health Center is open during most class hours and is
        Student Aid (FAFSA), submit all required paperwork, and   located on the fi rst fl oor of the San Rafael Building.
        be awarded. “Loan Entrance Workshops” are off ered by the   A Registered Nurse is available for health assessment and fi rst aid
        Financial Aid Offi  ce.                                 on a walk-in basis. The nurse will also discuss personal subjects
        2018-2019 GCC Cost of Attendance                      related to health and family issues, birth control and nutrition.
                                                              Daily services include blood pressure screenings, low cost Teta-
        The cost of attendance (COA) at GCC is based on federal
        guidelines and estimates by the California Student Aid   nus shots, Tdap and MMR immunizations. No appointment is
        Commission (CSAC). Included in the COA are school     necessary for these services. TB skin testing occurs on selected
        expenses such as tuition, fees, books, and supplies; living   dates during the semester and is free to registered students.
        expenses such as room, board (meals), and transportation;   Physicians, dietetic interns and an MFT Therapist are available
        and miscellaneous expenses.                           for individual appointments. Specifi c referrals may be provided.
                                                              All services are confi dential (specifi c legal exceptions exist).
        Living with Parent (9 mos):                           Visit the GCC Health Center’s website:
        $ 1,258 -  Fees (per sem.: $46/unit Enrollment Fee x 13 units*/sem  healthcenter or call (818) 551-5189.
                         + $18 Health + $12 Student Services )
                                                              Medical Emergency and Student Accident Policy
           1,971 -  Books & Supplies - CSAC budget amount
                                                              If you have a medical emergency on campus or are a witness
           6,786 -  Room & Board - CSAC budget amount
                                                              to an emergency situation, contact College Police, ext. 4000 or
           3,546 -  Misc. Expenses - CSAC budget amount       the Health Center, ext. 5189 immediately. Nurses are available
           1,134 -  Transportation                            to triage, or provide fi rst aid. If paramedics need to be called,
        14,713 - Total                                        College Police or Health Center staff  can expedite response time.
                                                              In the event you are involved in an accident while on campus or
        Living Away from Parents (9 mos):
                                                              at a supervised activity, the accident must be reported immedi-
        $ 1,258 -  Fees (per sem.: $46/unit Enrollment Fee x 13 units*/sem  ately to the Health Center. If the accident occurs on campus, the
                         + $18 Health + $12 Student Services )  staff  of the Health Center will provide fi rst aid. The College Police
           1,971 -  Books & Supplies - CSAC budget amount     should be called if the injury occurs when the Health Center is
         15,084 -  Room & Board - CSAC budget amount          closed. If the accident occurs off  campus, it is essential for the
           3,996 -  Misc. Expenses - CSAC budget amount       accident to be reported to the Health Center staff  during work-
                                                              ing hours as soon as possible. The College does have Student
           1,278 -  Transportation
                                                              Accident Insurance to assist students with the costs associated
        23,587 - Total                                        with accidents that occur as a result of a student activity, but
        *13 units = average number of units for students enrolled   this policy is a secondary policy. This means that if the student
        full-time during Fall 2013, per GCC Offi  ce of Planning and   needs to go to the hospital or see a physician, the student must
        Research.                                             fi rst follow all of the rules of their private insurance. The Student
        Fees may change due to state budget decisions. Students   Accident Insurance is designed to assist with additional charges.
        who are not California residents may be charged additional   If the injured individual does not report the accident to the
        out-of-state fees.                                    Health Center in a timely manner, there is no guarantee that
                                                              any of the costs associated with care will be covered.
        The college provides personalized resources for students who   LEARNING CENTER
        are former Foster Youth through the Counseling and Financial   The Learning Center off ers free instructional help to currently
        Aid Offi  ces. Services include academic counseling, fi nancial   enrolled students. Free tutoring is provided in math, writing,
        aid advising, and assistance with community resources.  and a variety of other subjects. Tutors are excellent students who
                                                              have been recommended by their instructors and have taken a
                                                              tutor training course. Tutoring takes place on an individual basis.
        The GCC Food Pantry was created in 2016 to understand food
        insecurity among GCC students, to increase awareness of   The Writing Center
        hunger and poverty issues among the GCC community, and   The Writing Center, located in the Learning Center, provides
        to provide food, hygiene supplies, and poverty alleviation-  tutorial assistance by appointment to student who need help
        related information to students in need.              improving their general writing skills or who are working on
                                                              papers for their classes. Staff ed by peer tutors and faculty tutors
                                                              from the English and ESL divisions, the Writing Center helps
                                                              students at any stage in the writing process.

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