Page 25 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        22     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        CAREER CENTER                                                     Instructional Assistance Center
        The GCC Career Center assists students to choose a major or   Learning Disabilities   Specialized Tutoring
        course of study early in their educational experience. Students   Program        Examination Proctoring
        are facilitated in the career exploration process by the admin-  Learning Strategies   Learning Style Assessment
        istration of comprehensive standardized inventories, surveys,           High Tech Center
        computerized systems and career tests. Students are assisted
        in exploring their values, interests, and abilities for application   Assistive Technologies  Specialized Assessment
        to the world of work.                                  Equipment Loan            Examination Proctoring
        The staff  provides individualized career counseling, work-               Special Classes
        shops, and career exploration classes.                CABOT 90, 91, 92, 93 and 94
        The Career Center off ers information in the following areas:  Dance 150
           1.   Finding a college major.                      Physical Education 130, 131, 132, 134 and 135
           2.   How to do research and use career resources.  Student Development 128, 143, 146
           3.  Career changes and career planning through the lifespan.  For information regarding offi  ce hours, programs or
           4.   The decision making process in careers.       services please call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5905.
           5.   Choices for further academic training.
           6.   Balance of work/leisure and school/social.    CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER
           7.   Resume writing and job interviewing.          The nationally accredited Child Development Center on
           8.   Information interviews to test reality.       campus serves as both a laboratory school for students enrolled
           9.  Certifi cate or transfer choices.               in Child Development courses and a demonstration site for
           10.   Women in non-traditional jobs; minority concerns.  professionals interested in best practices in early care and
           11.   Referral to community and college resources.  education for children from six months to fi ve years of age.
           12.  Provide a format for questioning in a positive, supportive   In addition to being NAEYC (National Association for the
               environment.                                   Education of Young Children) Accredited, the Child Devel-
        The Career Center is located in the Sierra Vista Building, third   opment Center is a PITC (Program for Infant Toddler Care)
        fl oor. Call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5407 for day and evening hours.  demonstration site and hosts early childhood professionals
                                                              from throughout Southern California interested in learning
                                                              more about high quality programs for children 0-3 years of age.
        Students with verifi ed disabilities or health impairments are   The Child Development Center operates from 7:00 a.m. - 6:00
        eligible for services through the Center for Students with   p.m. fi ve days a week, twelve months a year. This program is
        Disabilities. Eligible students include those whose condi-  open to students, faculty and the community and is supported
        tions limit one or more of the major life activities and impose   by parent fees.
        educational limitations preventing them from fully benefi ting   The Day Program
        from classes, activities or services off ered by the college. These
        conditions include but are not limited to learning disabilities,   The Day Program is available between the hours of 7:00 a.m.
        speech and hearing impairments, vision loss, emotional or   and 6:00 p.m. fi ve days a week, 12 months a year. This program
        mental illness, orthopedic limitations, neurological and health   is open to students, faculty and the community. Three sessions
        related impairments.                                  are available: Monday through Friday; Monday, Wednesday,
                                                              Friday; or Tuesday, Thursday. All sessions are full day only.
        Qualifi ed students receive disability-related counseling and are   Children will be admitted into the  fi ve-day  sessions  fi rst,
        assisted in the pursuit of academic, vocational, and personal   followed by children whose parents wish them to attend only
        goals. The professional staff  serves as liaison with on-campus   two or three days weekly. The Day Program operates on a
        resources as well as off -campus agencies and allied health   12 month basis and is a self-supporting program funded by
        professionals. Support services and specialized instruction are   parent fees.
        provided to students based on student educational plans and   The Evening Program
        contracts. Services include but are not limited to the following:
                                                              The Evening Program is specifi cally for enrolled students of
                  Center for Students with Disabilities
                                                              GCC. Student parents may choose from one to four nights
         Disability Related        Mobility Orientation       between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., and must enroll
          Counseling               Alternate Media            each semester. This program is open to children between the
         Vocational Counseling     Interpreters for the Deaf  ages of 2 and 5 years of age. To ensure that only students
         Priority Registration     Note Taking Assistance     who are serious about their education will be participants,
         Registration Assistance   Lip Reading Instruction    all students will be required to be accountable both in course
         Mobility Assistance       Job Development            enrollment and course attendance to remain in the program.
         Special Parking

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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