Page 30 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Student Services 27
Tutoring Services The library has a strong focus on information competency and
Students are encouraged to schedule appointments with tutors its importance to lifelong learning. Both at the reference desk
in a variety of subjects, including math; most of the social, and in the instruction programs, emphasis is placed on building
physical and biological sciences; accounting; music; many foreign research skills including recognizing, locating, evaluating, and
languages; and a host of other subject areas, Contact the Learning using information ethically. The 2 unit credit course, Library 191,
Center to see how we can help you meet your educational goals. Introduction to Information Competency, is transferable to the
University of California and California State University. A series
The Learning Center Workshop Series
The Learning Center off ers workshops on a variety of topics. of one-hour, hands-on library workshops introduce students to
the basics of Library and Internet research.
Approximately 60 minutes long, workshops are designed to
improve student comprehension of specifi c topics, such as The library is located on the third and fourth fl oors of the Library
run-on sentences or introductory paragraphs. Building. Phone: (818) 240-1000, ext. 5586.
Students register for workshops through MyGCC, either before MATH DISCOVERY CENTER
the workshop starts or at the beginning of the workshop. During The Math Discovery Center located in AS 103 off ers free drop-in
the online registration, students have the option to inform their tutoring, computer access, workshops, Self Paced courses and
instructors of their participation. Workshops provide students counseling services. Student tutors and/or faculty members are
with a free and fun way to enhance their academic skills. Ask available to answer questions and give explanations about all
your instructors if they off er extra credit for your attendance. levels of math. Computers are available for student use providing
All workshops are held in AD 232, in the back room of the individual interactive learning software, specifi c software used
Learning Center. in math classes, and internet access to online math resources.
Smarthinking No appointment is necessary and students should be enrolled
Free online tutoring is available virtually anytime and in a math class at GCC to use the MDC. Phone: (818) 240-1000,
anywhere for Glendale College students. Immediately connect ext. 5363. For more information, visit
and interact with a live tutor. Schedule a personal session with a MULTICULTURAL AND COMMUNITY
tutor. Submit a question and receive a reply from a tutor. Submit ENGAGEMENT CENTER
a paper for a tutor to review. Logging in is easy. Simply log in to The Multicultural and Community Engagement Center initiates,
your MyGCC account, click on the Main Menu tab, and select implements, and sustains civic engagement opportunities that
promote diversity, critical thinking, personal responsibility, and
Other Learning Center Services communication skills for all students.
Access to the Internet is also available as are instructional DVD’s.
This means working to create community service and service
The Learning Center is located in Administration Building 232. learning programs and projects that help students learn about the
Phone: (818) 240-1000, ext. 5333. issues mentioned above and to gain skills that can be used in your personal life, as well as, your future careers. Some of the many
LIBRARY reasons to be involved in community service/volunteer work:
• Network with people in your future career
The Glendale College Library is one of the most dynamic and
technologically advanced libraries in the California community • Explore a possible major
college system. The Library supports the mission of the college • Use the experience for scholarship and transfer applications
by providing collections and services to meet the educational • Learn new skills
and professional needs of students and faculty. It is a user- • Help those in dire need
friendly, state-of-the-art home to more than 120,000 books, music • Use the experience on a resume
CDs, magazines and newspapers; 1,200 reserve textbooks; 23,000 • Receive a certifi cate of recognition
e-books; and a variety of web accessible services and materials. The Center can help you fi nd a place to start your volunteer
Library services and resources are also available remotely on the experience with a database of approximately 200 non-profi t
Library’s website at Library hours organizations, which is updated before the start of each semester.
are listed on the home page. In addition to the database, there are many programs and
activities that you can participate in on and off -campus. Some
Librarians are available - in the library, by phone, or via email - to of these include:
assist with research and to answer questions. Library research
guides, how-to instructions for using the online catalog and • Students Talk About Race
databases, and tips for research in specifi c subjects are available • 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance
in the library and online. • President’s Volunteer Service Award
The library off ers seating for 350, twelve group-study rooms, 55 • Volunteer Fairs
web enabled computers for student use, a 27 computer library
instruction lab, and workstations for those with special needs.
Printers, copiers, and typewriters are also available.