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                                 STUDENT AFFAIRS & ORGANIZATIONS

            The Offi  ce of Student Aff airs coordinates a wide variety of   Vice President of Campus Relations, and Vice President of
            activities, programs, and services to help students broaden   Campus Organizations. These fi ve positions make up the
            their educational experiences at Glendale College. The goal   ASGCC Executive Committee. The Legislature membership
            of the student activities program is to provide students with   also includes a total of 15 senators including three Sena-
            opportunities to develop their leadership skills through   tors of Administration, three Senators of Finance, three
            participation in student government, cultural programs,   Senators of Campus Activities, three Senators of Campus
            campus activities, and student clubs and organizations.  Relations, and three Senators of Campus Organizations.
                                                                  There are also fi ve Representative-at-Large members who
            GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE (ASGCC)                    are appointed by the Legislature.
                                                                  Student Newspaper
            The Associated Students of Glendale Community College
            (ASGCC) is the offi  cial student government organization.   The El Vaquero is the official student newspaper of Glen-
            Elected each semester, the ASGCC Legislature meets    dale Community College. Written and edited by journal-
            weekly to determine budgetary expenditures, establish   ism students, the paper focuses on campus news and
            and review policies, and coordinate programs and services   issues related to students. The El Vaquero is published
            that benefi t students. Legislature meetings are held every   biweekly and is available to the campus community free
            Tuesday morning in the ASGCC conference room located in   of charge. For more information, go to: www.glendale.
            the J. Walter Smith Student Center. For more information,   edu/journalism.
            go to                            ATHLETIC PROGRAM
            ASGCC Membership                                      Glendale Community College offers a comprehensive
            Students who pay the student services fee each semester   and competitive intercollegiate athletic program for both
            automatically become members of the Associated Students   men and women. The Vaquero athletic teams compete as
            of Glendale Community College. This membership        members of the Western State Conference. Men’s sports
            enables students to participate in activities, programs, and   include baseball, basketball, cross-country, football,
            services financed by the ASGCC. The student services fee   golf, soccer, tennis, and track and field. Women’s sports
            partially finances the annual ASGCC budget that provides   include basketball, cross-country, golf, soccer, volleyball,
            financial support to more than 100 campus programs and   tennis, track and field and softball.
            activities.                                           The men’s and women’s athletic programs are supported
            Eligibility Requirements for ASGCC Candidates and Offi  cers  by full-time coaches and staff including a certified
            All students are encouraged to participate in ASGCC   athletic trainer. Additionally, a full-time athletic
            affairs and run for an elected position within the orga-  counselor provides academic support services to athletes
            nization. Candidates for an elective office must complete   including educational planning, enrollment advisement,
            the required nominating petitions and meet the eligi-  and career guidance. For more information, please visit
            bility requirements before their candidacy is approved   the college website at
            by the Office of Student Activities. Candidates must   STUDENT CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS
            be enrolled in at least six units and have a minimum   Students are encouraged to participate and play an
            cumulative grade point average of 2.0 to be eligible to   active role in campus life by joining a student club or
            run for office. Once a student is elected to office, he or   organization. Supervised by the Office of Student Affairs,
            she must carry and complete a minimum of 9 units and   more than 50 clubs and organizations give students an
            maintain a 2.0 grade point average throughout their term   opportunity to explore specialized interests and serve the
            to remain eligible.
                                                                  campus community. These groups are usually organized
            Student Government Elections                          according to five main themes including academic
            The ASGCC sponsors campus-wide student govern-        achievement, cultural awareness, community service,
            ment elections during the fall and spring semesters. Any   special interests, and religious awareness.
            currently enrolled GCC student who is a member of the   Academic Organizations: Alpha Gamma Sigma (AGS)
            Associated Students may vote in an ASGCC election.    the Scholars, EOPS Club, SPARK, and VOICES are
            ASGCC Offi  cers                                        organizations focused on promoting student access and
            The ASGCC Legislature consists of 21 student leaders who   achievement. These groups also provide valuable service
            are elected by the student body. Elected offi  cers include the   to the college community and raise funds to support
            ASGCC President, Vice President of Administration, Vice   scholarships.
            President of Finance, Vice President of Campus Activities,

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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