Page 39 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 39

36     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

           B.  Summer and Winter Session - Students must with-  Financial Aid Overpayments: If a student owes a repayment of
           draw/drop a class within the fi rst week of a fi ve or six   federal student aid, the student must repay the amount in full. If
           week class.                                        the student fails to repay the amount due, the college may refer
           C. The student should check the Schedule of Classes or   the account to the US Department of Education and the student
           with the Admissions and Records Offi  ce for the drop/  may lose eligibility for any further federal student fi nancial aid.
           withdrawal date if a class is of shorter duration than those   REGISTRATION
           mentioned above.
                                                              Each student must offi  cially register in classes. The classes
        Repayment Requirement Policies for Students Receiving   should be chosen from the student’s educational plan. These
        Financial Aid:                                        classes constitute the offi  cial program of the student.
        Students who receive fi nancial aid in the form of a Pell Grant,   All students register according to the dates and times
        Cal Grant, or EOPS Grant are subject to state and federal   assigned to them. To be a continuing student, the registrant
        regulations that may require repayment of all or part of the   must have been enrolled in the immediately prior semester
        funds received if they drop some or all of their units during   or session. New and returning students who submit appli-
        a semester.                                           cations during the current academic year (summer through
        Students who receive fi nancial aid and never attend class:   spring) are considered active and eligible for registration for
        Federal regulations only allow students to receive fi nancial   the entire academic year, and those students will receive reg-
        aid for classes they actually attend. Students who receive   istration information by going to
        fi nancial aid for classes that they drop before the fi rst day   For information concerning this process, consult the semester
        of class, or that they otherwise never attend, must return   Schedule of Classes or go to the GCC website.
        those funds.                                          After the beginning of the semester, students may:
        Students who receive fi nancial aid for classes they attend   • enroll in open semester-length courses through the
        and then drop: Financial aid is based on the number of units a   fi rst week of the semester with the permission of the
        student is enrolled in as of the registration deadline. Students   instructor;
        who receive fi nancial aid for 6 units or more and then drop to   • enroll in closed semester-length courses with the per-
        less than 6 units prior to the registration deadline established   mission of the instructor through the second week of
        by the Admissions and Records Offi  ce may be required to   instruction; and
        repay some of the funds received.                        • enroll in courses less than 16 weeks provided that 15%
        Students who drop all classes prior to completing 60% of   of the class meetings have not been held.
        the semester: Federal Return to Title IV (R2T4) regulations   No registrations or adds of semester-length classes are
        governing the federal student fi nancial aid programs stipulate   allowed after the end of the second week of instruction.
        that students who withdraw from the college before complet-  No student will be enrolled in a class and have a grade
        ing at least 60% of the semester have not “earned” the funds   recorded subsequent to the completion of a given semester
        they received and must repay some of their fi nancial aid. The   unless it is established that the procedures for enrolling set
        Financial Aid Offi  ce is required by law to notify the student   up by the College are proved to have failed.
        of the overpayment due within 30 days, once it is determined
        that the student has withdrawn from school. There is no appeal   RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS
        process. Federal regulations do not allow a college to make any   The following statement of the rules regarding residency
        exceptions to the Return to Title IV requirements.  Students   is intended for general information only. More detailed
        who have not received the total amount of fi nancial aid that   information can be obtained from the Offi  ce of Admissions.
        they may have earned prior to withdrawing from school   At the time of application and at registration each student
        may be entitled to a post-withdrawal disbursement. In these   is required to verify residence information. Even though a
        cases, students will be notifi ed within 30 days regarding the   student may be otherwise admissible to GCC, the student
        amount due them and how accepting additional funds will   may be classifi ed as a tuition-paying student in accordance
        aff ect their standing under the Financial Aid Satisfactory   with the residence requirements.
        Academic Progress policy.                             A “resident student’’ means any person who can verify
        Students who earn ALL fail, No Pass, and/or Withdrawal   physical presence in California for one year or more on the
        grades (‘F’, ‘NP’, ‘W’) or a combination of, for any term   day preceding the fi rst day of instruction of a semester or
        will be considered to have Unoffi  cial withdrawn:  Federal   intersession during which the person proposes to attend,
        Return to Title IV regulations governing the federal student   who can demonstrate intent to make California a home for
        fi nancial aid programs stipulate that students who receive   other than a temporary purpose and fi nancial independence.
        All ‘F’, ‘NP’, and/or ‘W’s or a combination of, for the term/  Alien Students: A student who is an alien may establish
        semester, the midpoint (50%) of that term/semester will   his or her residence if he or she is not precluded by the
        be used as the withdrawal date.  A review of fi nancial aid   Immigration and Nationality Act from establishing
        students will occur after grades are processed for the prior   domicile in the U.S..
        term/semester to determine who falls in this category and
        requires a R2T4 calculation.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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