Page 42 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 42
Scholastic Information and Regulations 39
ACADEMIC RENEWAL WITHOUT COURSE REPETITION Students shall be dropped from class for failure to attend
The following procedure provides an opportunity for the fi rst class meeting during the fi rst week of instruction if
students to obtain alleviation of previously recorded, they have not made prior arrangements with the instructor.
substandard academic performance which is not refl ective Students also may be dropped for continuous or cumula-
of subsequent demonstrated ability. tive absences for the number of hours a sixteen-week class
is scheduled to meet in a two-week period.
1. A student may request academic renewal for not more
than 24 units of substandard work (D’s and F’s completed CHANGE OF GRADES
at GCC) through a petition. The petition should be sub- The District recognizes the long standing prerogative of
mitted to the Admissions and Records offi ce and will be faculty to set standards of performance and to apply them
reviewed by the Petitions Committee. to individual students. Therefore, the instructor is the fi nal
2. If and when the petition is granted, all grades will remain authority in determining grades that are assigned to stu-
on the permanent record and transcript. Courses will be dents and that appear on their permanent academic records.
notated on the transcript that units and grades have been The Superintendent/President or designee shall establish
disregarded from the grade point average. Academic administrative regulations on grade changes. The follow-
renewal cannot be reversed. ing policies apply to changes of grades except for changes
3. The student seeking academic renewal is responsible of Incomplete (I) and Withdrawal (W) grades.
for presenting offi cial transcripts to the eff ect that the 1. All course grades are fi nal when fi led by the instructor
previously recorded 24 maximum units were of substan- at the end of the term. These grades become a part of the
dard academic performance and is not refl ective of more student’s permanent record.
recently demonstrated academic ability. 2. A change of grade shall occur in cases of clerical error,
4. Evidence of recent academic ability as shown on offi cial administrative error, or where the instructor re-evaluates
transcript must include one of the following: the student’s performance and discovers an error in the
a. 12 semester graded (A-F) units with at least a 3.00 GPA original evaluation. A clerical error is an error made by
b. 24 semester graded (A-F) units with at least a 2.50 GPA the instructor in calculating or recording the grade. A
c. 36 semester graded (A-F) units with at least a 2.00 GPA change of grade shall not occur as a consequence of the
5. There must be at least 18 months between the end of the acceptance of additional work or re-examination beyond
most recent academic renewal and the date of initiation the specifi ed course requirements.
of the request and such renewal.
3. A request for a grade change shall be initiated by the stu-
6. A student may request academic renewal only once. dent aff ected or by the instructor within the next regular
7. A student may repeat work taken during academic renewal semester following the award of the original grade. If the
only if such repetition is necessary to allow normal pro- instructor determines that there is a valid basis for the
gression toward an acceptable educational objective. change, a Change of Grade form shall be used to notify
8. A student must include all work, including academic the Admissions and Records Offi ce. If the instructor
renewal, in computation of the cumulative grade-point determines that there is not a valid basis for the change
average toward honors at graduation. and denies the student’s request, the instructor’s decision,
For further information regarding academic renewal contact subject to the appeals process described below, is fi nal.
the Offi ce of Admissions and Records. 4. The Change of Grade form must be completed by the
ATTENDANCE AND DROP POLICY instructor, signed by the division chairperson, and
submitted to the Admissions and Records Offi ce. Once the
Students are expected to attend all class meetings. There are change of grade is processed, students shall be notifi ed by
no authorized absences from class and irregular attendance the Admissions and Records Offi ce.
may result in exclusion from classes. Students have the right to formally appeal a fi nal grade
It is the student’s responsibility to register properly for in a course. Appeals are limited to situations in which the
classes. A student who fails to enroll offi cially in a class will student believes the grade was prejudicially, capriciously,
not be given credit for that class. or arbitrarily assigned. Appeals must fi rst be directed to the
Students also have the responsibility of offi cially withdraw- instructor of the course, orally or in writing. If further action
ing from college or dropping from class when they stop is necessary, the student should appeal in writing to the
attending, and of observing established deadlines. Other- division chair and then to the Dean of Instruction, then Vice
wise, “F’’ grades may be assigned. President, Instructional Services. If the issue continues to be
It is the responsibility of each student to know the atten- unresolved, a written appeal can be directed to the college
dance and absence policy of each class in which he or she is Judicial Board. (See Grievance Policy)
enrolled. It is the responsibility of each instructor to inform
his or her class of the attendance and absence policies at the
beginning of each semester.