Page 41 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 41

38     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        Transcripts should be sent directly from the high school,
        college, or university to the Admissions and Records Offi  ce
        at Glendale College. All transcripts become the property
        of Glendale College and will not be returned.
        Glendale Community College reserves the right to evalu-
        ate work completed in other colleges or universities. The
        external credit units and cumulative grade points will be
        posted on the student’s Glendale College transcript. Please
        see page 15 of this catalog for information regarding the
        issuance of external transfer credit. Transfers with accept-
        able grades will be granted advanced standing in-so-far
        as the work corresponds with that of Glendale College.
        Upon the written request of a student, a transcript of the
        student’s record at Glendale College will be forwarded
        to a college or university, individual, fi rm, etc. providing
        that such student has no outstanding fi nancial obligation
        to the college. Students are entitled to two free transcripts.
        Records may be withheld for monies owed the college,
        library fi nes, unreturned P.E. supplies and/or equipment,
        health holds, or for disciplinary problems. For more
        information visit our website at

            On a perfect spring day, the 2019 Glendale College Baseball Team won its 25th game of the season and clinched
            the Western State Conference East Baseball Title, its seventh in the past nine years and 13th overall since 1980.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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