Page 36 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Admission and Registration        33

                                      ADMISSION AND REGISTRATION

                                                                  Mathematics Placement
                                                                  Students will complete a guided placement survey (GPS).  The
            Glendale Community College will admit any California resident
            possessing a high school diploma or the equivalent thereof, or   GPS includes questions regarding previous academic prepara-
                                                                  tion such as high school coursework and grades.  If available,
            who is 18 years of age or older. Non-residents, including inter-
            national students, may be admitted. Information concerning   students should bring their high school transcript to complete
                                                                  the GPS.  Once placed in a GCC mathematics course, students
            residency may be found on page 36 of this catalog.
                                                                  advance in the mathematics sequence according to course
            APPLICATION                                           prerequisites.
            An applicant may apply for admission to the College by complet-  Chemistry Placement
            ing an application on-line at       This test is required for placement into CHEM 101. It is not
            An applicant need only submit one application per academic   needed if the student has completed CHEM 110 with a grade
            year. An academic year is summer through spring.      of “C’’ or better.
            High School Students                                  English as a Second Language (ESL) Placement
            High school students in the 9 , 10 , 11  or 12  grade who are   This exam is needed to qualify for initial placement into any
            making satisfactory progress towards high school graduation   ESL course. The exam includes reading comprehension, writ-
            are eligible to apply and enroll in classes at GCC. The student   ten grammar, listening comprehension, and a writing sample.
            must complete the on-line application and the Selected Student   English as a Second Language (ESL) (Noncredit) Placement
            form with appropriate signatures, and a current high school (un-  This test is used to place students in noncredit ESL courses
            offi  cial) transcript. The Selected Student form and high school   and requires an appointment.
            transcript must be submitted for each subsequent semester of
            attendance. If the student is accepted, the student may enroll   Placement Test Policies
            in six units during a semester, or three units during an inter-  Placement challenges are not allowed without permission
            session. In order to continue taking classes at the college after   of the appropriate division chair. Results for placement are
            the initial semester, the student must have completed the college   valid for only a specifi c period of time; see below.
            class with a grade of “C” or better, and remain in good standing   Placement Results   Longevity   Test Taking Policy
            at their high school. Once the student has graduated from their   Chemistry   two years   once per year
            high school, the student must reapply to GCC as a high school   ESL Placement   two years   once per year
            graduate and submit proof of graduation to the Admissions and   ESL/NCR Placement   two years   once per year
            Records Offi  ce.
                                                                  CATALOG RIGHTS
            ASSESSMENT                                            New Students
            Glendale Community College is committed to helping students   When a new student begins attending GCC, he or she will
            succeed. The College has adopted placement policies aimed at   come under the catalog requirements in eff ect at that time;
            maximizing each student’s likelihood of completing transfer-  thus, a student who begins in the fall 2019 semester will
            level Mathematics and English courses within one-year. In many   follow the requirements for graduation, IGETC certifi cation
            cases, this is best achieved by direct placement into transfer-level   for either the CSU or UC, G.E. Certifi cation for the CSU, and
            math and English, while in others it is best achieved by fi rst   certifi cates of completion that are listed in the 2019-2020
            taking a course one level below transfer. All fi rst time students   GCC catalog.
            must complete the placement process for English or ESL and   Continuing Students
            Mathematics prior to registering for their fi rst semester at the   1.  A student remaining in continuous attendance in regular
            College.  The English and Mathematics guided placement surveys   sessions at the campus of any California community college
            (GPS’s) are administered every day. Students should bring their   or in any combination of California community colleges
            high school transcript. No student will be allowed to complete   and the California State University may, for the purpose
            the placement process without a picture I.D. The Assessment   of meeting graduation requirements or G.E. certifi cation
            Center is located in Sierra Vista Building, third fl oor.  for the California State University, elect to meet the catalog
            English Placement                                       requirements in eff ect at the time of beginning his or her
                                                                    continuous enrollment at the California State University
            Students will complete a guided placement survey (GPS).  The   or at a California community college.
            GPS includes questions regarding their previous academic prepa-
            ration such as high school coursework and grades.  If available,   2.  Students may maintain their continuing student status for
            students should bring their high school transcript to complete the   catalog purposes provided that they complete a course and
            GPS.  Completing the English GPS will make students eligible   earn units at GCC at least one semester during an academic
            to take English courses at the College.  Placement into English is   year without missing two consecutive semesters.
            also needed for the nursing program as well as many language,
            social sciences, speech, business, and humanities courses.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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