Page 33 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        30     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        their educational development. Students are responsible for   The staff  assists students in fi nding off -campus positions
        notifying the college of any specifi c needs they have, or of any   related to their disciplines. Off -campus jobs can be accessed
        change in their goal.                                 through a variety of resources including local posting and
        Periodically students may be contacted by the college for   online job search sites.
        information regarding their progress towards completing   On-campus positions are also available for currently
        their stated goals. This contact may involve a meeting with a   enrolled students. Glendale College participates in
        counselor, or other staff  member of the college, or it may take   several work study programs. (i.e.: Federal Work Study,
        the form of written communication to the students regarding   CalWORKs, Work Study, EOPS Work Study, and College
        their progress. In either case, it is up to students to follow up on   Employment Program.) Visit the Job Placement Center in
        this communication so that the college may better serve them.  the Sierra Vista Building, third floor for details.
        Completion of Student Goals
                                                              SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION
        The college’s goal is to assist in achieving the objectives   (SI)/ COLLABORATIVE LEARNING
        students have for themselves; however, the students must   Another innovative program that the college off ers  its
        determine when this is accomplished. They are responsible for   students is the Collaborative Learning (SI) workshops that
        notifying the college of any change in their goals or status as   are available each semester with selected courses. These
        it relates to the college. The college can provide students with   workshops provide students with an enjoyable, structured
        assistance to make changes as easy as possible. Students should   way to study and/or solve problems collaboratively under
        feel free to contact any staff  member to assist them during a   the supervision of an instructor or specially trained student
        period of transition when they are leaving the college for some   leader. Regular workshop participants usually reach a better
        other activity or environment.
                                                              understanding of course content and tend to pass at a much
        SCHOLARSHIPS                                          higher rate and with better grades than non-participants. A
        Any currently enrolled student who has completed at least 12   list of workshop off erings is available in the current class
        units of college credit, and has a GPA of 2.5 or higher at GCC   schedule or through counseling services. The program
        may apply for scholarships through their MyGCC account.   coordinator is happy to answer questions about this free
        Selections are made by the GCC Scholarship Committee or   service at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5357.
        award sponsors based on academic achievement,  fi nancial   TRANSFER CENTER
        need, campus leadership, or other criteria established by the   The Transfer Center is designed to assist students with
        scholarship donors. Interested students may submit a single   the process of transferring to four-year colleges and
        application online during the fall or spring semesters. For more   universities. We provide counseling, transfer workshops,
        information, or to apply, go to,   college tours, host university representatives who advise
        or call the Scholarship Offi  ce at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5591.
                                                              students, a transfer information website, and maintain
        STUDENT CENTER                                        a library of college admissions materials. The Transfer
        The J. Walter Smith Student Center contains offices for   Center is especially committed to the goal of increasing
        the Associated Students of Glendale College (ASGCC),   the transfer rate of under-represented students to institu-
        the Office of Student Affairs, and student club offices.   tions of higher learning. We are located on the third floor
        Also, there is a conference center with meeting rooms   of the Sierra Vista Building and can be reached by phone
        that members of the campus community may reserve for   at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5442. For more information, visit
        social and business functions. Arrangements for the use
        of Student Center meeting rooms may be made through   VETERAN’S RESOURCE CENTER
        the Office of Student Affairs at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5592.
                                                              The Veteran’s Resource Center is located in AA-1 & AA-1B.
        STUDENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICES /                         The Veteran’s Resource Center is an informational center
        JOB PLACEMENT CENTER                                  that can assist with any questions regarding Veteran’s
                                                              educational benefi ts at GCC, as well as a great opportunity
        The mission of the Student Employment Services is to
        provide ongoing, comprehensive assistance to all Glen-  to meet with other Veterans and talk about their goals.
        dale College students in obtaining on- and off -campus   Veterans can also join the Veteran’s Association Club. For
        employment.                                           more information, Please
                                                              see page 16 of this catalog for more information regarding
        Students are advised on application and interview tech-  Veteran’s educational assistance.
        niques and resume writing. In addition to providing part
        and full-time job listings, the center sponsors on-campus
        recruiting by interested businesses who wish to hire

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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