Page 28 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 28

Student Services       25

                                                   FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS

            Type of Aid             Amount              Criteria            Required Forms          Must apply by:

            California College      Enrollment Fee      CA resident         CCPG Application        Must be processed
            Promise Grant (CCPG)    (Health Fee,        Financial need      FAFSA                   by GCC by last day
            (formerly BOG Fee Waiver)  parking discounted                                           of the semester
                                    with CCPG A)

            Federal Pell Grants     Up to maximum of    High amount of      FAFSA                   Applications
                                    $6,195, depending   fi nancial need      Other documents         processed
                                    on need and         per FAFSA           required by FAO         throughout school
                                    enrollment status   6 year limit                                year

            SEOG (Supplemental      $200 per semester   Lowest income       FAFSA                   Priority date April
            Educational Opportunity                     Pell recipients     Other documents         1st, depending
            Grants)                                     Funds limited       required by FAO         on availability of

            Cal Grant A             Received after      CA resident         FAFSA                   March 2nd
                                    transfer to 4-year   Low income         GPA Verifi cation Form
                                    school              GPA criteria

            Cal Grant B             Up to $835/         CA resident         FAFSA                   March 2nd,
                                    semester            Low income          GPA Verifi cation Form   additional
                                                        4 year limit                                September 2nd
                                                                                                    deadline for some

            Cal Grant C             Up to $273/         CA resident         FAFSA                   March 2nd
                                    semester            Enrolled in         GPA Verifi cation Form
                                                        vocational program

            Federal Work-Study      Up to $2,000/       Low income          FAFSA                   Priority deadline
                                    semester            Financial need      other documents required   is April 1st for
                                                                            by FAO                  following Fall

            Federal Direct          Up to $3500 per     Enrolled at least   FAFSA                   Variable: Check
            Subsidized Loan         year for freshman-    ½ time.           Loan Request Form       with FAO
                                    level students;     Financial need.     Loan Entrance Workshop
                                    students eligible for
                                    up to $4500/year

            Federal Direct          Up to $2000 or      Enrolled at least   FAFSA                   Variable: Check
            Unsubsidized Loan       $6000 per year,     ½ time.             Loan Request Form       with FAO
                                    based on student                        Loan Entrance Workshop
                                    dependency status

            Student Success         $649-$2000/Per      Enrolled in at least   FAFS/CADAA Must be   March 2nd
            Completion Grant (SSCG)  Term               12+ or 15+ units    Cal Grant eligible

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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