Page 24 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Student Services       21

                                                STUDENT SERVICES

            The primary mission of all educational institutions is learning.   The college bookstore, located on the first floor of the
            Glendale Community College recognizes that there are many   Student Center uses its proceeds to promote the programs
            activities and programs outside of the classroom which enhance   of the Associated Students. Shopping for course materials
            the learning process. Consequently, numerous student services   is convenient and available both in store and online. Now
            have been established to help students move toward the attain-  available, Rental and Digital programs! Visit our new website,
            ment of their goals.                         where you will  fi nd  textbooks,
            Student Services, by contributing to the overall educational   reference books, school supplies, clothing and software
            process at the college, is committed to serving the special needs   products. Shopping made simple. Pay by credit card and
            of a diverse student population. Thus, the variety and compre-  pick up your books (reservation) or have your books shipped
            hensive nature of student services at the college is intended to   directly to your home or business.
            support a multitude of concerns for a large and changing student   The bookstore is open 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through
            enrollment.                                           Thursday and Friday 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Closed on Saturday,
            The programs off ered by Student Services are designed to assist   and Sunday. Please check the schedule for summer/winter
            students in the decision-making process by helping them identify   hours.
            and clarify personal, career, and educational goals. The intent is   For student purchases the bookstore will accept the following:*
            to help students select options for improving the quality of their   1.   Personal checks must be imprinted by the bank with check
            lives. Personal, career, and academic choices are not viewed as   signer’s name and address. You must have a valid state
            separate and disconnected entities but as inter-related issues, the   driver’s license or state ID of the person signing the check.
            combination and interaction of which determine the present and   No passports or green cards will be accepted.
            future quality of each individual’s life experience.  2.  ATM/Debit Card
            Student Services is committed to assisting students to attain   3.   MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express credit
            their educational goals and personal development through a   cards will be accepted. (Must show ID)
            comprehensive program of student services. The major student   *Please carry your student I.D. or course printout at all times.
            support programs are:
                                                                  GCC CalWORKs PARENTS PROGRAM
            Enrollment Services—Outreach and recruitment, admissions,
            orientation, assessment, counseling, advisement, educational   The GCC CalWORKs program is the on-campus resource for
            planning, registration and record services to assist students in   parents receiving CalWORKs cash aid. Our students are low-
            enrolling in the appropriate classes.                 income parents with children under 18 who attend GCC in order
            Support Services—Counseling services, learning assistance   to pursue educational goals that will lead to a career.
            (writing lab, learning center, and tutoring center), adult re-entry
            programs, career guidance, job placement, veterans’ services,   The GCC CalWORKs Parents Program provides encouragement,
            transfer services, disabled student program, health services,   advice, and honest feedback for a population of students who
            and library services to help students develop goals, to plan   are rebuilding their lives on a foundation of education, while
            for achieving desired results, and to support and contribute to   modeling perseverance and hard work to their children. We help
            student self-realization.                             students communicate with County workers (DPSS, GAIN and
                                                                  REP) who oversee their benefi ts. We process the documents that
            Financial Services—Financial aid, student employment, scholar-  allow CalWORKs students to access crucial supportive services,
            ships, and awards for students who need fi nancial assistance.
                                                                  including child care and reimbursement for school-related costs
            Activity Programs—Athletics, student clubs, student govern-  such as text books, supplies, transportation, and fees. We also
            ment and student activities to broaden the students’ involvement   provide funding for Work Study jobs and on-campus child care.
            in college life.                                      CalWORKs students can be found in classes across all disciplines.
            To assist students in meeting their educational objectives,   Our students’ educational goals include AA/AS Degrees, voca-
            Student Services is the primary advocate on the students’ behalf   tional certifi cates, preparation for transfer to four-year institutions,
            to provide access for all who wish to attend the college: physi-  and improving basic skills through ESL and HSE courses.
            cal access to facilities on the campus; access to programs and
            services; and access to the required courses.         For more information, please visit
                                                                  To contact the Verdugo CalWORKs offi  ce, please call (818)
            Student Services promotes an atmosphere conducive to growth   240-1000, ext. 5508, or visit SF 115. To contact the Garfi eld noncredit
            and special programs to eliminate educational, social, cultural,   CalWORKs offi  ce, please call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5681, or visit the
            economic, and physical barriers to a person’s education.
                                                                  third fl oor of the Tropico Building at the Garfi eld Campus.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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