Page 26 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Student Services 23
State Preschool Program in the Financial Aid Offi ce.) Work-study off ers students the
The State Preschool Program is funded through the California opportunity to earn a portion of their college expenses through
State Department of Education, Child Development Division. part-time employment during the school year.
The four-hour program is open to students who are income The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the
eligible and enrolled at GCC. The State Preschool program is main application for fi nancial aid. Applying on time is critical.
available to eligible student parents of three and four-year- The FAFSA can be completed on-line at and
old children. submitted to the federal processor after October 1, but no later
EXTENDED OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMS AND than April 1 of the previous Spring semester to receive priority
SERVICES (EOPS) consideration for the Fall semester. Applications submitted after
April 1 of the previous Spring semester will still be reviewed for
EOPS programs serve students who have been aff ected by funds, but will be processed later than the applications received
economic, language, social and educational barriers. The by the priority date.
mission of the program is to facilitate the successful and
timely completion of student goals and objectives. Through After receiving the FAFSA, the federal processor will mail/
specialized support services and instruction, EOPS encourages email a Student Aid Report (SAR) to the student for review. If
enrollment, retention, certifi cate completion, graduation and changes are necessary, make the corrections on-line at www.
university transfer. As part of its mission, EOPS is commit- If no changes are necessary, keep the SAR for
ted to student success by promoting communication, critical your records. Students are not required to submit the SAR to
thinking, information competency, application of knowledge, the Financial Aid Offi ce. Once the Financial Aid Offi ce receives
and personal responsibility. The program off ers a variety your application directly from the federal processor, you may
of services that may include, but are not limited to priority be asked to submit federal tax transcripts or other documents.
registration, orientation, counseling, instruction, book services It is important that all requested documentation be submitted
and fi nancial assistance. For more information on EOPS and as soon as possible. Financial Aid awards are made only after a
program admission application go to the EOPS website at www. student’s fi le is complete. New students must complete an admis- sion application and be assigned a Glendale College Student I.D.
number before their fi nancial aid application can be reviewed.
Cooperative Agencies and Resources for Education (CARE) Students who are not U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens may
CARE is a supplemental component of the EOPS program still qualify for state fi nancial aid programs if classifi ed as AB540
designed to provide educational support services and activi- and should complete the CA Dream Application at www.dream.
ties for students who are single parents. The goal of CARE is to
reduce long term welfare dependency and support the needs of
the single parent for economic self-suffi ciency. CARE students Notifi cations of required documents are emailed to students and
must be eligible for EOPS services fi rst. For more information posted to their “To Do List” on MyGCC. Award notices are also
on CARE and program admission requirements go to the sent to the student’s GCC email.
CARE web page Students receiving financial aid must make satisfactory
NOTE: The Glendale College Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS) academic progress toward their educational goal. Please refer
was established at GCC in 1972 and is jointly funded by the State of California and to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy in this catalog for
the Glendale Community College District. more information.
EOPS and CARE fi nancial assistance may be available to All application materials and forms are available online at the
students who in addition to meeting all EOPS/CARE program Financial Aid Offi ce website: nancialaid.
entrance and continued eligibility requirements are also
income eligible based on student’s remaining fi nancial need The Financial Aid staff is here to assist you. Those needing help
as determined by the Financial Aid Offi ce. All EOPS/CARE or advice are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Offi ce,
awards are contingent upon EOPS/CARE funding availability. located in the Sierra Vista Building, third fl oor.
The Financial Aid Offi ce assists students who are enrolled California College Promise Grant
at GCC for the purpose of earning a degree or certifi cate, or (formerly known as the Board of Governors Fee Waiver)
transferring to a four-year college or university and are seeking Eff ective the 2018-2019 award year, the BOG Fee Waiver became
fi nancial help. Funds are available to cover the cost of enrollment the California College Promise Grant (CCPG). This waiver is
fees, tuition, books, transportation, and living expenses. There available to California residents to cover enrollment fees only.
are two types of fi nancial aid: grants and self help (such as Students must demonstrate fi nancial need by completing the
work study and loans). Grants are awarded on the basis of Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) students
fi nancial need and do not require repayment. Loans provide with extenuating circumstances who cannot fi le a FAFSA, may
an opportunity to defer educational costs by borrowing now meet with a fi nancial aid advisor for a paper California College
and paying later. (Please refer to the loan information below Promise Grant Application.
for more information and ask for a copy of the GCC loan policy