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        28     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        Many courses on campus also provide community service   Assessment
        learning options to students, which is community service   Glendale Community College is committed to helping students
        connected to classroom learning and improves students’   succeed. The College has adopted placement policies aimed at
        understanding of the course. The Center is located in   maximizing each student’s likelihood of completing transfer-
        SM 267, on the balcony next to the cafeteria. For more   level Mathematics and English courses within one-year. In many
        details about these programs, check out the website at   cases, this is best achieved by direct placement into transfer-                                level math and English, while in others it is best achieved by

        STUDENT SUCCESS AND SUPPORT PROGRAM                   fi rst taking a course one level below transfer. Placement results
                                                              assist the students and counselors to determine the appropriate
        The Student Success and Support Program is designed to   courses for students to enroll in during the fi rst semester.
        assist students in planning, selecting, and achieving educa-  To receive priority registration, all new students are required
        tional goals. The process brings the college and a student   to go through the placement process for English or ESL and
        into an agreement for the purpose of realizing the student’s   mathematics upon application to the college and before the
        educational goal through the college’s established programs,   established priority registration deadline.  For more informa-
        policies, and requirements. The agreement acknowledges   tion regarding assessment procedures, contact the Assessment
        responsibilities of both the college and the student to attain   Center at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5329 or use the website at www.
        these objectives. The primary purpose of the Student Success
        and Support Program is enhancing student success.
        Listed below are the basic components of the Student Success   Counseling and Educational Planning
        and Support Program partnership shared between the college   One of the most important activities involved in the matricula-
        and the student.                                      tion process is counseling and educational planning. Profes-
                                                              sional counselors are available to assist each new student in
        The college agrees to provide:
                                                              several areas:
           • An admissions application process.
           • An orientation to the college’s programs and services.  1.  Deciding upon an educational objective;
           • An assessment of the student’s study skills, English   2.  Determining the courses required to achieve this objective;
            language profi ciency, computational skills, aptitudes,   3.  Determining the services needed to assist students in achiev-
            goals, learning skills, career aspirations, academic perfor-  ing their objective;
            mance, and need for special services.             4.  Assisting students in course selection appropriate to their
           • Counseling and advisement to develop an educational plan.  goals.
           • Follow-up evaluation of each student’s progress in achiev-  The Student Educational Plan (S.E.P.)
            ing an educational goal.                          It is important for all students to have a Student Educational
        The student agrees to:                                Plan (S.E.P.). The S.E.P. serves as an outline of the preliminary
           • Express an educational goal upon admission.      educational program students will undertake. In addition, the
           • Declare a program of study/major before or during the   S.E.P. identifi es the students’ goals (i.e. transfer, A.A./A.S. degree,
            term after which the student completes 15 units.  certifi cate, etc.) and refers them to support services, if needed.
           • Attend class.                                    Completion of the student educational plan is required for prior-
           • Work diligently to complete course assignments.  ity registration. Students should make an appointment with their
           • Demonstrate an eff ort to attain an educational goal.  counselor to begin this process as soon as possible. Any changes
        The college is committed to student success, and with this in   in a student’s educational objective should be reviewed with a
        mind provides the following services:                 counselor in order to update the student’s S.E.P. for accuracy.
        Orientation                                           Follow-up
        Orientation workshops are off ered throughout the year in   Counseling and teaching faculty provide a number of follow-up
        academic counseling. The orientation workshop provides   services to matriculated students. These services are designed to
        students with important information regarding the services   provide information regarding the students’ academic progress.
        programs, and courses available at the college. All new students   Special services are provided to students on academic and/or
        are required to participate in orientation in order to receive   progress probation, students in basic skills courses, and students
        priority registration. Students will learn how to use the college   who are undecided about their educational goal. Referrals are
        catalog; class schedule, and prepare a class list. For more infor-  made to on- and off -campus services when appropriate.
        mation, contact academic counseling at (818) 240-1000, ext. 5918.   Appeals Procedure
        Students can also complete an online orientation by visiting   A student has the right to challenge or appeal any step in the
        our website at Click on Start   matriculation process. A petition for the waiver of a specifi c
        Online Orientation now!                               Student Success and Support Program service or requirement
                                                              may be fi led for any of the following reasons:

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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