Page 32 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 32
Student Services 29
1. Review of assessment—Students may challenge a placement 2. University Transfer Counseling—The goal of many students at
decision on the grounds that the placement does not refl ect the college is to transfer to a four-year college or university.
their ability in the area assessed. To challenge a placement All counselors at the college prepare to assist students in
decision, a student must see the division chair responsible preparing to transfer. It is important for students to see a
for the course or their designee (see page 33 for placement counselor on a regular basis to review the requirements for
policies). transfer to the institution of their choice. In addition, the
2. Waiver of prerequisites—Students may challenge a course college’s Transfer Center can assist students in meeting with
prerequisite, corequisite or limitation on enrollment on representatives of many local four-year institutions and can
the grounds that the student has the knowledge or skills provide them with other important transfer information.
to successfully complete the course, that the prerequisite 3. Disabled Student Programs and Services—Specialized support
course has not been made reasonably available and will cause services and counseling are available through the Center for
undue delay in completion of the student’s education goal Students with Disabilities. The Disabled Student Services
as detailed in the student educational plan; that the course program off ers individual counseling services to students
has not been established in accordance with the district’s with disabilities. These services are provided to help with
process for establishing prerequisites and corequisites; or educational planning and to identify specifi c support services
that the prerequisite is unlawfully discriminatory or is required to assist the student with a disability.
being applied in an unlawfully discriminatory manner. To 4. Extended Opportunity Program and Services—The Extended
request a prerequisite waiver, the student must complete Opportunity Program and Services offi ce also provides
the Glendale College Prerequisite Challenge Petition, and specialized counseling services related to enrollment
submit the document to the division chair responsible for procedures, fi nancial aid, tutorial services and university
the course. If the petition for a waiver is based upon the transition. The EOPS staff is prepared to serve students
student’s contention that he/she has the necessary skills to whose primary language is not English.
succeed in the class, the student may be asked to submit 5. Financial Aid—The Financial Aid offi ce provides the student
evidence of this profi ciency. The student will be notifi ed, with advising regarding his or her fi nancial circumstances,
within fi fteen (15) working days, of the receipt of the petition. and will assist the student in obtaining fi nancial support
The student may appeal the decision of a division chair to needed to attend the college. Financial aid is available in a
the vice president of instruction. number of forms, including grants, loans and work-study
3. Complaint of unlawful discrimination—If a student feels that programs.
assessment, orientation, counseling, (or any other student 6. Adult Re-entry Services—Services for adult students who
success and support program procedure or service) is being are returning to formal education after a lapse of time are
applied in a discriminatory manner, a petition may be off ered through the Career Center. Services include career
fi led with the dean of student services. The student will be and academic counseling and workshops designed to meet
notifi ed, within fi ve (5) working days of the receipt of the the interests and needs of the adult student.
petition, regarding the college’s proposed response to the Course Selection and Enrollment
complaint and any additional steps which will be taken. At the time of registration students will be asked to select
4. Waiver of Student Success and Support Program services—If a classes for enrollment. However, prior to enrollment, it will be
student wants to waive a mandated Student Success and necessary for them to see a counselor and complete a student
Support Program service, such as assessment, orientation, education plan; a list of courses they are eligible to take which
counseling for completion of a student educational plan, and will lead toward the completion of their educational objective.
student follow-up services, they must complete and submit It is to their advantage to see a counselor as soon as possible
a student success and support program waiver petition and prior to the next semester, to work out their class schedule for
return it to Admissions and Records. the next semester.
Other Counseling Services The process of enrolling in classes is explained in the orienta-
In addition to educational planning services, the college coun- tion session. Students access MyGCC Student Center online
seling staff provides a variety of other counseling services to regarding their date and time for registration, as well as the
assist students. other requirements for completing this process.
1. Career Counseling—The Career Center assists students in Instruction and Progress Toward Goals
determining their academic majors, vocational or career Students’ active and diligent participation in their classes is
goals. Most students require specifi c information about the single-most important factor leading to their eventual
certifi cate, vocational and/or college preparation and career academic success. Students are expected to attend all classes
or job requirements. Often students need specialized coun- and to complete all course assignments in a timely fashion. To
seling in seeing how their interests, skills, personal styles assist students in making progress toward their goal the college
and values relate to an academic course of study. Career will provide them with a variety of support services, such as
counseling helps students integrate their aspirations with tutoring, other learning assistance activities, fi nancial support
the work world. (where applicable) and other forms of assistance to increase