Page 37 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 37

34     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        Returning Students                                    ELIGIBILITY FOR COURSES
        1.  Students who return to GCC to complete a degree or cer-  It is the policy of the Glendale Community College District that
           tifi cate program and would normally be placed under the   every class off ered, unless otherwise indicated in the offi  cial
           new catalog requirements in eff ect, may petition for their   catalog and schedule of classes, shall be fully open to enrollment
           original catalog year if the following conditions are met:  and participation by any person who meets the academic pre-
           a.  Student has earned 45 semester units prior to leaving   requisites of such class, and who is otherwise eligible for admis-
             GCC with a minimum GPA of 2.00 and these units are   sion to and enrollment in the college. Students may occasionally
             recorded on the student’s offi  cial  transcript  at  GCC.   have had experience in a given area which they may feel will
             Units earned may refl ect courses taken at GCC, as well   substantially satisfy the stated prerequisite for a course. In this
             as courses taken at other institutions.          situation, the student must have a prerequisite/corequisite challenge
           b.  Student has seen a counselor, has completed a SEP, and   process petition approved to make such substitution. Once such a
             has offi  cially declared a major and an educational goal   petition has been approved, students may not later receive credit
             (including transfer institution, if applicable).  for a course for which they substituted the outside experience.
        The above does not apply to students planning to complete the   Students who are considering developing a petition should fi rst
        general education for CSU or IGETC certifi cation for transfer.  read the section on Credit by Examination.
        CLASS AUDIT POLICY                                    Credit for lower level courses will not be granted if credits have
        A student may audit a class at GCC providing that the fol-  been earned in higher level courses. Some courses have no stated
        lowing conditions are met:                            prerequisite; however, many courses have expected skill levels
                                                              in reading, writing, listening/speaking and math. It has been
        1.  Auditors must be eligible for admission to the college as
           regularly enrolled students.                       substantiated that students enrolled in a course with the stated
                                                              skill levels are more successful in satisfactorily completing the
        2.  Enrollment for the purpose of auditing will be on a space   course. Students should check the current schedule of classes
           available basis, and requires the approval of the instructor.  for a complete explanation on how to match skill level to an
        3.  Priority in class enrollment shall be given to students   appropriate course.
           desiring to take the course for credit; therefore, enroll-  Counselors consider these factors when assisting students to
           ment for audit purposes will not be permitted until the   complete their Student Educational Plan (SEP). Students will
           second week of instruction.                        select courses from the SEP as they make out their programs
        4.  Once audit enrollment is completed, no student will be   during a registration period.
           permitted to change his or her enrollment to receive
           credit. A student shall not be permitted to change his   ENROLLMENT PRIORITY
           or her enrollment from credit to audit.            Eff ective Fall 2014, in compliance with Title V - Enrollment Pri-
        5.  A non-refundable audit fee of $15 per unit, plus Health   orities, all new incoming students must be fully matriculated to
           and Student Services fees, shall be payable at the time of   receive enrollment priority for registration. Full matriculation
           enrollment as an auditor according to established fees by   includes completion of an assessment placement test, orientation,
           the California State Legislature and GCC District Board   and counseling - Abbreviated Student Educational Plan (SEP).
           of Trustees. Students enrolled in 10 or more units will   Timely completion of the assessment placement, orientation, and
           not be charged a fee for auditing up to three units.  counseling - Abbreviated SEP may result in a higher registra-
        6.  No credit will be received for auditing a course. The college   tion priority. Students who do not complete this process by the
           will not maintain any attendance or academic records.  admission application deadline will receive a lower registration
                                                              priority. Admission application deadlines are printed in the
                                                              spring and fall class schedules in addition to be being posted on
        Although not continuous, new and returning students who   the Admissions and Records Important Dates Calendar online
        submit applications during the current academic year (summer   at
        through spring) are not required to submit more than one
        application per academic year. Students will be able to obtain   LOSS OF ENROLLMENT PRIORITY
        registration date and time for any term during the academic   AND APPEAL PROCESS
        year by going to              Continuing Students would lose enrollment priority if they have
                                                              either earned more than 100 units (not including non-degree
                                                              applicable courses) or have been on academic or progress proba-
                                                              tion for two (2) consecutive semesters (Spring/Fall). If the student
                                                              has lost their priority registration, a registration hold will be
                                                              posted to the student’s MyGCC student portal. The registra-
                                                              tion hold prevents the student from registering during priority
                                                              registration. Once priority registration has commenced, the
                                                              registration hold will automatically be released and the student
                                                              will be allowed to register during open registration.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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