Page 38 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 38
Admission and Registration 35
Students are allowed to appeal their Loss of Enrollment Priority Instructional Materials Fee: Various types of instructional
in an attempt to reinstate original priority registration date/time. materials may be required in some classes. For those students
Students must complete & submit an “Appeal of Loss of Enroll- who wish to purchase the materials from the College, an
ment Priority” petition form to the Admissions and Records Instructional Materials fee will be assessed. The courses that
Offi ce along with supporting documentation, by the petition require materials or an Instructional Materials fee are noted
deadline (please contact the Admissions Offi ce for informa- in the Schedule of Classes. These materials include, but are
tion on deadlines). Once the petition has been reviewed by the not limited to, electronic data, tools, equipment, clothing, and
Admissions and Records Director, a decision will be rendered those materials which are necessary for a student’s vocational
and the student will then be notifi ed through their MyGCC training.
student portal. If the petition is approved the registration hold Capital Outlay Fee: The capital outlay fee is $40 per semes-
will be removed and the student will be able to register. If the ter unit for students, who are residents of other states, who
petition is denied, the student will need to register during open are foreign nationals or who have taken legal residence in
registration. California for less than one year.
FEES Supplementary Fees:
Fees are established by the California State Legislature College Catalog: $5 per copy
and the GCC District Board of Trustees. Course Audit Fee: $15 per unit
$ 46 per unit Enrollment Fee* HSE Test Fee: $150
per battery of fi ve tests or
$ 225 per unit Nonresident Tuition*
$25 per test
$ 18 fall/spring Health Services Fee Offi cial College Transcript: First two are free
$ 14 summer/winter
$ 12.50 Student Services Fee** Rush service is an additional $5 per copy
$ No fee Student Photo I.D. Parking: $45 for summer/winter
$ 40 per unit Capital Outlay Fee $75 for fall/spring
Enrollment Fee: All students, resident and non-resident, must Refund Processing Fee: $10
pay the basic enrollment fee of $46 per unit for each semester or Returned Check/Charge Back: $30
summer/winter session. Verifi cation of Enrollment: First two are free
Nonresident Tuition: Nonresident tuition is a mandatory fee of $5
$225 per semester unit (plus the enrollment fee of $46 per unit) Rush service is an additional $5
for students who are residents of other states, who are foreign All fees are subject to change without notice.
nationals or who have taken legal residence in California for less Financial aid may be available to students who meet the
than one year. qualifi cation requirements. The enrollment fee is waived
Health Services Fee: A Health Services fee of $18 per semester and for students who qualify for fi nancial aid. Students with
$14 for a summer or winter inter-session is required of all students. questions concerning fi nancial aid eligibility should contact
Services include blood pressure screening, vision screening and the college Financial Aid Offi ce.
hearing tests, tetanus, measles, mumps, and rubella immuniza- *Mandatory Fee. There is an exemption procedure for fees that
tions, and assistance with health insurance questions. A registered are not mandated by the California State Legislature. Contact the
nurse is available, and students may schedule appointments with respective department for details.
physicians, nurse practitioners, and mental health counselors. The REFUND/REPAYMENT POLICY
health fee may be waived for individuals who are members of a
bona fi de religious organization that believes in prayer for healing. Refund Policy for all Students:
Membership must be documented. 1. Refunds are automatic for those students who withdraw/
drop unit(s) by the due date listed in the schedule of classes
Student Services Fee: The $12.50 Student Services fee is assessed and on the GCC website. There is a $10 refund processing fee.
each semester and summer/winter session. This fee provides 2. Request for parking fee refunds must be initiated by stu-
membership in the ASGCC. In addition, payment of the fee funds dents when they return their parking permits during the
and allows student access to various college activities: the col- specifi c dates indicated in the Schedule of Classes and on
lege bookstore, the college newspaper, inter-collegiate athletics, the GCC website. There is a $10 refund processing fee.
scholarship program, the emergency loan fund and instructional 3. A student will be eligible for a refund who withdraws or
support.**Optional Fee: Students who choose to opt-out of the drops units in accordance with the following:
Student Services Fee are eligible for a refund ONLY if they
complete a fee waiver at the ASGCC Business Offi ce (SM 1st A. Fall and Spring Semester - Students must withdraw/
fl oor) within the fi rst two weeks of the semester or intersession. drop a class within the fi rst two weeks of a semester
length class, or within the fi rst week of a six or eight
Student Photo I.D. : The card is used at the library, the bookstore, week class.
offi ces in College Services and instructional labs at the college.
There is no fee.