Page 43 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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40     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS                            DANCE - Ballet Technique; Modern Dance Technique; Jazz
        Students are classifi ed as follows:  Full time—enrolled in   Technique; American Vernacular Dances; Cultural Dance;
        twelve (12) or more units in a regular semester or four (4) or   Choreographic Studies; Performance Skills; Production Stud-
        more units during an inter-session. Part time—enrolled in   ies; and Movement for Theatre
        less than twelve (12) units during a regular semester or less   MUSIC -  Piano; Classical Guitar; Contemporary Guitar;
        than four (4) units during an inter- session. Freshman—one   Voice Training
        who has completed less than 30 units; Sophomore—one who   THEATRE ARTS - Acting; Directing, Playwriting, Manage-
        has completed 30 units or more.                       ment; Costume and Makeup; Scenic and Lighting, Techni-
                                                              cal Theatre: Stagecraft/Building; Musical Theatre; Theatre
                                                              Production-Rehearsal and Performance; Technical Theatre
        Students or former students are expected to meet fi nancial   Production-Running Crew
        obligation due to the District. Pursuant to Title 5, Section   PHYSICAL EDUCATION/KINESIOLOGY - Adapted P.E.,
        59410, college services such as grades, transcripts, diplomas,   Badminton, Basketball, Cardio Fitness, Cycling, Golf, Martial
        registration privileges or any combination thereof may be   Arts, Motor Performance Fitness, Soccer/Football, Tennis,
        withheld from any student or former student who has not   Volleyball
        made satisfactory arrangements to meet his or her fi nan-
        cial obligation to the district. When, in the judgment of the   Petitioning for Additional Enrollments
        district, the fi nancial obligation has been satisfi ed, college   There are exceptions under which a student may be allowed
        services will be reinstated.                          to enroll in a class to alleviate a substandard grade. Students
                                                              may petition to enroll in a class for a third time (second
        COURSE REPETITION                                     repeat) by completing the Request for Third Enrollment form.
        In the past, students have elected to repeat courses for diff er-  The student must obtain approvals from the instructor and
        ent reasons including alleviating a substandard grade (F, D,   division chair. The student must register in person at the
        NC, NP) or non-evaluative symbol (W), to improve skills or   Admissions and Records Offi  ce during the fi rst week of a
        to comply with an employer’s requirements. However, due to   semester/intersession.
        changes in regulations (Title 5 and CCCCO), a student’s ability   GCC  may permit one additional enrollment in the same
        to repeat a course is now more limited.               credit class for the fourth time, but the student will need to
        Under the new regulations, students will be limited to three   submit a Petition to Waive College Requirement form (Admis-
        “takes” of a course to alleviate a substandard grade. Previous   sions and Records Offi  ce). The petition only allows a student
        enrollments will count toward the total three allowable takes   to repeat a course due to signifi cant lapse of time (3 years)
        per course. All substandard grades and withdrawals shall   since the course was last taken, OR when there are specifi c
        count toward the three enrollments.                   documented extenuating circumstances such as fl ood, fi re,
        Furthermore, only three types of courses may be repeatable   or other extraordinary conditions beyond the student’s
        (regardless of grade), including courses that are designed spe-  control. No additional units attempted or grade points are
        cifi cally for intercollegiate athletics, intercollegiate academic   allowed for the repeated course.
        or vocational competition courses, or courses for which the   For further information on how these new regulations may
        repetition of the course is required by a University of Cali-  aff ect you, please see your counselor. Information about
        fornia or California State University. All repeatable courses   the new regulations can be found on the State Chancellor’s
        are indicated as such in the course description section of this   Offi  ce website:
        catalog.                                              Discrimination.aspx.
        The new regulations also require grouping active participa-  In computing the grade-point average of a student who
        tory courses previously designated as “activities” courses   repeats a course in which a “D’’, “F’’, “NC”, or “NP” grade
        into “families” and limiting enrollment in courses within the   was received, the previous grade is disregarded and the new
        families to four experiences regardless of grade.     one is counted in calculation of the student’s GPA if the new
        Course families are courses with related content where the   grade is equal to or higher than the original grade. After
        content progresses into levels from one course to the next (Title   satisfactory completion of a course, students should submit a
        5 §55000) or in which the content is linked around themes.   Request to Count the Higher Grade petition to the Admissions
        Areas that are now required to group courses into families are:   and Records Offi  ce in order to have their academic records
        Physical Education and Visual and Performing Arts. Listed   adjusted. The original grade on the academic record will
        below are GCC’s Course Families: (For specifi c courses in each   not be changed or eradicated.
        family, refer to the course description section of the catalog)  In some cases, students may also be able to repeat a course
        Course Families                                       for credit when the student has “used up” the four class experi-
                                                              ences within a family. For repeatable courses, a student may
        ART - Ceramics; Ceramic Hand Building                 petition to enroll in a course for additional experiences if the
        STUDIO ARTS - 2D Art Foundations; Life Drawing; Oil   course is determined to be legally mandated (i.e. First Aid),
        Media; Water Media; Printmaking; Special Projects in Studio   required to meet industry standards, or due to extenuating
        Arts; Sculpture; and 3D Design                        circumstances (Per Title 5 § 55040 (8) & (9), and § 55045).

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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