Page 44 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 44

Scholastic Information and Regulations         41

            Students with disabilities can repeat a special class for   Students wishing to challenge courses approved for exami-
            students with disabilities any number of times when an   nation must obtain the form “Petition for Credit by Examina-
            individualized determination verifi es that such repetition   tion’’ from their counselor and discuss eligibility according
            is required as a disability-related accommodation for the   to criteria set up by the college.
            student for one of the reasons specifi ed in Title 5 § 56029.   Units for which credit is given pursuant to these exams
            For questions and assistance regarding petitioning for addi-  will not be counted in determining the 12 semester units
            tional enrollments to alleviate a substandard grade or repeat   of credit in residence required for graduation with an
            a class past the four experiences, see your college counselor.  Associate degree.
                                                                  Courses open to Credit by Exam include the following:
                                                                    Accounting 110
            GCC recognizes the Advanced Placement (AP) Program of   Administration of Justice 101, 110, 116, 118, 120
            the College Entrance Examination Board. Course credit is   Architecture 101
            granted for AP Exams with a score of three or higher if the   AT 114 (Commercial Pilot Certifi cate required), 120 (Pri-
            division concerned has determined that the material cov-   vate Pilot Certifi cate required), 122 (Instrument Rating
            ered is comparable to a specifi c course off ering within that   required), 125 (Instrument Rating required), 135 (FAA
            division. AP credit may be granted for fulfi llment of GCC’s   Commercial Pilot Certifi cate required or satisfactory
            degree requirements, GE breath certifi cation for the CSU,   score on FAA Commercial Pilot Knowledge Exam)
            and IGETC. However, when a student transfers to any other   Business Administration 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 204
            college or university, that institution routinely re-evaluates   CABOT 104, 162, 205, 206, 208, 210, 265, 270, 275, 276
            AP units in accordance with its own internal policies. Thus,   Chemistry 101, 102, 110
            AP units remain intact and do not transfer as GCC courses.   CS/IS 135
            For AP credit for transfer to a four-year college/university,   Economics 101*, 102*
            see the Transfer Center.                                Electronics and Computer Technology 110
            It is the student’s responsibility to petition for credit through   Engineering 101
            the Admissions and Records Offi  ce. Since several universi-  Geology 101
            ties require a minimum score in order to receive subject   Health 101, 102, 104, 106
            credit, students must discuss the applicability of AP credit   History 101*, 102*, 117*, 118*
            with an academic counselor prior to submitting a petition   Machine Technology 101, 111
            to the Admissions and Records Offi  ce.                   Metallurgy 150
            Units for which credit is given pursuant to the AP Exams   Nursing Science (all)
            shall not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours   Political Science 101*, 106
            of credit in residence required for graduation.         Psychology 101*
            Credit for AP will be granted only during the fall and spring   Technical Education 142, 143
            semesters to students who have successfully completed or   NOTE: No student may earn more than 12 units by “examination’’.
            are enrolled in at least 12 units at GCC.             *Also available through CLEP
            The maximum number of credits allowable for Advanced   College Level Examination Program Policy (CLEP)
            Placement—including any Credit by Exam units—shall    CLEP is designed to award academic credit to students who
            not exceed 30 units. Credit by Exam transferred from other   have completed 12 or more semester units in residence at
            institutions is counted toward this maximum.          GCC with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and have gained

            CREDIT BY EXAMINATION                                 the equivalency of college course work through means other
                                                                  than enrollment in a formal college program.
            Students currently registered in the college and are in good
            standing and who believe they qualifi ed by experience or   Glendale College also grants credit for some of the various
            previous training, may apply to take a special examination   subject exams. For amount and type of credit awarded contact
            to establish credit in a course in which they are not formally   Admissions and Records or your counselor. Students transfer-
            registered.                                           ring to other colleges and universities should check with the
            Students may not petition for credit by exam if they enrolled   receiving institution as to the awarding of credit for both the
            in the course and received a letter grade of “I’’, “D’’, “NP” or   general examinations and the subject examinations.
            “F’’. Students may not petition for credit by exam for a course   Units for which credit is given pursuant to these exams will
            if that course is at a lower level in the subject sequence than   not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit
            a course for which the student has already received credit   in residence required for graduation, nor will CLEP credit be
            through completion of the course.                     used toward IGETC certifi cation.
            Students may attempt Credit by Exam only once in a par-
            ticular course. If a course has already been taken for credit,
            it is not repeatable for Credit by Exam.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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