Page 40 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Admission and Registration        37

            Intent to establish residency in most cases cannot be proven   STUDENT RECORDS
            with only one or two pieces of evidence. The more evidence   Annually Glendale Community College informs students
            you can present to show intent, the easier it is to become a   of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,
            California resident for tuition purposes All documentation   as amended; of the provisions of Sections 76200-76246 of
            must be submitted to the Admissions and Records Offi  ce   the Education Code of the State of California; and of the
            PRIOR to the start of the semester of attendance.     provisions of Sections 54600-54630 of Title 5 of the Califor-
            A “non-resident student’’ means any person who has had   nia Administrative Code. These references, with which the
            residence in California for less than one year on the day   institution intends to comply fully, were designated to pro-
            preceding the fi rst day of instruction of a semester or inter-  tect the privacy of education records, to establish the right
            session during which the person proposes to attend.   of students to inspect and review their education records,
            A “non-resident student’’ may be admitted to GCC, but will   to provide the process by which students may challenge
            be required to pay either an out-of-state or an international   the accuracy of those records, and to provide guidelines
            student tuition charge as appropriate to their circumstances.   for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through
            The tuition rates are established on a yearly basis. For   informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right
            information concerning the current rates please contact the   to  fi le complaints with the Family Education Rights and
            Student Fees Offi  ce.                                  Privacy Act (FERPA) Offi  ce concerning alleged failures by
            In determining the place of residence the following rules   the institution to comply with the Act.
            apply:                                                An institutional guide explains in detail the procedures to
            1.  There can be only one residence.                  be used by the institution for compliance with the provisions
            2.  A residence is the place where one remains when not   of the Act. Copies of the guide may be found in the campus
              called elsewhere for labor or other special or temporary   library as well as in the Offi  ce of Admissions and Records.
              purpose, and to which he returns in seasons of repose.  Questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and
            3.  A residence cannot be lost until another is gained.  Privacy Act may be referred to the Offi  ce of Admissions.
            4.  Residence can be changed only by the union of act and   STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                  Glendale Community College provides its students with a
            5.  A man or woman may establish his or her residence. A   wide variety of academic assistance and support services.
              woman’s residence shall not be derived from that of her   It is the responsibility of each student to meet the require-
              husband.                                            ments printed in the college catalog, the class schedule and
            6.  The residence of the parent with whom an unmarried   college announcements.
              minor child maintains his or her place of abode is the   The college establishes certain academic policies and
              residence of the unmarried minor child. When the minor   requirements which must be completed before a degree
              lives with neither parent his or her residence is that of   or certifi cate can be granted. These include major and unit
              the parent with whom he or she maintained his or her   requirements, as well as verifi cation of satisfying course
              last place of abode, provided the minor may establish his   prerequisites. Students also are responsible to see that they
              or her residence when both parents are deceased and a   meet the admission requirements to the college or university
              legal guardian has not been appointed.              of their choice if they elect to pursue an educational goal
            7.  The residence of an unmarried minor who has a parent   beyond their sophomore year. While counselors, faculty,
              living cannot be changed by his or her own act, by the   administrators and staff  will provide students with infor-
              appointment of a legal guardian, or by relinquishment   mation and assistance, responsibility for meeting these
              of a parent’s right of control.                     requirements remains with the students.
            8.  An alien, including an unmarried minor alien, may   To insure timely information from the college, students
              establish his or her residence, unless precluded by the   must inform the Offi  ce of Admissions and Records of
              Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101, et seq.)   changes in personal data, including change of name and
              from establishing residence in the United States.   address. It is the student’s responsibility to enroll prop-
            9.  The residence of an unmarried minor alien shall be   erly for classes. A student who fails to enroll offi  cially
              derived from his or her parents pursuant to the provisions   in a class will not be given credit for that class. It is the
              listed above (6 & 7).                               student’s responsibility to withdraw offi  cially  from  the
            *California Education Code Section 68062              college or drop classes when he or she stops attending and
                                                                  to observe established deadlines. Otherwise, “F’’ grades
                                                                  may be assigned.
                                                                  Other areas regarding student responsibility are included in
                                                                  the catalog under sections for: Admission and Registration;
                                                                  and Scholarship Information and Regulations.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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