Page 27 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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24     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        Eff ective in Fall 2016, students who are eligible for a California   brings their SSCG annual award amount to $1,298. Students
        College Promise Grant may lose their eligibility if they fail to   whose summer enrollment brings their annual unit total to 30+
        sustain a Cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 2.0 or higher and complete   units will receive a summer payment amount that brings their
        more than 50 percent of their coursework. If a student’s CGPA   SSCG annual award amount to $4,000.
        falls below 2.0 for two consecutive primary terms (fall or spring),   Federal Pell Grant Program
        the student is placed on academic probation. If the cumulative
        number of units completed is not more than 50 percent in two   Glendale College participates in the Federal Pell Grant Program
        consecutive primary terms, the student is placed on progress   which provides federal grants of up to a maximum of $5,920 per
        probation.                                            year for students, depending upon the family and/or student
           Academic: Maintain a CGPA of 2.0 or higher         fi nancial information provided on the FAFSA and the student’s
                                                              enrollment status. Students may receive Pell Grant for up to
           Progress: Complete more than 50% of coursework successfully  the equivalent of six years of undergraduate study. Applicants
        Any combination of two consecutive primary terms of academic   must be US citizens or eligible non-citizens, complete the Free
        and/or progress probation may result in the loss of the California   Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and submit any
        College Promise Grant.                                other required paperwork. All application materials and forms
        Cal Grants                                            are available online at the Financial Aid Offi  ce website: www.
        The California Student Aid Commission off ers  grants  for nancialaid.
        students attending a California college. To apply, students must   Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
        complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)   (SEOG)
        by March 2 for the following Fall. Some grants may be available
        for students who miss the March 2 deadline but fi le the FAFSA   Glendale College participates in the Federal Supplemental
        by September 2. Students who have completed fewer than 16   Educational Opportunity Grant program which provides federal
        degree applicable units with a letter grade must also have a Cal   grants for students who qualify. The average grant at GCC is $200
        Grant GPA Verifi cation form completed by their high school or   per semester. Applicants must meet all federal Title IV fi nancial
        former college (This form is available in the Financial Aid Offi  ce).  aid requirements, complete the Free Application for Federal
                                                              Student Aid (FAFSA), and submit any other required paperwork.
        Student Success Completion Grant                      All application materials are available in the Financial Aid Offi  ce.
        The SSCG grant award provides students with additional   Funds are very limited, and only a portion of eligible students
        fi nancial aid to help off set the total cost of community college   will receive an award.
        attendance, and encourages full time attendance and successful   Federal Work Study
        on-time completion.
                                                              Students who are interested in the Federal Work-study (FWS)
        To be eligible for payment in the fall or winter/spring semester,   program are required to complete a Free Application for Federal
        you must meet all of the criteria detailed below in each semester   Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit any other required paperwork.
        you expect payment:
                                                              If awarded FWS, the student should contact the Job Placement
           • You must receive a full-time Cal Grant B or C payment.   Offi  ce to inquire about work opportunities.
            Students Choosing to take a Leave of Absence for their Cal   Federal Direct Loan Program
            Grant will not be eligible to receive payment for the SSCG
           • To receive $649 in the fall or winter/spring semester, you   The Federal Direct Subsidized Loan is a federally supported loan
            must be enrolled in 12-14.99 units per semester   available to needy students. Eligible Glendale College students
           • To receive $2,000 in the fall or winter/spring semester, you   may borrow between $500 and $4,500 based on need and grade
            must be enrolled in 15+ units per semester        level. Students must be eligible for need-based aid to receive a
           • If you are on Financial Aid Contract, only units from the   Direct Subsidized Loan. There is no repayment or interest accrual
            courses listed on your contract will count toward your   while a student is enrolled at least half-time. Interest begins to
            eligibility                                       accrue and repayment begins six months after the student is
           • You must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Stan-  no longer enrolled at least half-time. Combined interest and
            dards                                             principal payments begin at a minimum of $50 per month for a
           • Have unmet need                                  maximum of 10 years. Information on other repayment plans is
        Summer SSCG are awarded on a funds-available basis. Student   available by attending a Loan Workshop.
        who have received the maximum SSCG amount for fall and   The Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan is available for sophomore
        winter/spring ($4,000) are not eligible for summer SSCG.   level and out-of-state students who do not demonstrate fi nancial
        Students enrolling for the summer term will be considered for   need or need to borrow more than the subsidized amount. While
        a summer SSCG payment based on their unit total for the year   the terms of the loan are similar to those noted above, interest
        (completed fall and winter/spring units plus enrolled summer   accrual begins immediately. Students may be eligible for an
        units).  Students whose summer enrollment brings their annual   additional $2,000-$6,000 through this program.
        unit total to 24-29 will receive a summer payment amount that

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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