Page 23 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 23
Any student or employee who believes that he or she has • Smoking is not allowed on campus or in any GCC-owned
been harassed or retaliated against in violation of this policy or leased facility or in any district-owned or leased
should immediately report such incidents by following vehicles. This includes all district-owned parking lots,
the procedures described in AR 3435 Discrimination and whether inside or outside of a vehicle.
Harassment Investigations. Supervisors are mandated to • This also applies to electronic cigarettes or other imita-
report all incidents of harassment and retaliation that come tion cigarette devices.
to their attention. • Violations to the policy are subject to a $100 fi ne.
This policy applies to all aspects of the academic environ- The College Police are authorized by the Board of Trustees
ment, including but not limited to classroom conditions, to enforce this policy and issue citations consistent with
grades, academic standing, employment opportunities, California Government Codes 7596-7598.
scholarships, recommendations, disciplinary actions, An information campaign has started at GCC to inform
and participation in any community college activity. In students, staff and the public of this change in policy. Cur-
addition, this policy applies to all terms and conditions rently, the College Police are educating and enforcing this
of employment, including but not limited to hiring, place- policy on all District campuses.
ment, promotion, disciplinary action, layoff , recall, transfer, Additional sanctions can also be placed through other
leave of absence, training opportunities and compensation.
administrative means such as the Student Code of Conduct
To this end the Superintendent/President or designee shall or Administrative Regulations as prescribed in campus
ensure that the institution undertakes education and train- policies and procedures.
ing activities to counter discrimination and to prevent, Any person observed littering (such as throwing a cigarette
minimize and/or eliminate any hostile environment that on the ground) can be issued a citation, consistent with
impairs access to equal education opportunity or impacts California Penal Code 374.4.
the terms and conditions of employment.
This policy does not apply to city-owned land. Information on
The Superintendent/President or designee shall establish city restrictions on smoking can be found at the following link:
administrative regulations that defi ne harassment on
campus. The Superintendent/President or designee shall nity-development/urban-design-mobility/community-outreach/
further establish regulations for employees, students, and fresh-air-program.
other members of the campus community that provide for Reference: California Ed. Code Sec. 76030-76033(e)
the investigation and resolution of complaints regarding
harassment and discrimination, and procedures for students STUDENT DIRECTORY INFORMATION POLICY
to resolve complaints of harassment and discrimination. Certain categories of student information are considered
All participants are protected from retaliatory acts by the “open” or directory information. The college policy on the
District, its employees, students, and agents. sharing of directory information to outside agencies and
This policy and related written regulations (including the individuals (including parents and spouses of enrolled
regulation for making complaints) shall be widely published students) is limited to: name, e-mail address; major
and publicized to administrators, faculty, staff , and stu- fi eld of study; dates of attendance; degrees, honors and
dents, particularly when they are new to the institution, as awards received; and the most recent previous institution
required in Education Code 66281.5. Employees who violate attended. A student may request that directory information
the policy and regulations may be subject to disciplinary not be released by signing a request form at the Offi ce
measures up to and including expulsion. of Admissions and Records. The request form must be
For more information on Board Policy 3430, please contact received by the last day of the second week of instruction
the Associate Vice President, Human Resources at (818) for a fall or spring semester or by the last day of the fi rst
240-1000, ext. 5165, or check online at week of instruction for a winter or summer session. In
that case, this information will not be disclosed except
NON-SMOKING POLICY ON CAMPUS with the consent of the student or as otherwise allowed
It is the policy of the Glendale Community College district by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
to not allow smoking on campus. On April 15, 2013, the (FERPA). BP 5040.
Board of Trustees approved a revision of Board Policy 3570
Smoking Policy which states that smoking is not permit-
ted on any district-owned property. This policy pertains
to students, faculty, staff , administrators, visitors, and the
general public.
In addition, the Campus Executive Committee of Glendale
Community College approved a revision of Administrative
Regulation 3570 Smoking Policy. Included in this revision
are the following: