Page 19 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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16     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        Institutions Outside the United States                VETERAN EDUCATION
        College credit transferred from outside the United States will   Glendale Community College is approved as a degree-
        need to be evaluated by an independent international credentials   granting institution for the attendance of veterans and
        evaluation agency. A list of these agencies are available through   veteran’s dependents entitled to educational assistance.
        the Admissions & Records Offi  ce and the International Student   After fi ling an application for admission, a veteran wishing
        Center. An offi  cial copy of the evaluation must be sent to the   to attend on one of the V.A. assistance bills should complete
        College by the agency. It is mandatory to include the break-  all necessary forms with the college Veterans Certifying
        down of upper/lower division coursework, the semester unit   Offi  cial located in AA-1. The Certifying Offi  cial can be reached
        equivalency, and the grade (A-F or Pass/No Pass). No course   by calling (818) 240-1000, ext. 3360 or 5204 or by emailing
        taken outside of the United States can be used for Reading and
        Written Expression, Oral Communication, or the American
        Institution requirements. Courses can only be used for the   An Intent-To-Register form must be submitted to the
        GCC AA or AS degree; not for IGETC or Breadth certifi cation.  Veterans Certifying Offi  cial for each semester that they
                                                              wish to receive the Montgomery GI Bill or Post 9-11 (Chapter
        TRANSFERS TO FOUR-YEAR COLLEGES                       33) benefi ts.
        AND UNIVERSITIES                                      It is the veteran’s responsibility to promptly notify the
                                                              college Veterans Certifying Offi  cial of any change in
        Students may take courses at Glendale Community College
        which will qualify them to transfer to most four-year colleges   program, which would aff ect their VA assistance. The
        and universities with junior standing. The requirements of   College Veterans Certifying Offi  cial will forward all
        colleges vary so it is not possible to prescribe a program of work   appropriate documents concerning the application to the
        which will apply to all of them. However, written agreements   VA processing center located in Muskogee, Oklahoma.
        for both general education and major requirements have been   Veterans who are taking a course which lasts less than a
        established with many of the four-year colleges and universities   semester will be paid only for the actual enrollment period.
        in California.                                        The educational assistance allowance payable to Veterans is:
        Students should consult their counselor to develop a plan   Full time —12 units or more
        to achieve their goal of transferring. Students can utilize   3/4 time —9-11½ units
        the Glendale Community College Transfer Center website
        at to obtain information   1/2 time —6-8½ units
        regarding the diff erent pathways to transfer to a four-year   1/4 time —3-5½ units
        university from Glendale Community College.           Veterans must select an approved program of study, and will
        Student Right-to-Know Act                             only be paid for courses taken from the student education
        In accordance with the Federal Student Right-to-Know Act, the   plan (SEP). Veterans must see the Veteran’s counselor in
        college is required to make information about the completion   the Veterans Resource Center offi  ce to develop a student
        and transfer rates of fi rst-time freshmen available to current   education plan (SEP). An appointment can be made by
        and prospective students. For current completion and transfer   calling (818) 240-1000, ext. 3360 or by emailing gccvrc@
        rates, contact the Research & Planning offi  ce in AD 151.
                                                              Veterans can also visit the Veteran Resource Center located
                                                              in AA-1B. The Veteran Resource Center is an informational
                                                              center that can assist with any questions regarding Veterans
                                                              educational benefi ts at GCC, as well as a great opportunity
                                                              to meet with other Veterans and talk about their goals.
                                                              Veterans can also join the Veteran’s Association Club. For
                                                              more information, visit

                                                       Professor J. Keshavarz also known as Coach K was recently the recipient
                                                       of the 452nd Air Mobility Wing Airman of the year award. He serves
                                                       in the United States Air Force Reserves as a “Guardian of Life” with
                                                       the 752nd Medical Squadron.  Coach K is the jumps coach for Glendale
                                                       College Track & Field and an instructor for the Health/Kinesiology
                                                       department. In this photo Coach K is fl anked by Brigadier General
                                                       Burger (452nd AMW Commander), Lieutenant General Ogden (4th
                                                       Air Force Commander), Chief Villa (452nd AMW Command Chief)
                                                       and Chief White (USAF Reserves Command Chief).

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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