Page 15 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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12     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        Student Benefi ts of Cooperative Work Experience Education  3.    Proctored Online Courses: Assignments and examina-
        1.  Learn or improve job skills under actual working      tions in a Proctored Online Course will be submitted in an
           conditions.                                            asynchronous manner, but students will be required to take
        2.  Gain perspective on career goals through application of   tests at a proctoring facility. Your instructor will provide
           classroom theory to “real life experience.”            proctoring accommodations at GCC. Off -site  proctoring
        3.  Build self-identity and confi dence as a worker through   services could be available at the discretion of the instructor.
           individual attention given by instructor/coordinator   Once enrolled in a Distance Education course, students must
           and employers.                                     retrieve and read the Welcome Letter emailed to their GCC
        4.  Opportunity to test personal abilities in work    student email account 2-5 days prior to the beginning of
           environments.                                      the term. This Welcome Letter will explain the policies and
        5.  Have a more realistic approach to the job market.  procedures of the course and how to complete the Check-
        6.  Gain a better understanding of human relations.   In Assignment by Thursday night of a 4-8 week course
        7.  Refer to work experience education on future job   or by Sunday night of a 10-16 week course to established
                                                              attendance and not be dropped.
                                                              Attendance, Drop & Participation Policy: Students in distance
        Glendale Community College off ers a variety of Distance Educa-  education courses are required to ‘attend’ and participate just as if
        tion courses to meet your needs including Online courses and   they were in an in-person course. Students who do not participate,
        Hybrid courses. Distance Education courses shall utilize features   that is, who consistently do not complete assignments, quizzes,
        of the Learning Management System (LMS), Canvas, such as   respond to forums or turn in other work, will be notifi ed that
        Course Documents, Discussion Boards, Virtual Classrooms,   they may be dropped from the course for non-participation. It
        Groups, Assignments, External Links, Digital Drop Boxes and   is important that online and hybrid instructors be very clear
        Grade Books, Asynchronous and/or Synchronous* learning, etc.   in their Syllabus and Welcome Letters about what constitutes
        Internet and other technologies are used in learning exercises   participation and late work.
        every week to ensure regular and eff ective contact between
        instructor and student and between student and student.   Any portion of a course provided through distance education
        Distance Education courses are equivalent to an in-person   must be consistent with guidelines issued by the Chancellor’s
        course. Courses are taught by the same qualifi ed instructors   Offi  ce, pursuant to section 409 of the Procedures and Standing
        and follow the same curriculum and standards as an in-person   Orders of the Board of Governors.
        based course. Distance Education courses provide fl exibility in   GLENDALE COLLEGE POLICE DEPARTMENT
        scheduling and are especially helpful for self-directed learners.   The Glendale College Police Department is open 365 days
        It is recommended that students be comfortable with comput-  a year. To report a crime or suspicious activity please call
        ers, particularly the Internet, before taking an online or hybrid   (818) 551-5205 or stop by in person at SM 153. For emergencies
        course. Make sure to read the course Ticket Note before choos-  you may dial extension 4000 from a college phone or call
        ing to enroll. *Synchronous refers to a learning environment   (818) 551-4911 from a cell or telephone. The department is
        in which everyone takes part at the same time. Asynchronous   an authorized terminal user of all local, regional, state and
        refers to a learning environment in which everyone does not   federal criminal justice information systems (e.g., wanted
        take part at the same time.
                                                              persons, DMV, stolen vehicles/property, criminal records,
        For more information on GCC Distance Education, go to   etc.). Our goal is to provide timely and appropriate responses and click on GET STARTED.     to community problems and needs.
        For Canvas 24/7 Technical Support available at 1-844-600-4951.  Police Offi  cers of the GCC Police Department are armed, duly
                                                              sworn peace offi  cers of the State of California. Empowered by
         Distance Education off ers three types of courses:
                                                              section 830.32 of the California Penal Code, offi  cers possess
        1.    Online Courses: An Online course is off ered fully online.   the same authority, and adhere to the same state-mandated
            Students cannot be required to meet face-to-face for offi  ce   standards, as municipal police offi  cers.  Therefore,  under
            hours, orientations, homework, exams, distribution of   California law, the offi  cers authority extends to any place in
            resource materials, or any other course component. All   the state for the purpose of performing their primary duty
            course instructions, materials, assignments, and discussions   or when making an arrest pursuant to section 836 of the
            are posted and completed online through Canvas.   California Penal Code; however, eff orts are concentrated on
                                                              the college and its immediate environment. Our department
        2.    Hybrid Courses: A Hybrid course is off ered partly online   enjoys a positive and close working relationship with the
            with online content and/or activities and partly face-to-  City of Glendale Police Department, with whom we share
            face with in-person meetings. The instructor will give an   proximity, mutual interests, and geographic jurisdiction.
            in-person orientation and in-class exams as stated in his/  GCCPD offi  cers may work in uniform or plain-clothes. They
            her syllabus.
                                                              provide a full range of police related services, including:
                                                              primary emergency response; preventative patrol; initial
                                                              investigation of observed, reported, or suspected crime;

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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