Page 13 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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10     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

           1.  Development of communication and computational skills   ACCREDITATION
             which form a base for training in critical thinking as   Glendale Community College is accredited by the Accrediting
             exemplifi ed in drawing sound conclusions from premises,   Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the
             making relevant judgments, and discriminating among   Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial
             values.                                          Boulevard, Suite 204, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 506-0234, an
           2.  Knowledge of the cultural heritage as the accumulated   institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for
             record of the development of mankind.            Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department
           3.  Appreciation for aesthetic expression, excellence, and   of Education. Glendale Community College was evaluated
             creativity as major values.                      in 2016 and is an Accredited Institution. The next scheduled
           4.  Foundation in knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary   evaluation will take place in 2023. Glendale Community
             for occupational employment.                     College accepts credit for courses completed at colleges and
           5.  Cultivation of habits which are essential to physical and   universities that have been accredited by one of the regional
             emotional growth, citizenship, and societal responsibili-  accrediting associations.
           6.  Development of an awareness of the infl uence of such   ADVISORY COMMITTEES
             environmental problems as population growth, land-use,   Glendale Community College seeks advice about the
             and pollution on the quality of life through fi eld observa-  programs and goals of the institutions. Individual citizens
             tion and other experiences.                      representing organizations, interests, and specifi c programs
                                                              contribute their time to ensure that the college is meeting
        g.  Adult education: A varied adult education program including
           high school diploma subjects, English as a second language,   student, industry, and community needs.
           citizenship, parent preschool education, retirement seminars,   ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
           and offi  ce skills, is off ered by the Noncredit Education offi  ce.
                                                              The Glendale College Alumni Association offi  ce is located in
        h.  Community services: The college also off ers a fee-based pro-  the Foundation Offi  ce, John A. Davitt Administration Build-
           gram designed to provide public service in a wide variety of   ing, Room AD 149.  It is free to join the Alumni Association.
           avocational, recreational, self-improvement and other career   Alumni are active supporters of all the major initiatives of
           development subjects. None of these courses are off ered for   the Foundation and help to mentor students, serve on boards
           college credit. If you have received a traffi  c ticket, Traffi  c   and donate to help students succeed.  To fi nd out about how
           Violators School is held both weekends and weekdays. For   alumni can leave a legacy to Glendale College Foundation,
           more information visit Community Service Education.   please call (818) 551-5196.
        i.  Education for creative use of leisure time: The college   THE BAJA CALIFORNIA FIELD STUDIES PROGRAM
           encourages students to develop skills and an appreciation   Glendale Community College has been off ering fi eld classes
           for creative use of leisure time.
                                                              and fi eld trips in the Baja California peninsula of Mexico
        j.  Preparation for the future: The college urges students to   since 1974. The college maintains a facility in the peninsula,
           become more sensitive to world crises created by a burgeon-  the fi eld station “Estación del Mar Cortés’’, which serves as
           ing population and by the increasing demands of people and   a headquarters for various curricular off erings of interest to
           nations upon resources. Students learn to approach these   its faculty and students. Over the years, courses in marine
           crises through the scientifi c method of the natural sciences   biology, natural history, oceanography, geology, history of
           and through the combined methods of the humanities and   Baja California, philosophy, psychology, health, geography,
           social sciences and co-curricular programs. It is important   physical education, English and Spanish have been off ered.
           for students to realize that the structure of human society is   The Center for Students with Disabilities has also participated
           changing and that new and diff erent technologies will aff ect   in our fi eld activities.
           the transition.                                    In a setting that emphasizes fi eld observation and cooperative
        k.  Services to meet the unique needs of ethnic-minority   learning, the program aims to expose students to a
           students: The college is committed to cultural diversity   pristine and complex natural environment coupled with a
           within its student body achieved by recruitment of resident   unique experience in Mexican culture. Diff erent academic
           Americans of various national origins and by the acceptance   experiences are integrated in a setting which results in
           of a signifi cant number of foreign-visa students. Meeting the   memorable and long-lasting adventures in learning. By living
           needs of these students realistically is an important function   and learning together, a community of learners is created
           of the college.                                    where the beauty and complexity of the human and natural
                                                              world can be observed, studied and enjoyed.
                                                              Students interested in participating in any of the programs
                                                              off ered should contact the Baja California Field Studies
                                                              Program offi  ce at (818) 240-1000, ext. 3159, for application
                                                              forms. You can also obtain more information and learn
                                                              about current off erings at

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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