Page 17 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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14     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                                MYGCC.GLENDALE.EDU
        Glendale Community College welcomes students from     MyGCC is a private website available to GCC students
        all nationalities who desire to study in the United States.   after they have applied for admission and have received a
        During any given semester, there are approximately 550   student ID number. Log on to MyGCC from home, or from
        to 600 International visa students (F-1 category) enrolled   any computer with an Internet connection. Go to MyGCC.
        full-time at the College representing over 60 countries. 24/7. Enter your Student ID and Password, and
        International students who seek admission to GCC may   access a wide range of information, most of it personalized.
        receive application materials from the International Student   Students are responsible for activating their college issued
        Offi  ce, located on the third fl oor of the Sierra Vista Building.   email address and monitoring their MyGCC student portal.
        Prospective International applicants are encouraged to   All offi  cial correspondence from the college will be sent to
        contact the offi  ce at the following: Phone: (818) 240-1000,   your college issued email address.
        ext. 5439 or 6645, E-mail: The GCC   MyGCC provides students with their current and previous
        Website provides a menu   class schedules, registration information, student e-mail,
        option for “International Students” from the home page.   fi nancial aid information, and course history, including
        Here, students can print out the International Application   grades. Students can also change their mailing address
        Forms & “Checklist” of instructions. There is also an   through MyGCC. Through links, students can also connect
        “online” application link available. International Student   to many GCC resources such as registration, class schedules,
        Offi  ce hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to   library workshops, scholarships, and more.
        5:30 p.m., and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.          Click the links to plan your schedule, enroll in classes, make
        In order to be admitted to GCC, International students must   a payment, and see appointment details.
        submit the following forms and credentials: “International   1. Log in - Online
        Student Application Form” and required processing fee   2. Plan - Search for classes, validate prerequisites, organize
        of $60.00; offi  cial transcripts and diploma of High School   schedule prior to registration.
        record, or any college/university work completed, along   3. Enroll - Click the Enroll button to confi rm classes in
        with English translations; offi  cial TOEFL score min. 45 iBT   your shopping cart. Click Finish Enrolling, review your
        exam or IELTS “band” score of 4.5 to 5 min.; Affi  davit of   new class schedule.
        Support Form and offi  cial bank statement certifi cation, along   4. Pay-Click on make a payment to view outstanding charges.
        with one-page personal essay. Please Note: International   SCHOLARS PROGRAM
        students under 18 years of age must show High School or
        Secondary School “equivalency” of completion (as defi ned   The Glendale Community College Scholars Program is
        by country system) by the time they register for classes.  the College’s honors program. The Scholars Program has
        Also Note: New students can be processed for “Credit   been created to serve the needs of academically promising
        ESL/language” studies without the TOEFL or IELTS exam.   students, off ering them opportunities for more intensive
        Please contact the International Student Offi  ce for details   study, plus service and collegial friendships. The Scholars
        or use the GCC Website links provided.                Program is based on a 5-course core curriculum that par-
        Final Note: It is strongly recommended that new stu-  ticipants plan individually with the Scholars Counselor.
        dent applicants overseas complete the above admission   The curriculum emphasizes critical thinking and in-depth
        requirements in a timely manner—to ensure proper class   analysis of issues.
        registration and given U.S. Embassy/Consulate delays   Students who successfully complete the Scholars Program
        and general visa processing issues.                   benefi t from enhanced admissions consideration through
        The college off ers admission to International students for the   the UCLA College of Letters and Science, through the UCLA
        Fall and Spring semesters, along with limited class schedul-  Transfer Alliance Program (TAP); the Scholars Program
        ing during the short-term Winter & Summer sessions. The   Director and Scholars Counselor certify qualifi ed Scholars
        International Student Offi  ce provides full support services   for their TAP applications to UCLA. Good standing for TAP
        for International students including academic counseling,   certifi cation and Scholars Program completion indicate a
        immigration advising, a new student orientation day each   strong academic and Scholars service record. GCC is also
        semester, and special student programming activities   a member of the Honors Transfer Council of California,
        throughout the year. The offi  ce also provides information   which has a growing number of college and university
        on off -campus housing and “homestay” host family place-  transfer partners. In general, campuses nationwide rec-
        ments, and helps to administer a mandatory group health   ognize GCC’s Scholars Program as a competitive edge on
        insurance plan for all students.                      students’ transfer applications.
                                                              Academic advancement and transfer assistance are the
                                                              main advantages of being a Scholar. Further, also as a pri-
                                                              ority of the Scholars Program, participants perform many
                                                              valuable charity and community service eff orts, both on
                                                              and off  campus, fundraising events, and also collegial

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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