Page 21 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 21
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE NOTIFICATION • Possession of one or more ounce(s) of marijuana for
The college is committed to achieving and maintaining a personal use: fi ne or jail time for a misdemeanor
campus community that fosters personal and institutional • Possession of less than one ounce of marijuana: fi ne of
excellence and strives to provide conditions under which up to $100
the work of the college can proceed freely, with the high- • Cultivation, possession for sale, or sale of marijuana:
est standards of quality and institutional integrity. The FELONY
harmful eff ects of substance abuse diminish the quality In addition, it is a misdemeanor to sell, furnish, give, or
of our campus life. cause to be sold, furnished or given away, any alcoholic
To assist in achieving a campus free from the problems beverage to a person under 21 or any obviously intoxicated
of substance abuse, the college has adopted policies pro- person, and no one under 21 may purchase alcoholic
hibiting the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, beverages. It is also unlawful for any person under 21 to
possession, or use of controlled substances and alcohol possess alcoholic beverages on any street or highway, or
on all college properties or at official functions, both on in any place open to the public.
or off-campus. Any member or group of the campus com- Health Risks Associated with Alcohol and Drug Abuse
munity violating these policies and regulations will be The abuse of alcohol and drugs can produce intoxication
subject to disciplinary action.
and physical symptoms such as hangovers, blackouts,
Prohibitions, Sanctions and Penalties impaired motor function, damage to the liver, stomach,
Community College District Administrative Regulation intestine, cardiovascular system, brain and neurological
5500 prohibits the: systems, addiction and death. Alcohol and drugs are not
Use, possession, or distribution of narcotics, other only toxic to the body, but may also result in the transmis-
legally controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages sion of infections associated with intravenous drug use such
except as expressly permitted by law and Glendale as HIV and hepatitis. Pregnant women risk fetal damage
Community College regulations. and birth defects including hyperactivity, neurological
Presence on campus or at a college-sponsored function abnormalities, and development diffi culties.
while under the infl uence of narcotics, other legally
controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages except as In addition to the above problems, the use of these sub-
expressly permitted by law and Glendale Community stances can cause severe family, social and psychological
College regulations. problems, as well as intellectual impairment which may
A violation of the provisions of this policy, and/or relevant be permanent. Abuse of alcohol and drugs is a major
local, state, or federal law which prohibits the use, possession cause of serious and fatal traffi c accidents; alcohol-related
or sale of alcohol or other controlled substances may result in accidents are the number one cause of deaths for persons
the imposition of specifi c sanctions as identifi ed within the aged 15-24. Chemical dependency is a disease that, if not
Standards of Student Conduct (Administrative Regulation arrested, is fatal.
5420). These sanctions or penalties include a verbal warning, Educational Program and Assistance—
a written reprimand, disciplinary probation, summary Where to Get Help
suspension, disciplinary suspension or expulsion. A list of “Chemical Dependency and Substance Abuse Refer-
Legal Sanctions ral Resources/Agencies,’’ as well as additional information
Numerous Federal, State and local statutes and ordinances, on chemical dependency and substance abuse is available
which may change over time, relate to the manufacture, from the Health Center on the fi rst fl oor of the San Rafael
distribution, possession, or use of a controlled substance Building. If you have any questions regarding the college
or alcohol and impose legal sanctions for both felony and policies and regulations, please contact the Student Activi-
misdemeanor convictions for violations. Drugs considered to ties Offi ce in the Campus Center.
be controlled substances are listed in Schedules I through V of ANIMALS ON CAMPUS
the Controlled Substances Act (29 U.S.C. 812) and are further
defi ned by Regulations 21 CFR 1308.11 through 1308.15. Glendale Community College District is committed to
Drug-related penalties include the following: providing its employees, students, and visitors with a
• Simple possession of controlled substances: civil fi nes healthy environment in which to work and study. No
up to $10,000 per violation, jail sentence, and denial of animals are allowed on campus except those animals that
Federal benefi ts are individually trained to provide services to individuals
• Manufacture, sale or distribution of all scheduled drugs: with disabilities.
prison sentence for a FELONY
• Distribution or possession with the intent to distribute a
controlled substance on college property: up to TWICE
the prescribed sentence for the original off ense and
TWICE the prescribed parole time (required)