Page 20 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 20
GCC Policies 17
(To access all Board Policies and Administrative Regulations go to
ACADEMIC FREEDOM POLICY responsible for but not limited to policies and procedures
defi ned in board policy, administrative regulations, and
The Board of Trustees of Glendale Community College the employment contract between the District and the
affi rms that institutions of higher education are conducted
for the common good and not to further the interest of Guild. Students are entitled to an atmosphere conducive
to learning and to even-handed treatment in all aspects of
either the individual faculty member or the institution as
a whole. The common good depends upon the free search the faculty-students relationship.(BP 4030)
for truth and its exposition. POLICY ON ACADEMIC HONESTY
Academic freedom is essential to these purposes and applies College study is the process of acquainting students with
to all disciplines. Freedom in research is fundamental to the values and procedures central to scholarship. All students
advancement of truth. Academic freedom in all disciplines are expected to do their own work. All forms of cheating
is fundamental for the protection of the rights of the faculty and plagiarism are absolutely forbidden. This is the offi cial
and the student. It carries with it duties correlative with policy of Glendale Community College.
rights, regardless of employment status. The following behaviors serve as an operational description
Academic freedom is essential for the maintenance of of student violations of academic honesty:
excellence in education, and moreover, exists so that society 1. The student takes or copies answers from another student
may have benefi ts of objective and independent criticism, or source or uses unauthorized materials during a test.
and honest answers to scientifi c, social and artistic questions 2. The student turns in an assignment (labs, art projects,
that might otherwise be withheld for fear of off ending homework, prewritten or purchased papers, or work
an infl uential social group or transient social attitude. downloaded from the Internet) which is not his/her own.
Accordingly, there shall be no adverse consequences to 3. The student uses words or ideas which are not his/her
employment status (hiring, promotion, and retention) as own without acknowledgment of the source (plagiarism).
a result of expressions protected by academic freedom. 4. The student knowingly deceives an instructor with the
Academic Freedom intent to improve his/her standing in class.
5. The student submits the same paper or project previously
Faculty members are entitled to full freedom in research and in submitted in another class without the permission of the
the publication of the results, subject to the adequate performance current instructor.
of their other academic duties; but research for pecuniary return 6. The student depends upon tools or assistance prohibited
should be based upon an understanding with the authorities of by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports,
the institution. solving problems, or carrying out other assignments.
7. The student acquires, without permission, tests or other
Faculty are entitled to freedom in discussing their subject, but
they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching con- academic materials belonging to a member of the GCC
troversial matter which has no relation to their subject. When faculty or staff .
they communicate as individuals, they should be free from When a student engages in academic dishonesty, faculty have
institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position the option of requiring the student to see a college counselor
in the community imposes special obligations. As scholars and or assigning a lower or failing (F) for the assignment.
educational offi cers, they should remember that the public may Violations of this policy will be reported to the Vice President
judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. of Instruction and will become part of the Glendale College
Hence they should at all times strive to be accurate, should exer- Cheating Incident fi le, unless the instructor fi nds compelling
cise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions reasons not to report a violation. The Vice President of
of others, and should make every eff ort to indicate that they are Instruction may then impose sanctions authorized by
not speaking for the institution. Administrative Regulation 5420. The sanctions include,
but are not limited to, issuing a reprimand, suspending the
Faculty are entitled to due process, where applicable under the student for up to ten days of instruction, and/or requesting
provision of the Guild contract, and where applicable under a hearing by the Campus Judicial Board to see if the student
the Employee Complaints procedure as conducted under the should be suspended, or permanently expelled from the
provisions of Board Policy 7216. college.
Academic Responsibility The student has the right of due process for all the
Membership in the academic community imposes on above sanctions.
students, faculty members, and administrators an obligation
to respect the dignity of others, to acknowledge their right
to express diff ering opinions, and to foster and defend
intellectual honesty, in instruction and counseling, and
expression on and off campus. In addition, faculty are