Page 18 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 18

General Information       15

            social events and activities, including the preparation of   TRANSFER CREDIT
            a Scholars Journal, throughout the year. In their academic,   The College recognizes that students may have previous aca-
            service, and social contexts, Scholars develop bonds with   demic experience from other institutions that are comparable
            fellow students. Scholars benefi t from priority registra-  to our courses. The College reserves the decision to evaluate
            tion, specialized counseling, and smaller class sizes. As   and award credit value for courses from other institutions of
            an organization, The Scholars Program aims to serve the   higher education.
            campus community as well as the individual needs of its
            students, always mindful of the development of the well-  Regionally Accredited Colleges/Universities
            rounded, service-oriented student.                    Students who wish to have college credit transferred from
                                                                  other regionally accredited colleges and universities need to
            Minimum Requirement for the Program*
            •  High School GPA (unweighted) of 3.25, or college   have offi  cial transcripts mailed directly from the originating
               GPA of 3.0                                         institution to the Offi  ce of Admissions & Records at GCC.
            •  Eligibility for English 101                        It is the function of the Admissions & Records Offi  ce at GCC
            • Completion of Scholars Application, which is        to verify the offi  cial status of all incoming transcripts prior to
               downloaded from the Scholars Program Website.      the evaluation and posting of transfer credit. All transcripts
               •  Completion of the GCC Application prior to submitting   submitted to GCC for evaluation become the property of
                 the Scholars application                         GCC. Unoffi  cial transcripts or copies of transcripts carried by
               •  Transcripts from all high schools and colleges attended  individuals may be used for academic advising or counseling
              • Writing Sample                                    purposes only; transfer credits will NOT be posted to the GCC
                  (prompt is on the Scholars application)         academic record from transcripts that are not received directly
               •  Letter of recommendation                        from the issuing institution.
                  written by an instructor or counselor who knows the   Transfer of Credit
                 student and his or her work well.                The student must have previously completed courses or be
            For more information, visit the website, send an email to   currently enrolled at GCC in order for incoming transcripts
  , or call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5699. The   to be evaluated. All credit units accepted will be recorded on
            Scholars Program Director’s offi  ce is in LB 216.      the GCC transcript. Once transfer credit is posted to a student
            Note:  All requirements listed are used as guidelines and can be   transcript, it cannot be removed. A student must complete a
                 rescinded or adjusted at the discretion of the College Scholar   Transcript Evaluation form with their academic counselor if
                 Advisory Committee.                              courses are to be evaluated for GCC graduation, a certifi cate,
            STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS                                 and IGETC or Breadth certifi cation. An evaluation may take 8
                                                                  to 12 weeks to complete. Evaluations may take longer during
            Glendale Community College believes it is essential for
            students today to cultivate an informed and sensitive   peak periods. When requesting a transcript evaluation from
                                                                  out-of-state and private institutions, all courses to be evaluated
            awareness of all parts of the world in order to better co-exist
            with other nations and with people from cultures diff erent   must include course descriptions from the time that they were
                                                                  completed. All math and English courses require a course
            from their own. In harmony with this belief, the college
            is following the guidelines developed by the Council on   syllabus as well.
            International Educational Exchange for the U.S. Department   Acceptable Credit
            of State, which focus on expansion of student opportunities   Only lower-division degree-applicable credit will be accepted;
            for study and work abroad as well as the guidelines of the   classes must be college level rather than remedial or devel-
            California colleges for International Education, a consortium   opmental. An upper-division course may only be accepted
            of California community colleges.                     as subject credit for an associate degree. All courses to be
                                                                  used for an associate degree, certifi cate, IGETC, or Breadth
            The college off ers summer, winter, and spring programs to
            exciting places like Paris, Prague, Armenia, New Zealand,   certifi cation must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.
            Australia, Argentina, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and other places   All questions related to acceptable credit will be forwarded to
            of special interest to Glendale College students. Interested   the appropriate academic department. All courses to be used
            students should phone (818) 240-1000, ext. 5718 or drop by AD   for IGETC and/or Breadth certifi cation will follow the rules
            145C. You can also read about our off erings on our web page at   outlined in the Standards of Rules, Regulations and Policies
   or email us at studyabroad@  for both certifi cations.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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