Page 12 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 12
General Information 9
MISSION STATEMENT 4. Critical Thinking
analyze problems and apply knowledge; collect, synthesize,
Glendale Community College is a public community college and evaluate ideas, information and data to develop argu-
granting certifi cates and associate degrees. The college serves ments and derive conclusions;
people from a variety of geographical areas but primarily
serves a diverse population of the Greater Los Angeles 5. Global Awareness and Appreciation
region that is capable of benefi ting from instruction in credit, recognize and analyze the interconnectedness of global,
noncredit, and community education programs. national, and local concerns, analyzing cultural, political,
social and environmental issues from multiple perspec-
Glendale Community College exists to ensure students
identify their educational goals and needs and successfully tives, and to appreciate similarities and diff erences among
accomplish student learning in the following broad cultures;
educational areas: 6. Personal Responsibility
demonstrate and apply decision making skills and develop
• Basic skills education to achieve basic foundation skills in the capacity for self understanding and recognize lifestyles
reading, writing, mathematics, English as a Second Lan- that promote physical and mental well-being.
guage, and learning and study skills which are necessary
for students to succeed in college-level work. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES
• Lower division post-secondary education to achieve transfer A variety of programs and services implements and supports
to and success in obtaining a degree at a college or university. the objectives and functions stated above.
a. Counseling: Counseling services are available to help
• Career and technical education to achieve employment or students have a successful college experience. Counselors
enhanced career skills for job advancement. are available to assist students with academic planning,
• General education to achieve knowledge, skills and attitudes career decision-making, life planning and personal and
or postsecondary education success, personal enrichment, intra-personal concerns. Counselors provide a climate in
self-development, and a purposeful and meaningful life as which students make thoughtful, independent, decisions
a member of a global community. for educational and vocational goals. Working through
individual interviews with students, small and large groups,
VISION STATEMENT and college orientation classes, they help students to become
Glendale Community College is the Greater Los Angeles aware of their capabilities and to plan appropriately. A
Region’s premier learning community where all students number of specialized counseling service centers are avail-
achieve their informed educational goals through outstand- able on campus. These centers include Academic Counseling
ing instructional and student services, a comprehensive (Equity Programs, Black Scholars, LA Comunidad, Guardian
community college curriculum, and educational oppor- Scholars), EOPS, DSPS, Career, Transfer (Scholars), Adult
tunities found in few community colleges. Re-Entry, International Student Offi ce, and Admissions &
Records (Veterans, Dismissals).
b. Health Services: The Health Center provides fi rst aid, pri-
Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) are commonly mary health care, crisis counseling, health counseling, and
defi ned as the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes health information and referral services.
that students are expected to develop as a result of their c. Basic education: Students with specifi c learning problems or
overall experiences with any aspect of the college, includ- with grade or subject defi ciencies in their high school record
ing courses, programs, and student services.
may make up such defi ciencies and enter into a program
Upon successful completion at Glendale Community College, leading to an Associate degree and, if desired, to upper
the student will be able to: division standing at a four-year institution.
1. Communication d. Refresher education: Members of the community have the
communicate clearly, demonstrate critical thinking, and opportunity to refresh, as well as to update their knowledge
apply knowledge utilizing writing, speaking, presenting in classes off ered at GCC.
and other modes of communication; e. Evening education: Persons wishing late afternoon or eve-
2. Mathematical Competency/Quantitative Reasoning ning classes may enroll in the Evening College program.
apply, interpret, and understand mathematical and quan- Evening College courses parallel and expand the daytime
titative concepts; off erings. The college also off ers classes on Saturdays.
3. Information Competency f. General education for all members of the community:
recognize an information need, or defi ne a research topic The college off ers wide and varied curriculum designed to
using library and other resources to locate, evaluate, and use promote the following objectives:
information or data in an ethical and legal manner;