Page 244 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 244

Noncredit Continuing Education                       ESL/ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE                241

            10                                  35                                  50
            LEVEL 1                             FOR WORK LEVEL 3                    LEVEL 5
            0 Units                             0 Units                             0 Units
            ESL 10 is designed for students at the low   ESL 35 is designed for students at the   ESL 50 is designed for students at the
            beginning level of English acquisition.   low-intermediate level of English acquisi-  advanced level of English acquisition. This
            This course provides instruction on simple   tion. This course provides instruction in   course provides instruction in reading and
            reading and writing, basic sentence and   workplace reading and writing, grammar,   writing; paragraph and essay structure;
            paragraph structure, spelling and phonemic   sentence and paragraph structure, verbal   verbal communication skills; comprehen-
            correspondences, and listening and oral   communication skills, comprehension of   sion of academic, professional, and everyday
            communication skills. Students read and   spoken English, and development of soft   spoken English; and development of life
            listen to dialogues and compose and practice   skills for a vocational context. Additionally,   skills competencies. Special attention is given
            original dialogs. Other activities include   this course emphasizes eff ective communi-  to the development of writing skills. Empha-
            reading of short stories or paragraphs, writ-  cation in a variety of workplace situations.    sis is placed upon the direct study of English
            ing sentences and short paragraphs, role   Lecture 160 - 224. Recommended prepara-  grammar appropriate for academic settings
            playing of everyday situations, listening   tion: Placement is based upon performance   and overall eff ectiveness in communication.
            comprehension, dictation, and life skills   on a division placement assessment, comple-  Lecture 224 hours. Recommended prepara-
            competencies. Lecture 224 hours.  Recom-  tion of ESL 20, or equivalent.  tion: Placement is based upon performance
            mended preparation: Placement is based   40                             on a division placement assessment or
            upon performance on a division placement   ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE   completion of ESL 40.
            assessment or completion of ESL 1.
                                                LEVEL 4                             57
            20                                  0 Units                             ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE
            ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE        ESL 40 is designed for students at the high-  COLLEGE READINESS LEVEL 5
            LEVEL 2                             intermediate level of English acquisition.   0 Units
            0 Units                             This course provides instruction in read-  ESL 57 is designed for students at the
            ESL 20 is designed for students at the high-  ing and writing, sentence and paragraph   advanced level of English acquisition. This
            beginning level of English acquisition. This   structure, verbal communication skills,   course provides instruction in reading and
            course provides instruction in reading and   comprehension of everyday spoken English,   writing; paragraph and essay structure;
            writing, basic sentence and paragraph struc-  and development of life skills competencies.   verbal communication skills; comprehen-
            ture, spelling, verbal communication skills,   Instruction stresses the grammatical study   sion of academic, professional, and every-
            listening comprehension of everyday spoken   of clauses, a review of verb tenses, and   day spoken English; and development of
            English, and development of life skills   vocabulary development. Emphasis is placed   life skills competencies. This course places
            competencies. Emphasis is placed upon the   upon the direct study of English grammar   a special emphasis on the development of
            study of grammar and vocabulary necessary   appropriate for academic settings and over-  writing skills. Students study increasingly
            for everyday life and general understand-  all eff ectiveness in communication. Lecture   complex grammatical structures and incor-
            ing of spoken English. Lecture 224 hours.   224 hours.  Recommended preparation:   porate these structures into essays of three
            Recommended preparation: Placement is   Placement is based upon performance on a   to fi ve paragraphs. Through a direct exami-
            based upon performance on a division place-  division placement assessment or comple-  nation of English grammar and vocabulary
            ment assessment or completion of ESL 10.   tion of ESL 30.              appropriate for academic settings, students
                                                45                                  learn how to develop their overall eff ective-
            30                                  ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE        ness in communication at a college level.
            ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE        FOR WORK LEVEL 4                    Lecture 160 - 224. Recommended prepara-
            LEVEL 3                             0 Units                             tion Recommended Preparation: Placement
            0 Units
                                                ESL 45 is designed for students at the high-  is based upon performance on a division
            ESL 30 is designed for students at the low-  intermediate level of English acquisition.   placement assessment, completion of ESL
            intermediate level of English acquisition. This   This course provides instruction in work-  40, ESL 45, or equivalent.
            course provides instruction in reading and   place reading and writing, grammar, verbal
            writing, sentence and paragraph structure,   communication skills, comprehension of   80
            verbal communication skills, comprehension   spoken English, and development of soft   ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE
            of everyday spoken English and develop-  skills (interpersonal skills) for a vocational   BEGINNING CONVERSATION
            ment of life skills competencies. Instruction   context. Additionally, the course emphasizes   0 Units
            stresses the grammatical study of verbs and   culturally-appropriate, eff ective communi-  ESL 80 is designed for students who cannot
            vocabulary development. Emphasis is placed   cation in a variety of workplace situations.   eff ectively communicate in most everyday
            upon general understanding of spoken and   Lecture 160 - 224. Recommended prepara-  situations. Controlled dialogues and free
            written English and overall eff ectiveness in   tion: Placement is based on performance on   conversations are presented as students
            communication. Lecture 224 hours. Recom-  a division assessment, completion of ESL 30,   participate in role plays of common, everyday
            mended preparation: Placement is based   ESL 35, or equivalent.         topics including family life, working condi-
            upon performance on a division placement                                tions, consumer issues, and academic goals.
            assessment or completion of ESL 20.                                     Clear speaking and listening comprehension
                                                                                    are stressed in classroom drills and activities.
                                                                                    Laboratory assignments may be added by
                                                                                    the instructor based on individual student
                                                                                    needs. Lecture 112 hours.  Recommended
                                                                                    preparation: ESL 10 or equivalent.

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