Page 245 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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242     LIFELONG LEARNING SEMINARS                                    Noncredit Continuing Education

        81                                  90                                  30
        0 Units                             0 Units                             MORE
        ESL 81 is designed to help intermediate   ESL 90 Citizenship is designed for students at   0 Units
        students improve their oral communication,   the high-beginning level of English acquisi-  LLS 30 provides the opportunity for older
        listening comprehension, and vocabulary.   tion. This course provides instruction in read-  adults to recall, discuss and translate their
        Pronunciation of individual sounds, word   ing and writing, sentence structure, verbal   memories into written memoirs by applica-
        and sentence stress, and intonation patterns   communication skills, and comprehension   tion of varied writing techniques and shared
        are practiced. Students role-play in pairs and   of everyday spoken English. Emphasis is   oral expression. Lecture 8 hours, laboratory
        small groups. Class discussions are also   placed on oral and written English necessary   24 hours. Note: This is a course designed for
        used. Laboratory assignments may be added   to pass the United States citizenship exam.   the older adult. Prerequisite: None.
        by the instructor based on individual student   The course content includes instruction in   44
        needs. Lecture 112 hours.  Recommended   the history and government of the United   DIET AND NUTRITION FOR OLDER
        preparation: ESL 30 or equivalent.   States, and educates students in the steps to   ADULTS
                                            becoming a United States citizen. Lecture
        82                                  64 hours. Recommended preparation: ESL   0 Units
        ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE        10 or equivalent.                   LLS 44 covers nutritional basics as a foun-
        ADVANCED CONVERSATION                                                   dation for personalizing a healthy, simple,
        0 Units                                 LIFELONG LEARNING               and eff ective diet plan that is best for each
        ESL 82 stresses fl uency and clarity in formal   SEMINARS                mature adult student. Lecture 12 hours. Note:
        and informal communicative activities.                                  This is a course designed for the older adult.
        Activities may involve the preparation and   10                         Prerequisite: None.
        presentation of reports, summaries, and   CONTEMPORARY WORLD ISSUES     72
        persuasive speeches. Students are encour-  0 Units                      FILM APPRECIATION
        aged to use the vocabulary and grammatical   LLS 10 centers on discussion of current   0 Units
        structures appropriate to formal settings.   social, political, and cultural issues around
        Cultural subtleties such as body language   the world. This class is an opportunity for   LLS 72 provides exposure to an academic
        are reviewed to maximize the production of   older adults to discuss, share opinions,   curriculum of  fi lm history and apprecia-
        effi  cient communication. Listening compre-  and gain insight into the complex events of   tion for older adults. This class helps these
        hension and lecture skills are also practiced.   today’s world. Lecture 36 hours. Note: This   students to maintain linkages to both the past
        Laboratory assignments may be added by   is a course designed for the older adult.   and the contemporary world. The discussion
        the instructor based on individual student   Prerequisite: None.        of  fi lm history and theory develops both
        needs. Lecture 112 hours.  Recommended                                  analytic and verbal skills. Emphasis is placed
        preparation: ESL 40 or ESL 50 or equivalent.  21                        on how fi lms historically refl ect their time
                                            QUALITY OF LIFE                     and how social issues have evolved. Selected
        85                                  0 Units                             fi lm clips are shown. Lecture 12.5 hours.
        ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE                                            Note: Each session will focus on fi ve diff erent
        INTERMEDIATE CONVERSATION           LLS 21 is an interactive class focusing on   fi lms. Note: This is a course designed for the
        FOR EMPLOYMENT                      improving the quality of life, increasing   older adult. Prerequisite: None.
        0 Units                             social outlets, and clarifying life issues for
                                            older adults. Lecture 32 hours. Note: This   90
        ESL 85 is designed to help intermediate   is a course designed for the older adult.   ART HISTORY
        students improve their oral communication,   Prerequisite: None.        0 Units
        listening comprehension, and vocabulary
        in a workplace context. Students participate   24                       LLS 90 promotes an understanding of the
        in work and career-related class discus-  PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS FOR     role of art in human development. A variety
        sions, presentations, and role plays such as   EVERYDAY LIVING          of periods, geographical areas, and artists
        mock job interviews. Students also practice   0 Units                   will be presented, one school of art per each
        pronunciation of individual sounds, word   LLS 24 examines the philosophies and ethics   session. Lecture 14 hours.  Note: This is a
        and sentence stress, and intonation patterns.   of a variety of historical and modern think-  course designed for the older adult. Prereq-
        The instructor may add laboratory assign-  ers. This class is designed for the older adult   uisite: None.
        ments based on individual student needs.   and discussion centers on the application of   95
        Lecture 45 - 112. Recommended Preparation:   these theories to the life challenges faced by   WORLD RELIGIONS
        Placement is based upon performance on the   mature adults. Lecture/Discussion 30 hours.   0 Units
        division placement assessment, completion   Prerequisite: None.         LLS 95 provides a general introduction to
        of ESL 20, or equivalent.
                                            27                                  human religious nature, ancient religions,
                                            WHERE’S MY MEMORY?                  Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and
                                            0 Units                             Buddhism. This course is designed for the
                                                                                older adult and focuses on the awareness of
                                            LLS 27 explores the far reaches of the human
                                            mind, including the processes of remember-  the student’s spiritual experience. Lecture 32
                                            ing and forgetting, with special emphasis on   hours. Prerequisite: None.
                                            age-related memory loss and strategies for
                                            memory enhancement. Lecture 12 hours.
                                            Note: This is a course designed for the older
                                            adult. Prerequisite: None.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   240   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250