Page 249 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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246     STUDENT DEVELOPMENT                                            Noncredit Continuing Education

        51                                  103
        0 Units                             DISCIPLINE
        PARED 51 focuses study on the father’s role   0 Units
        in parenting children from birth through the   PARED 103 is designed for parents who seek
        pre-kindergarten years. Fathers attend class   assistance in managing their expressions of
        with one or more children of the designated   anger in order to parent more eff ectively and
        age. Lecture 16 hours, laboratory 16 hours.   use appropriate discipline strategies. Lecture
        Prerequisite: None.                 16 hours. Note: This class is for adults only.
                                            No children may attend. Prerequisite: None.
        WORKING PARENTS                      STUDENT DEVELOPMENT
        0 Units
        PARED 54 focuses study on the working   1
        parent’s role in parenting children from birth   SUPERVISED TUTORING
        through the pre-kindergarten years. Special   0 Units
        attention is given to the challenges of rais-  ST DV 1 is a supervised tutoring course
        ing a child while working full-time. Parents   designed to meet the individual academic
        attend class with one or more children of the   needs of students requiring instructional
        designated age. Lecture 16 hours, laboratory   assistance. Tutoring is provided for a course
        16 hours. Prerequisite: None.       in which a student is concurrently registered.
                                            Students work with tutors who are recom-
        POSITIVE PARENTING SKILLS           mended, trained and supervised by faculty.
        0 Units                             An instructor, a librarian, or a counselor
                                            must refer students to this program. The
        PARED 60 is designed for parents who seek   referral process is an eff ort to remedy specifi c
        instruction in positive, alternative parenting   academic needs as identifi ed by the counselor
        methods that will redirect inappropriate   or instructor. Note: Student must be concur-
        behavior of children and adolescents of all   rently enrolled in the course for which he/
        ages. If needed by the students enrolled,   she receives tutoring and must be referred
        this class may also address single parenting   by an instructor, a librarian, or a counselor.
        issues. Court referred parents are welcome.   Prerequisite: None.
        Lecture 32 hours. Note: This class is for the
        parent only. No children may attend. Lecture
        1-3 hours/Laboratory-Studio 2-9 hours.
        Prerequisite: None.
        0 Units
        PARED 70 is designed for students who
        wish to learn about the parent’s role in
        parent/teacher associations. Practical expe-
        rience is provided in areas of volunteerism,
        designing school based family enrichment
        activities, parent association management
        and participation, as well as organization of
        school-based newsletters. Lecture 16 hours.
        Laboratory/Studio 16 hours. Note: This class
        is for parents only. No children may attend.
        Prerequisite: None.
        0 Units
        PARED 90 focuses study on the special
        concerns and issues inherent in raising
        children as a single parent. Lecture 32 hours.
        Note: This class is for parents only. No chil-
        dren may attend. Prerequisite: None.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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