Page 248 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 248

Noncredit Continuing Education                   PARENT EDUCATION - CHILD OBSERVATION                245

            101                                 150                                 20
            0 Units                             0 Units                             0 Units
            OBT 101 is an advanced course of word-  OBT 150 provides students with a basic intro-  PARED 20 focuses study on parenting the
            processing using Microsoft Word. This   duction to integrated technology concepts   two-year old child. Parents (or caregivers)
            course teaches the student how to mail   needed in the business world. The course   attend class with one or more child of the
            merge, format with special features, add   focuses on microcomputer (PC) software and   designated age. Lecture 24 hours, laboratory
            visual appeal to documents, format with   peripheral devices used to enhance input,   24 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            macros and styles, and protect forms.   output, and storage capability. The student   21
            Lecture/Demonstration 48 hours.  Recom-  will move data between applications (Word,   TWO OR THREE-YEAR-OLDS
            mended preparation: ESL 30, typing speed   Excel, PowerPoint, and Access), and install   0 Units
            of 25 wpm and OBT 100 or equivalent.   and use input and output devices such as
                                                smartphones, barcode readers and cloud   PARED 21 focuses study on parenting the
            111                                 storage systems, and demonstrate the ability   two or three-year-old child. Parents (or care-
            MICROSOFT POWERPOINT                to integrate Google Tools while using Micro-  givers) attend class with one or more children
            0 Units                                                                 of the designated age. Lecture 24 hours, labo-
                                                soft application software. Lecture/Demon-
            OBT 111 provides students with a basic   stration 32 hours and Student Laboratory 32   ratory 24 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            introduction to presentation software   hours. Recommended preparation: ESL 40.   22
            using Microsoft PowerPoint. Topics covered                              TWO, THREE, OR FOUR-YEAR-OLDS
            include: using a design template, using auto   PARENT EDUCATION -       0 Units
            layouts to create a presentation, running a   CHILD OBSERVATION
            slide show, inserting clip art, and creating                            PARED 22 focuses study on parenting
            organizational charts. Lecture/Demonstra-  10                           children from age two through the pre-
            tion 32 hours. Recommended preparation:   INFANT 1                      kindergarten years. Parents (or caregivers)
            ESL 30, typing speed of 25 wpm, OBT 100 or   0 Units                    attend class with one or more children of the
            equivalent, OBT 90 or equivalent.                                       designated age. Lecture 24 hours, laboratory
                                                PARED 10 focuses study on parenting   24 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            113                                 children from 0-8 month of age. Parents (or
            MICROSOFT ACCESS                    caregivers) attend class with one or more chil-  30
            0 Units                             dren of the designated age. Lecture 16 hours,   THREE-YEAR-OLDS
            OBT 113 is a basic introduction to database   laboratory 16 hours. Prerequisite: None.   0 Units
            using Microsoft Offi  ce Access. This is a   11                           PARED 30 focuses study on parenting the
            beginning level course that teaches the   INFANT 2                      three-year-old child. Parents (or caregivers)
            student how to create tables, defi ne fi elds,   0 Units                  attend class with one or more children of the
            open and close tables, create relationships   PARED 11 focuses study on parenting chil-  designated age. Lecture 24 hours, laboratory
            between tables, sort tables, and create reports   dren from 9-16 month of age. Parents (or   24 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            and forms. Lecture/Demonstration 48.0   caregivers) attend class with one or more   31
            hours. Recommended preparation: ESL 30,   children of the designated age. Lecture 16   THREE OR FOUR-YEAR-OLDS
            typing speed of 25 wpm, OBT 100 or equiva-  hours, laboratory 16 hours.  Prerequisite:   0 Units
            lent, OBT 90 or equivalent.
                                                None.                               PARED 31 focuses study on parenting the
            138                                 12                                  three or four-year old child. Parents (or care-
            MICROSOFT OUTLOOK                   TODDLER 1                           givers) attend class with one or more children
            0 Units                                                                 of the designated age. Lecture 24 hours, labo-
                                                0 Units
            OBT 138 provides students with a basic intro-  PARED 12 focuses study on parenting chil-  ratory 24 hours. Prerequisite: None.
            duction to a personal information manage-  dren from 17-23 month of age. Parents (or   41
            ment (PMI) program using Microsoft Offi  ce   caregivers) attend class with one or more   PRE-KINDERGARTEN
            Outlook. This is a beginning level course   children of the designated age. Lecture 24   0 Units
            that includes how to communicate by e-mail,   hours, laboratory 16 hours.  Prerequisite:   PARED 41 focuses study on parenting the
            manage contacts, plan tasks, use schedules,   None.                     pre-kindergarten child (four or fi ve-year-old
            and manage the inbox. Lecture/Demonstra-                                children). Parents (or caregivers) attend class
            tion 32 hours. Recommended preparation:   13                            with one or more children of the designated
            ESL 30, typing speed of 25 wpm, OBT 100 or   TODDLER 2                  age. Lecture 32 hours, laboratory 32 hours.
            equivalent, OBT 90 or equivalent.   0 Units                             Prerequisite: None.
                                                PARED 13 focuses study on parenting chil-
            140                                                                     50
            INTERNET                            dren from 24-29 month of age. Parents (or   MULTI-AGE
            0 Units                             caregivers) attend class with one or more
                                                children of the designated age. Lecture 24   0 Units
            OBT 140 provides students with a basic intro-  hours, laboratory 16 hours.  Prerequisite:   PARED 50 focuses study on parenting chil-
            duction to accessing and using the Internet.   None.                    dren from birth through the pre-kindergar-
            Topics covered include how to connect to                                ten years. Parents (or caregivers) attend class
            the Internet, use of web browsers, use of                               with one or more children of the designated
            search engines, and how to access services                              age. Lecture 24 hours, laboratory 24 hours.
            and information on the Internet. Lecture/                               Prerequisite: None.
            Demonstration 16 hours.  Recommended
            preparation: ESL 30.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252   253