Page 243 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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240     ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE                                   Noncredit Continuing Education

        148                                 187                                   ENGLISH AS A SECOND
        WORLD GEOGRAPHY 1B                  BASIC ENGLISH LABORATORY                      LANGUAGE
        0 Units                             0 Units
        ABSE 148 is designed for students who wish   ABSE 187 is a course of study designed to   1
        to earn high school credit for World Geogra-  improve a student’s English writing skills.   ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE
        phy. The course presents information about   The course covers the basics of sentence   LITERACY
        the world and its resources, surveys the basic   and paragraph composition, including an   0 Units
        principles of geography, and explores how   introduction to mechanics, grammar, spell-  ESL 1 is designed for students who need to
        such physical factors as climate and natural   ing, and paragraph form. Laboratory 48   acquire fundamental literacy and communi-
        resources infl uence the cultural, economic   hours.  Note: This course is Pass/No Pass   cative skills in English to successfully partici-
        and political life of people in Africa, Asia,   only. Prerequisite: Placement is based on a   pate in everyday situations. Instruction
        Australia, and Antarctica. Laboratory 100   composite of test scores and academic back-  emphasizes recognizing, printing, and using
        hours. Note: This is a self-paced course in   ground and completion of, or concurrent   the alphabet; learning sound/letter relation-
        an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   enrollment in, ABSE 186.    ships to read, write and spell; developing
        Successful completion of this course is worth   200                     basic vocabulary; recognizing, writing, and
        5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school   COLLEGE READINESS FOR ADULTS   using the numbers 1-100; and acquiring the
        diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL   WITH DISABILITIES               language structures and communicative
        40 or equivalent.                                                       skills necessary in basic life skills competen-
                                            0 Units
        149                                 ABSE 200 is designed to assist students with   cies. Instruction integrates listening, speak-
                                                                                ing, reading, and writing skills. Lecture
        ART HISTORY 1A                      disabilities to become better prepared to meet   224 hours.  Recommended preparation:
        0 Units                             the challenges of college. Special emphasis   Placement is based upon performance on
        ABSE 149 is a high school level course   is placed on learning styles, academic and   a division assessment, or referral by ESL 10
        designed to give an overview of art and   career goal development, improving self-  instructors, or student self-referral.
        architecture from prehistory times up to   esteem, building self-confi dence,  learning
        the Renaissance. The course includes the art   and study strategies, accommodations,   5
        of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.   campus and community resources. Lecture   ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE
        Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is a self-  64 hours.  Note: Students must attend an   FOR OLDER ADULT LEARNERS
        paced course in an open-entry, open-exit lab   orientation and meet with the noncredit   0 Units
        environment. Successful completion of this   DSPS counselor. Prerequisite: None.   ESL 5 is designed for older adult learners at
        course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a   201                    the low-beginning level of English acquisi-
        high school diploma. Recommended prepa-  WORKFORCE READINESS FOR        tion. This course provides instruction in
        ration: ESL 40 or equivalent.                                           reading, writing, sentence structure, spell-
                                            ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES
        150                                 0 Units                             ing and phonemic correspondences, verbal
                                                                                communication skills, and emphasizes oral
        ART HISTORY 1B                      ABSE 201 is designed to assist students with   and written activities. Students read and
        0 Units                             disabilities to become knowledgeable about   listen to dialogues and compose and practice
        ABSE 150 is a high school level course   the occupational options available to them.   original dialogs. Other activities include
        designed to give an overview of art and archi-  Each student identifi es realistic jobs that   reading of short stories or paragraphs, writ-
        tecture from the early Byzantine era through   match their skills set and interest. Emphasis   ing sentences and short paragraphs, role
        modern times. The course includes the art   is placed on understanding the Americans   playing of everyday situations, listening
        of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.   with Disabilities Act (ADA), developing soft   comprehension, dictation, and life skills
        Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is a self-  skills, successful interviewing techniques,   competencies. Lecture 224 hours.  Recom-
        paced course in an open-entry, open-exit lab   completing job applications, and resume   mended preparation: Placement is based
        environment. Successful completion of this   writing. Lecture 64 hours.  Note: Students   upon performance on a division placement
        course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a   must attend an orientation and meet with   assessment, or completion of ESL 1, referral
        high school diploma. Recommended prepa-  the noncredit DSPS counselor. Prerequisite:   by ESL 10 instructors, or student self-referral.
        ration: ESL 40 and ABSE 149 or equivalent.   None.
        0 Units
        ABSE 186 is a course of study designed to
        improve a student’s English reading skills.
        The course covers reading techniques, vocab-
        ulary development, comprehension, and
        application skills. Laboratory 48 hours. Note:
        This course is Pass/No Pass only. Prerequi-
        site: Placement is based on a composite of test
        scores and academic background.

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