Page 239 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 239

236     ADULT BASIC AND SECONDARY EDUCATION                            Noncredit Continuing Education

             ADULT BASIC AND                19                                  23
                                            0 Units                             0 Units
        10                                  ABSE 19 is an introduction to geometric   ABSE 23 is an introduction to algebraic
        BASIC ENGLISH                       reasoning and modeling. Topics of study   reasoning and modeling. Algebraic model-
        0 Units                             include exponential functions, equations   ing is introduced with linear functions.
        ABSE 10 is a beginning composition course.   and models; transformations and symme-  This course is designed to meet the needs
        This course covers the basics of sentence and   try; congruence; lines and angles; triangles,   of students who wish to begin their study
        paragraph composition including mechan-  quadrilaterals and coordinate proofs. This   of algebra and to earn high school credit in
        ics, grammar, and spelling. Laboratory 160   course is designed to meet the needs of   mathematics. Laboratory 100 hours.  Note:
        hours. Note: This is a self-paced course in   students who wish to begin their study of   This is a self-paced course in an open-entry,
        an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   second semester Intermediate Mathematics   open-exit lab environment. Successful
        Recommended preparation: ESL 40 or   1 and to earn high school credit in math-  completion of this course is worth 5 credits
        equivalent.                         ematics. Note: This is a self-paced course in   (1/2 unit) towards a high school diploma.
                                            an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   Recommended preparation: ESL 40 or
        15                                  Successful completion of this course is worth   equivalent, ABSE 22 or equivalent.
        VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT              5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school
        0 Units                                                                 24
                                            diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL 40
        ABSE 15 introduces common roots, prefi xes,   or equivalent, ABSE 18 or equivalent.   ALGEBRA 1B
        suffi  xes, and word usage as well as the use of                          0 Units
        context clues to determine word meanings.   20                          ABSE 24 provides students with continued
        This course is designed to meet the needs of   BASIC MATH               instruction on reasoning and modeling
        students who wish to improve their vocabu-  0 Units                     algebraically. Areas presented in this class
        lary and to earn elective high school credit in   ABSE 20 is a math course designed for adults   include descriptive statistics, and quadratic
        English. Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is   who wish to review or master basic arithme-  functions/modeling. This course is designed
        a self-paced course in an open-entry, open-  tic from whole number operations through   to meet the needs of students who wish to
        exit lab environment. Successful completion   fractions, decimals, and percent. Laboratory   continue their study of algebra and to earn
        of this course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit)   120 hours. Note: This is a self-paced course   high school credit in mathematics. Labora-
        towards a high school diploma.  Recom-  in an open-entry, open-exit lab environ-  tory 100 hours.  Note: This is a self-paced
        mended preparation: ESL 40 or equivalent.   ment. Recommended preparation: ESL 40   course in an open-entry, open-exit lab
                                            or equivalent.                      environment. Successful completion of this
        18                                                                      course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit) towards
        INTEGRATED MATHEMATICS 1A           21                                  a high school diploma.  Recommended
        0 Units                             ARITHMETIC 1A                       preparation: ESL 40 or equivalent, ABSE 23
        ABSE 18 is an introduction to algebraic   0 Units                       or equivalent.
        reasoning and modeling.  Topics of study   ABSE 21 introduces students to whole
        include linear, exponential and radical func-  number, fraction, decimal, and percent   25
        tions, systems of equations, and data analy-  computation. This course is designed to meet   GEOMETRY 1A
        sis. This course is designed to meet the needs   the needs of students who wish to improve   0 Units
        of students who wish to begin their study of   their basic math skills and to earn high school   ABSE 25 is the fi rst half of a one -year high
        fi rst semester Integrated Mathematics 1 and   credit. Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is a   school level geometry course. In this course
        to earn high school credit in mathematics.   self-paced course in an open-entry, open-  the notion of two-dimensional shapes as
        Note: This is a self-paced course in an open-  exit lab environment. Successful completion   part of the Euclidian Plane and exploration
        entry, open-exit lab environment. Successful   of this course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit)   of transformations of this plane as a way to
        completion of this course is worth 5 credits   towards a high school diploma.  Recom-  determine whether two shapes are congruent
        (1/2 unit) towards a high school diploma.   mended preparation: ESL 40 or equivalent.   are formalized. Students use transformations
        Recommended preparation: ESL 40 or   22                                 to prove geometric theorems. This course is
        equivalent, ABSE 22 or equivalent                                       designed to meet the needs of students who
                                            ARITHMETIC 1B                       wish to begin their study of geometry and to
                                            0 Units
                                                                                earn high school credit in math. Laboratory
                                            ABSE 22 introduces students to higher   100 hours. Note: This is a self-paced course
                                            level arithmetic: statistics, measurement,   in an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.
                                            and geometric and algebraic principles.   Successful completion of this course is worth
                                            This course is designed to meet the needs   5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school
                                            of students who wish to improve their   diploma. Recommended preparation:  ESL
                                            math skills and to earn high school credit.   40, ABSE 24 or equivalent.
                                            Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is a self-
                                            paced course in an open-entry, open-exit lab
                                            environment. Successful completion of this
                                            course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a
                                            high school diploma. Recommended prepa-
                                            ration: ESL 40 or equivalent and ABSE 21 or

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