Page 235 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 235


                                    GARFIELD CAMPUS SERVICES

        Noncredit Continuing Education courses provide educational opportunities for those seeking occupational or personal
        improvements. The Garfi eld Campus at 1122 E. Garfi eld (between Adams and Chevy Chase) houses the Continuing
        Education Offi  ce, the Business and Life Skills Center, CalWORKs/WIOA training programs, Student Success Center
        (also known as DSL), and the English as a Second Language (ESL) program. PARED and Lifelong Learning are off ered
        on the verdugo campus (Life Skills Building) as well as throughout the community. The Garfi eld Campus houses a full
        range of student services that are available free of charge to the community.
        Classes are available mornings, afternoons, and evenings throughout the week. All classes are tuition free. Students may
        enter a class at any time during the year.
        For information or to request a current schedule of classes, please call (818) 240-1000 ext. 5678 during business hours.
        Continuing Education offi  ce hours are 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on

        CALIFORNIA WORK OPPORTUNITY AND                       Mental Health Counseling is off ered for short-term and
        RESPONSIBILITY TO KIDS (CalWORKs)                     crisis counseling for students who are enrolled in any
                                                              continuing education program or class. Students should
        The GCC CalWORKs Program is the on-campus resource    obtain a referral from staff  or faculty to make an appoint-
        for parents receiving welfare benefi ts from the state of Cali-  ment. Program is located on the second fl oor of the Mari-
        fornia. We provide encouragement, advice, and honest feed-  posa Building (MP 221) For more information call (818) 240-
        back for a population of students who are rebuilding their   1000, ext. 5035 or 5055.
        lives on a foundation of education, while modeling perse-
        verance and hard work to their children. We help students   CHILDCARE & CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER
        communicate with the county workers (DPSS, GAIN and   The Child Development Center for Child Development
        REP) who oversee their benefi ts. We process the documents   off ers on-site childcare for continuing education students
        that allow CalWORKs students to access crucial supportive   who have potty-trained children from three to fi ve years of
        services from the state, including child care during class   age. There are fees for non-CalWORKs or GAIN students.
        hours and reimbursement for school-related costs such as   Hours are Monday through Friday; 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
        text books, supplies, transportation, and fees. We also pro-  For more information call (818) 240-1000, ext. 3071.
        vide funding for Work Study jobs and on-campus child care.
        The Garfi eld Campus CalWORKs Program is located on the   GARFIELD BOOKSTORE
        third fl oor of the Tropico Building (TR 300). For more infor-  The Garfi eld Bookstore is available for students at various
        mation, call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5681.
                                                              times and days throughout the year. Program is located on
        CAREER AND COUNSELING CENTER                          the fi rst fl oor of the Mariposa Building (MP 126). For more
                                                              information, call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5802.
        The Career and Counseling Center assists students with
        transfer to the Verdugo Campus, choosing classes, preparing   GARFIELD LIBRARY
        for fi nancial aid, career assessment, job seeking, employment   The Garfi eld Library Collection has over 1,000 volumes
        preparation, and career/school research. Hours are Monday   to help support the Continuing Education Business, Life
        through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Friday 8:30 a.m.   Skills, and Noncredit ESL classes. The library also has over
        to 4:00 p.m. Program is located on the second fl oor of the   2,300 volumes of children’s literature as “classroom sets”
        Mariposa Building (MP 221).For more information call (818)   available for faculty checkout. Program  is  located  on  the
        240-1000, ext. 5055 or 5056.
                                                              second fl oor of the Tropico Building (TR 201). For more in-
        COUNSELING                                            formation and hours, call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5098.
        Academic counselors are available for assistance with stu-  WELCOME CENTER
        dents seeking High School Diplomas and the HSE. Aca-  The welcome center services:
        demic Counselors work with State Department of Reha-
        bilitation referrals and California Training Benefi ts (CTB)   Get help with your GCC online application
        students. They assist with transition to credit classes at   Register for your classes
        the Verdugo Campus, and provide other general academ-
        ic counseling. Hours vary from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. To   Learn how to navigate MyGCC
        schedule an appointment call (818) 240-1000, ext. 5055 or   Activate your Student email
        5033.                                                      Get directed to student Services and open classes on

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