Page 231 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 231


        129                                 155                                 161
        PERFORMERS                          3.0 Units                           IN CLASSICAL THEATRE
        1.0 Unit                            T ART 155 is the study and practice of writ-  PRODUCTION
        T ART 129 is a course designed to introduce   ing dramatic works for the stage. Students   2.0 to 4.0 Units
        performance students to the backstage   gain a greater understanding of how to   T ART 161 is a workshop designed to support
        aspects of technical theatre. Students work   write for the stage through reading plays,   a classical theatre production. The students
        on projects that directly support the dance,   analyzing play structure, peer evaluation   enrolled in this course are formed into a
        music, or theatre production in which they   of writing assignments, participating in the   company to present classical plays as part of
        are concurrently enrolled. Through the   play development process, understanding   the Theatre Arts Department productions at
        analysis and implementation of production   the commerce of playwriting, and having   Glendale Community College. The produc-
        designs for scenery, lights and sound, they   original works performed in front of an audi-  tions include works that belong specifi cally
        gain a greater understanding of the relation-  ence. Note: This course may include trips to   to those playwrights whose style requires a
        ship between performance and the backstage   local professional and/or amateur theatre   genre of acting, generally referred to as Clas-
        support.  Note: This class will be limited   productions. Students may also present their   sical, Greek, Roman, Elizabethan, Spanish
        to twenty students. Laboratory 3 hours.   plays in a staged-reading or performance at   Golden Age, and French Classical theatre.
        Prerequisite: None. Corequisite: Enrollment   the conclusion of the class for a public audi-  Each student is assigned projects in accor-
        in one of the following: DANCE 135, MUSIC   ence. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None.   dance with his or her interests and talents.
        143, 146, 147, 170, 231,235, 236, 237, T ART 160,   Transfer Credit: CSU.  The projects involve some phase of theatrical
        161, 162, 163, 164. Course Typically Off ered:   160                     production as it relates to performance skills
        Spring.  (Technical Theatre: Stagecraft/  REHEARSAL AND PERFORMANCE     in the style of classical theatre. Note: Students
        Building Family)                                                        are expected to be available for rehearsals
                                            IN MUSICAL THEATRE PRODUCTION
        134                                 2.0 to 4.0 Units                    and every performance for 10 - 15 hours per
                                                                                week. Laboratory Units earned are based
        PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL           T ART 160 is a workshop designed to support   on the number of hours and type of project
        ASPECTS OF STAGE LIGHTING           musical theatre productions. The students   completed. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3-9
        2.0 Units                           enrolled in this course are formed into a   hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
        T ART 134 is for the advanced student in   company to present the combined Dance,   Off ered: Fall.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,
        technical theatre. It is a course designed to   Music, and Theatre Arts Department produc-  USC. (C-ID THTR 191) (Theatre Production
        develop the skills and techniques which   tions at Glendale Community College. Each   Rehearsal & Performance Family)
        are necessary for the student’s participation   student is assigned projects in accordance
        and appreciation of the art of stage lighting.   with his or her interests and talents. The   162
        It is hoped that the student will develop, as   projects involve some phase of theatrical   REHEARSAL AND PERFORMANCE
        a result of familiarity with stage lighting   production as it relates to performance   IN MODERN THEATRE PRODUCTION
        practice, a sense of balance and rhythm with   skills in the style of theatre generally termed   2.0 to 4.0 Units
        regard to color, light and shadow, and mass.   American Musical Comedy. Note: Students   T ART 162 is a workshop designed to support
        Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequisite: T ART   are expected to be available for rehearsals   a modern theatre production. The students
        133 or equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   and every performance for 10 - 15 hours per   enrolled in this course are formed into a
        USC. (Scenic & Lighting Family)     week. Laboratory Units are earned based   company to present plays from the modern
                                            on the number of hours and type of project   repertoire as a part of the season of Theatre
        140                                 completed. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3-9   Arts Department productions at Glendale
        INTRODUCTION TO PERFORMANCE         hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   Community College. These titles include, but
        FOR THE CAMERA                      Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   are not limited to the works of the interna-
        3.0 Units
                                            USC. (C-ID THTR 191)  (Musical Theatre   tional theatre from the 1840’s and the advent
        T ART 140 is a comprehensive introduction   Family)                     of Henrik Ibsen, to the mid 1950’s with the
        to performing in the media of television and                            work of Tennessee Williams and Eugene
        fi lm. The course explores the styles and the                            O’Neil. Each student is assigned projects
        mastery of technical specifi cs  demanded                                in accordance with his or her interests and
        by each medium. The approach is to teach                                talents regarding the selected materials.
        on-camera techniques simply and correctly,                              The projects involve some phase of theatri-
        while providing a broad understanding                                   cal production as it relates to performance
        of why and how things are done in media                                 skills in the style of modern drama. Note:
        production. Practical aspects of facilitating a                         Students are expected to be available for
        performance career are covered: getting an                              rehearsals and appear in every performance
        agent, joining the unions, and acquiring the                            for 10 - 15 hours per week. Laboratory Units
        necessary tools of the trade, such as pictures                          are earned based on the number of hours
        and resumes. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 2                               and type of project completed. Lecture 1
        hours. Prerequisite: None. (Acting Family)                              hour/Laboratory 3-9 hours.  Prerequisite:
                                                                                None. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID
                                                                                THTR 191) (Theatre Production Rehearsal
                                                                                & Performance Family)

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235   236