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THEATRE ARTS         229

            163                                 171                                 180
            IN CONTEMPORARY THEATRE             3.0 Units                           PRODUCTION
            PRODUCTION                          T ART 171 is an introduction to techni-  2.0 to 4.0 Units
            2.0 to 4.0 Units                    cal theatre including basic principles of   T ART 180 is a practical application of theatre
            T ART 163 is a workshop designed to support   scenic design, construction, painting, and   arts technical support. Through lecture and
            a contemporary theatre production. The   handling of scenery and scenic eff ects, prop   laboratory experiences, students gain experi-
            students enrolled in this course are formed   construction, backstage organization, career   ence in the application of production respon-
            into a company to present contemporary   opportunities and safety procedures within   sibilities in the areas of stage management,
            plays as a part of the season in the Theatre   the operation of the stage. Students prepare   house management, construction, scenery,
            Arts Department at Glendale Community   for stage crew assignments for the various   properties, costume, lighting, sound, and
            College. Each student is assigned projects   Glendale Community College productions.   running crews for the genre of musical
            in accordance with his or her interests and   Additional hours to devote to rehearsals and   theatre. Note: Students are expected to be
            talents. The projects involve some phase of   performances are required. Lecture 1 hour/  available for rehearsals and performances of
            theatrical production as it relates to perfor-  Laboratory 6 hours.  Prerequisite: None.   Glendale Community College productions.
            mance skills in the style of contemporary   Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   Units earned are based on the number of
            world theatre. Included are current or recent   Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID THTR 171)  hours and type of project completed. Lecture
            successful stage play scripts from Broadway,   172                      1 hour/Laboratory 3-9 hours. Prerequisite:
            Off -Broadway, West-end London, and other   INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE      None. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID
            world theatre centers, dating back to the style   DESIGN                THTR 192)
            changes in realism in the mid-to-late 1950’s.   3.0 Units               181
            Note: Audition or interview is required.                                TECHNICAL THEATRE IN
            Students are expected to be available for   T ART 172 is a survey of scenery, lighting,   CLASSICAL PRODUCTION
            rehearsals and every performance for 10   sound, costumes, makeup, properties, theat-  2.0 to 4.0 Units
            - 15 hours per week. Laboratory Units are   rical equipment and construction techniques.
            earned based on the number of hours and   Through demonstration and laboratory   T ART 181 is a practical application of theatre
            type of project completed. Lecture 1 hour/  experiences, students gain an understand-  arts technical support. Through lecture and
            Laboratory 3-9 hours.  Prerequisite: None.   ing of the organization of theatre (technical   laboratory experiences, students gain experi-
            Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer   personnel) as well as an appreciation for   ence in the application of production respon-
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID THTR 191)   theatrical design. Lecture 2 hours/Labora-  sibilities in the areas of stage management,
            (Theatre Production Rehearsal & Perfor-  tory 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Transfer   house management, construction, scenery,
            mance Family)                       Credit: CSU. (C-ID THTR 172)        properties, costume, lighting, sound, and
                                                                                    running crews for the classical theatre genre.
            164                                 173                                 Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3-9 hours. Prereq-
            REHEARSAL AND PERFORMANCE           LIGHTING DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS        uisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            IN NEW WORKS AND                    3.0 Units                           (C-ID THTR 192)
            EXPERIMENTAL THEATRE                T ART 173 is a study and execution of stage
            PRODUCTIONS                         lighting with emphasis on equipment,   182
            2.0 to 4.0 Units                    control, color, and their relationship to   TECHNICAL THEATRE IN MODERN
            T ART 164 is a workshop designed to support   design. Students learn how to use artifi -  PRODUCTION
                                                                                    2.0 to 4.0 Units
            new works and experimental theatre produc-  cial light sources to create an appropriate
            tion. The students enrolled in this course are   environment for a variety of entertainment   T ART 182 is a practical application of theatre
            formed into a company to present new or   media including animation, theatre and   arts technical support. Through lecture and
            experimental plays as a part of the season in   dance productions. Applying basic tech-  laboratory experiences, students gain experi-
            the Theatre Arts Department productions at   niques of lighting composition, students use   ence in the application of production respon-
            Glendale Community College. Each student   highlights, shadows, textures, and colors to   sibilities in the areas of stage management,
            is assigned projects in accordance with his   achieve the desired eff ects. Lighting designs   house management, construction, scenery,
            or her interests and talents. The projects   are created using virtual lighting simulations   properties, costume, lighting, sound, and
            involve some phase of theatrical produc-  on a computer. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory 3   running crews for the genre of modern
            tion as it relates to performance skills in the   hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   theatre. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3-9 hours.
            style of new plays and plays of a diff erently   Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            structured nature, including but not limited   USC. (C-ID THTR 173) (Scenic & Lighting   UC, USC. (C-ID THTR 192)
            to non-linear, feminist, epic, etc. These   Family)
            productions may include work that is student
            written or generated by the production team.
            Note: Students are expected to be available
            for rehearsals and every performance for
            10 - 15 hours per week. Laboratory Units
            are earned based on the number of hours
            and type of project completed. Lecture 1
            hour/Laboratory 3-9 hours.  Prerequisite:
            None. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID
            THTR 191) (Theatre Production Rehearsal
            & Performance Family)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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