Page 236 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 236

Certificates                                                   Noncredit Continuing Education        233


            ACCOUNT CLERK I                                       ADVANCED ESL CERTIFICATE
            This program prepares students for entry-level book-  This certificate prepares the student for academic job
            keeping positions. Students learn to record customer and   opportunities that demand a fluent level of spoken Eng-
            vendor data for service based sole proprietorships, and   lish. Upon completion this certificate students will be
            create financial statements from recorded statements.  able to demonstrate mastery of advanced English gram-
            REQUIRED COURSES: OBT 11, 21, 22, 34, 40, 70, 80, and 90.  mar structure, the ability to write a 5-paragraph essay,
                                                                  comprehension of academic, professional, and everyday
            ACCOUNT CLERK II                                      spoken English, understanding of American idioms and
            In this program, students learn advanced account-     the ability to create, present, analyze, and critique oral
            ing techniques, computerized accounting systems, and   presentations. This certificate also prepares students for
            the use of Excel spreadsheets. Students learn to record   higher levels of study that include noncredit business
            transactions for a merchandising business organized as   courses, he HSE program, citizenship courses and ma-
            a corporation, and create financial statements from re-  triculation to credit courses.
            corded transactions.                                  REQUIRED COURSES: ESL 50, 82.
            REQUIRED COURSES: OBT 23, 50, 91, 95, 97, 113, 138, and   GENERAL OFFICE CLERK I
                                                                  This program prepares students for entry-level work in
            ADULT BASIC EDUCATION CERTIFICATE                     an office setting. Students are provided with the basics
                                                                  of keyboarding, filing, and word processing computer
            This program allows students to increase their basic aca-
            demic skills, increasing their chances for employment   applications as well as soft skills such as problem solv-
            and success in further education. Students will be able   ing and teamwork. Students will produce documents us-
            to read and comprehend at the 8th grade reading level,   ing a word processor and demonstrate understanding of
            write clear and grammatically correct paragraphs us-  general office etiquette.
            ing a variety of sentence structures, and be able to add,   REQUIRED COURSES: OBT 11, 34, 35, 40, 55, 70, 80, 100 and
            subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, decimals,   140.
            fractions and percentages.
                                                                  GENERAL OFFICE CLERK II
            REQUIRED COURSES: ABSE 10, 20, and 50.
                                                                  This program prepares students for independent work
            BEGINNING ESL CERTIFICATE                             in an office setting. Students gain a broad background
            This certificate will lead to enhanced academic and en-  in business math, computer applications, and business
            try level job opportunities. Upon completion of this cer-  writing, which provides them with the ability to work
            tificate, students will be able to demonstrate mastery of   in most office departments. Students will demonstrate
            beginning-level English grammar, the ability to write a   appropriate interpersonal skills and operate a variety
            simple paragraph, and show beginning conversational   of business software, including word processors and
            speaking competence                                   spreadsheets to create business correspondence, reports,
                                                                  and other related documents.
            REQUIRED COURSES: ESL 1 (or ESL 5 for the more mature
            adult), 10, 20, and 80.                               REQUIRED COURSES: Completion of General Office Clerk I
                                                                  or equivalent; OBT 12, 21, 31, 50, 90 and 138.
                                                                  GENERAL OFFICE CLERK III
            This certificate prepares the student for academic and job
            opportunities that require a conversant level of English.   This program prepares students for work as an administra-
            Upon completion of this certificate, students will be able   tive assistant or secretary. Students gain advanced keyboard-
            to demonstrate mastery of intermediate English gram-  ing and computer application skills as well as the fundamen-
            mar, the ability to write a 3-paragraph essay and show   tals of accounting. Students will learn to support business
            intermediate-level conversational speaking competence.   offi  ce operations and work independently from a variety of
            This certificate also prepares the student for higher level   inputs; apply time management skills, prepare a wide variety
            of study that include noncredit business course the HSE   of business correspondence, and compile and edit spread-
            program, citizenship courses and matriculation to credit   sheets using common business software.
            classes.                                              REQUIRED COURSES Completion of General Offi  ce Clerk II or
                                                                  equivalent; OBT 13, 22, 33 and 101.
            REQUIRED COURSES: ESL 30, 40, 81.
                                                                  Complete one of the following courses: OBT 111, 113 or 150.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   231   232   233   234   235   236   237   238   239   240   241