Page 241 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 241

238     ADULT BASIC AND SECONDARY EDUCATION                            Noncredit Continuing Education

        40                                  44                                  60
        0 Units                             0 Units                             PREPARATION
        ABSE 40 is a high school level course   ABSE 044 is designed to meet the needs   0 Units
        designed to give an overview of world   of students who wish to earn high school   ABSE 60 is an individualized course
        history, covering the period beginning with   credit for American Government. The course   designed to prepare students to take the
        the fi rst humans up to the Scientifi c Revo-  covers the principles behind American   GED (General Educational Development) or
        lution and Enlightenment. This is the fi rst   government and then explores the American   the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test)
        half of a one-year course. This course may   political process. Each of the three branches   examination. This course covers all  fi ve
        be taken for high school credit. Laboratory   of government are explored as well as local   areas of the examinations: reading, writing,
        100 hours. Note: This is a self-paced course   government systems. This course may be   social studies, science, and mathematics and
        in an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   taken for high school credit. Laboratory 100   includes small group instruction. Laboratory
        Successful completion of this course is worth   hours. Note: This is a self-paced course in   320 hours. Note: This is a self-paced course
        5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school   an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   in an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.
        diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL   Successful completion of this course is worth   Lecture 1-3 hours/Laboratory-Studio 2-9
        40 or equivalent.                   5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school   hours. Recommended preparation: ESL 40
                                            diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL   or equivalent.
        41                                  40 or equivalent.
        WORLD HISTORY 1B                                                        61
        0 Units                             45                                  HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY (HSE)
        ABSE 41 is a high school level course   ECONOMICS                       LAB
        designed to give an overview of world   0 Units                         0 Units
        history, beginning with the Scientifi c Revolu-  ABSE 44 is designed to meet the needs of   ABSE 61 is an individualized course
        tion and Enlightenment, up to present day.   students who wish to earn high school credit   designed to prepare students to take the
        This is the second half of a one-year course.   for economics. This is a fundamental course   GED (General Educational Development) or
        This course may be taken for high school   in both micro- and macroeconomics. Micro-  the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test)
        credit. Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is   economic topics include demand, pricing   examination. This lab course covers all fi ve
        a self-paced course in an open-entry, open-  theory, and market structures. Macroeco-  areas of the examinations : reading, writing,
        exit lab environment. Successful completion   nomics involves a study of relevant institu-  social studies, science, and mathematics.
        of this course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit)   tions and polices. Other topics include inter-  Laboratory 320 hours. Note: This is a self-
        towards a high school diploma.  Recom-  national and global economics. Laboratory   paced course in an open-entry, open-exit lab
        mended preparation: ESL 40 or equivalent,   100 hours. Note: This is a self-paced course   environment.  Recommended preparation:
        ABSE 40 or equivalent.              in an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   ESL 40 or equivalent.
                                            Successful completion of this course is worth
        42                                  5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school   70
        US HISTORY 1A                       diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL   CAREER EXPLORATION
        0 Units                                                                 0 Units
                                            40 or equivalent.
        ABSE 42 is a high school level course                                   ABSE 70 is designed to assist students
        designed to give an overview of United States   48                      in their exploration of possible careers.
        history, covering the period beginning with   PSYCHOLOGY                Students explore their occupational interests,
        the era of exploration through the Civil War.   0 Units                 career requirements, and career prepara-
        This course may be taken for high school   ABSE 48 introduces students to the basics   tion. Students will utilize the services of
        credit. Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is   of life cycle development issues, the roots of   the Career Center for their assessment and
        a self-paced course in an open-entry, open-  behavior, emotions and consciousness. This   exploration. This course may be taken for
        exit lab environment. Successful completion   course may be taken for high school credit.   high school credit. Laboratory 90 hours.
        of this course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit)   Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is a self-  Recommended preparation: ESL 040 or
        towards a high school diploma.  Recom-  paced course in an open-entry, open-exit lab   equivalent. Note: This is a self-paced course
        mended preparation: ESL 40 or equivalent.   environment. Successful completion of this   in an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.
                                            course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit) towards   Successful completion of this course is worth
        43                                  a high school diploma. Lecture 1-3 hours/  5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school
        US HISTORY 1B                       Laboratory-Studio 2-9 hours. Recommended   diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL
        0 Units
                                            preparation: ESL 40 or equivalent.   40 or equivalent.
        ABSE 43 is a high school level course
        designed to give an overview of United States   50
        history, covering the period beginning with   BASIC READING
        the post-Civil War era through the New   0 Units
        Millenium. This course may be taken for   ABSE 50 is an individualized beginning
        high school credit. Laboratory 100 hours.   reading course. This course covers reading
        Note: This is a self-paced course in an open-  techniques, vocabulary development, and
        entry, open-exit lab environment. Successful   comprehension and analysis skills. Labora-
        completion of this course is worth 5 credits   tory 160 hours.  Note: This is a self-paced
        (1/2 unit) towards a high school diploma.   course in an open-entry, open-exit lab envi-
        Recommended preparation: ESL 40 and   ronment. Recommended preparation: ESL
        ABSE 42 or equivalent.              40 or equivalent.

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