Page 246 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 246

Noncredit Continuing Education                               OFFICE BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY              243

            130                                 13                                  23
            FACILITIES                          0 Units                             0 Units
            0 Units                             OBT 13 is an individualized class that applies   OBT 23 students study advanced accounting,
            LLS 130 provides speakers, fi lm, and discus-  keyboarding and MS Word skills to busi-  fi nancial statements, uncollectibles, notes
            sion to stimulate the mental, social, and   ness documents through the application of   payable and receivable, accruals, inven-
            emotional health of convalescent home   advanced features in a variety of specialized   tory, and advanced accounts receivable and
            residents and to promote lifelong learn-  situations. All students work on computers   payable in both manual and computerized
            ing. Lecture 36 hours. Note: This course is   and learn Advanced MS Word functions   formats. Lecture 160 hours. Note: Students
            designed for older adults in convalescent   as they progress. Extensive accuracy and   may enter at any time; the curriculum is indi-
            facilities who have some type of physical   speed development is off ered. Lecture 100   vidualized. The course is self-paced. Recom-
            and/or mental impairment.  Prerequisite:   hours. Note: Students may enter at any time   mended preparation: OBT 22 or equivalent
            None.                               throughout the semester; the curriculum   31
                                                is individualized. The course is self-paced.
            141                                 Recommended preparation: OBT 12 or   BUSINESS WRITING: EMAIL
            ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE        equivalent.                         0 Units
            WORLD                                                                   OBT 31, Business Writing: Email discusses
            0 Units                             14                                  various terms, actions, structure, and
            LLS 141 explores the history, archaeology and   KEYBOARDING FOR HIGH SCHOOL   features that are commonly used when
            infl uence of civilizations in the ancient world.   CREDIT               working with email in a business setting.
            Each session explores a diff erent civilization.   0 Units               The course covers professional email writing
            This course is designed for the older adults   OBT 14 is an individualized class that covers   practices, readability, etiquette, plus threats
            who want to recharge their interest in and   keyboarding by touch through the produc-  and protection. Lecture/Demonstration 24
            sharpen their awareness of how ancient   tion of business documents. All students   hours. Recommended preparation: ESL 30
            civilizations laid the groundwork for our   work on computers and learn MS Word as   or equivalent
            contemporary world. Lecture 32 hours. Note:   they advance. Extensive accuracy and speed   33
            Each session will focus on a diff erent civiliza-  development is off ered. Lecture 100 hours.   BUSINESS LETTER WRITING
            tion. Note: This is a course designed for the   Note: Students may enter at any time during   0 Units
            older adult . Prerequisite: None.   the fi rst half of the semester; the course is self-
                                                paced. Successful completion of this course is   OBT 33 covers common practices of business
                 OFFICE BUSINESS                worth 5 high school credits. Recommended   letter writing including: key diff erences
                    TECHNOLOGY                  preparation: ESL 30 or equivalent   between business letters and memos and
                                                                                    practical advice on formatting, tone, and
            11                                                                      language. Additionally, students will be
            BEGINNING KEYBOARDING               BUSINESS MATH AND                   introduced to the fi ve step writing process
            0 Units                             CALCULATORS                         and English essentials of proper business
                                                0 Units                             correspondence. Lecture/Demonstration 32
            OBT 11 is an individualized class wherein
            students learn keyboarding by touch, or   OBT 21 increases students’ basic math   hours. Recommended preparation: ESL 30.
            how to type on a computer without looking   skills. The course includes instruction in   34
            at the keyboard. Students use computers to   basic arithmetic, calculators by touch, speed   FILING FUNDAMENTALS
            develop their skills. Extensive accuracy and   development on calculators, and calculator   0 Units
            speed development is off ered. Lecture 50   functions. Lecture/Demonstration 160 hours.   OBT 34 covers the use of indexing rules for
            hours. Note: Students may enter at any time   Note: Students may enter at any time, and   fi ling alphabetically, numerically, geographi-
            throughout the semester; the curriculum   the curriculum is individualized. The course   cally and by subject. Classroom exercises,
            is individualized. The course is self-paced.   is self-paced. Students may complete one or   practical activities, handouts, and quizzes
            Recommended preparation: ESL 30 or   more sections. Recommended preparation:   are designed to prepare students for work-
            equivalent                          None                                ing with offi  ce fi les and employment tests.
            12                                                                      Lecture/Demonstration 40 hours.  Recom-
            INTERMEDIATE KEYBOARDING            BEGINNING ACCOUNT CLERK             mended preparation: ESL 30 or equivalent
            0 Units                             0 Units                             35
                                                OBT 22 students study full cycle accounting,
            OBT 12 is an individualized class that                                  ON-THE-JOB COMMUNICATION
            provides additional practice in keyboarding   fi nancial statements, payroll, and accounts   0 Units
            by touch through the production of business   receivable and payable in both manual and   OBT 35 emphasizes workplace interaction
            documents. All students work on comput-  computerized formats. Lecture 140 hours.   and avoiding barriers to communication
            ers and learn MS Word as they advance.   Note: Students may enter at any time; the   as well as understanding and adapting to a
            Extensive accuracy and speed development   curriculum is individualized. The course   variety of personal communication styles.
            is off ered. Lecture 150 hours. Note: Students   is self-paced.  Recommended preparation:   Included are communication strategies
            may enter at any time throughout the semes-  None                       for getting along with coworkers, supervi-
            ter; the curriculum is individualized. The                              sors, and clients. Other topics covered are
            course is self-paced. Recommended prepara-                              overcoming negative behaviors in teams/
            tion: OBT 11 or equivalent.                                             groups, decision making, and problem solv-
                                                                                    ing. Oral skills are stressed through practical
                                                                                    application of telephone techniques. Lecture/
                                                                                    Demonstration 32 hours. Prerequisite: None.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251