Page 242 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 242

Noncredit Continuing Education                  ADULT BASIC AND SECONDARY EDUCATION                  239

            110                                 113                                 116
            ENGLISH 9A                          ENGLISH 10B                         ENGLISH 12A
            0 Units                             0 Units                             0 Units
            ABSE 110 helps students develop strategies   ABSE 113 helps students develop strate-  ABSE 116 focuses on reading, analyzing, and
            for reading various texts including fi ction,   gies for reading and analyzing various   writing about British Literature selections.
            non-fi ction, technical, and informational   texts including fi ction, poetry and drama.   Students engage in further practice in the
            writings. It also presents strategies for writ-  The strategies for writing include multiple   modes of analytical, informative/explana-
            ing, including multiple genres with appro-  genres, such as persuasion, classifi cation and   tory, and narrative writing. Research paper
            priate use of conventions. All strategies are   analysis, with appropriate use of conven-  writing is included. All strategies are aligned
            aligned with the California Common Core   tions. All strategies are aligned with the   with the California Common Core State
            State Standards and high school grade-  California Common Core State Standards   Standards and high school grade-specifi c
            specifi c standards to defi ne college and   and high school grade-specifi c standards to   standards to defi ne college and career readi-
            career readiness expectations. ABSE 110 is   defi ne college and career readiness expecta-  ness expectations. ABSE 116 is equivalent to
            equivalent to the fi rst semester of 9th grade   tions. ABSE 113 is equivalent to the second   the fi rst semester of 12th grade English (12A).
            English (9A). It meets the requirements for   semester of 10th grade English (10B). It meets   It meets the requirements for a high school
            a high school diploma. Note: This is a self-  the requirements for a high school diploma.   diploma. Note: This is a self-paced course in
            paced course in an open-entry, open-exit lab   Note: This is a self-paced course in an open-  an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.
            environment. Successful completion of this   entry, open-exit lab environment. Successful   Successful completion of this course is worth
            course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a   completion of this course is worth 5 credits   5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school
            high school diploma. Recommended prepa-  (1/2 unit) towards a high school diploma.   diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL
            ration: ESL 40                      Recommended preparation: ESL 40, ABSE   40, ABSE 115 or equivalent
                                                112 or equivalent
            111                                                                     117
            ENGLISH 9B                          114                                 ENGLISH 12B
            0 Units                             ENGLISH 11A                         0 Units
            ABSE 111 helps students explore and analyze   0 Units                   ABSE 117 focuses on reading, analyzing, and
            both literature and non-fi ction,  including   ABSE 114 focuses on reading, analyzing, and   writing about British Literature selections.
            informational, technical and historical texts.   writing about American literary selections.   Students engage in further practice in the
            Students are expected to make qualitative   An introduction to the modes of analytical,   modes of analytical, informative/explana-
            evaluations of texts in writing. This course   informative, explanatory, and narrative writ-  tory, and narrative writing. Research paper
            is aligned with the Common Core Standards   ing is included. A research paper is included   writing is included. All strategies are aligned
            for reading, writing and language skills   as well. All strategies are aligned with the   with the California Common Core State Stan-
            required for 9th grade second semester   California Common Core State Standards   dards and high school grade-specifi c stan-
            students. The ABSE 111 is equivalent to the   and high school grade-specifi c standards to   dards to defi ne college and career readiness
            second semester of ninth grade English. It   defi ne college and career readiness expec-  expectations. ABSE 117 is equivalent to the
            meets the requirements for a high school   tations. ABSE 114 is equivalent to the fi rst   second semester of 12th grade English (12B).
            diploma. Note: This is a self-paced course in   semester of 11th grade English (11A). It meets   It meets the requirements for a high school
            an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   the requirements for a high school diploma.   diploma. Note: This is a self-paced course in
            Successful completion of this course is worth   Note: This is a self-paced course in an open-  an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.
            5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school   entry, open-exit lab environment. Successful   Successful completion of this course is worth
            diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL   completion of this course is worth 5 credits   5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school
            40, ABSE 110 or equivalent          (1/2 unit) towards a high school diploma.   diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL
                                                Recommended preparation: ESL 40, ABSE   40, ABSE 116 or equivalent
            112                                 113 or equivalent
            ENGLISH 10A                                                             147
            0 Units                             115                                 WORLD GEOGRAPHY 1A
            ABSE 112 helps students develop strategies   ENGLISH 11B                0 Units
            for reading various texts including fi ction,   0 Units                  ABSE 147 is designed for students who wish
            non-fi ction, technical, and informational   ABSE 114 focuses on reading, analyzing, and   to earn high school credit for World Geogra-
            writings. The strategies for writing include   writing about American Literature selec-  phy. The course presents information about
            multiple genres, such as informational,   tions. Students engage in further practice in   the world and its resources, surveys the
            biographical and historical, with appropriate   the modes of analytical, informative/explan-  basic principles of geography, and explores
            use of conventions. All strategies are aligned   atory, and narrative writing. Research paper   how such physical factors as climate and
            with the California Common Core State   writing is included. All strategies are aligned   natural resources infl uence the cultural,
            Standards and high school grade-specifi c   with the California Common Core State Stan-  economic and political life of people in
            standards to defi ne college and career readi-  dards and high school grade-specifi c stan-  the United States, Canada, Latin America,
            ness expectations. ABSE 112 is equivalent to   dards to defi ne college and career readiness   Europe, Russia, and Eurasia. Laboratory 100
            the fi rst semester of 10th grade English (10A).   expectations. ABSE 115 is equivalent to the   hours. Note: This is a self-paced course in
            It meets the requirements for a high school   second semester of 11th grade English (11B).   an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.
            diploma. Note: This is a self-paced course in   It meets the requirements for a high school   Successful completion of this course is worth
            an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   diploma. Note: This is a self-paced course in   5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school
            Successful completion of this course is worth   an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL
            5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school   Successful completion of this course is worth   40 or equivalent.
            diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL   5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school
            40, ABSE 111 or equivalent          diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL
                                                40, ABSE 114 or equivalent

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