Page 240 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 240

Noncredit Continuing Education                  ADULT BASIC AND SECONDARY EDUCATION                  237

            26                                  28                                  31
            GEOMETRY 1B                         ALGEBRA 2A                          LIFE SCIENCE 1B
            0 Units                             0 Units                             0 Units
            ABSE 26 is the second half of a one-year   ABSE 28 focuses on linear, quadratic, and   ABSE 31 is a high school level course
            high school level geometry course. In this   exponential functions including polynomial,   designed to give an overview of life science
            course students investigate similarity and   rational, and radical functions. Students   from animals to the human body. It includes
            use similarity in the right triangle to defi ne   work closely with the expressions that   animal classifi cation and characteristics,
            trigonometric ratios. They investigate circles   defi ne the functions and expand and hone   human body systems, and the interactions
            and prove theorems about them. Connecting   their abilities to model situations and to   of factors within an ecosystem. This is the
            to their prior experience with the coordinate   solve equations, including solving quadratic   second half of a one-year course. Laboratory
            plane, they prove geometric theorems using   equations over the set of complex numbers   100 hours. Note: This is a self-paced course
            coordinates and describe shapes with equa-  and solving exponential equations using the   in an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.
            tions. Students extend their knowledge of   properties of logarithms. Students explore   Successful completion of this course is worth
            area and volume formulas for three dimen-  the eff ects of transformations on graphs of   5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school
            sional shapes. This course is designed to meet   diverse functions, including functions aris-  diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL
            the needs of students who wish to begin their   ing in applications. ABSE 28 is aligned with   40 or equivalent and ABSE 21 or equivalent.
            study of geometry and to earn high school   the California Common Core State Standards   32
            credit in mathematics. Laboratory 100 hours.   and high school grade-specifi c standards to   PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1A
            Note: This is a self-paced course in an open-  defi ne college and career readiness expecta-  0 Units
            entry, open-exit lab environment. Successful   tions. It meets the requirements for a high
            completion of this course is worth 5 credits   school diploma. Note: This is a self-paced   ABSE 32 is a high school level course
            (1/2 unit) towards a high school diploma.   course in an open-entry, open-exit lab   designed to acquaint students with the
            Recommended preparation: ESL 40 or   environment. Successful completion of this   basic physical properties of matter, atoms,
            equivalent, ABSE 25 or equivalent.   course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit) towards   compounds, and simple chemical equations.
                                                a high school diploma.  Recommended   This is the  fi rst half of a one-year course.
            27                                  preparation: ESL 40 or equivalent, ABSE 24   Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is a self-
            APPLIED MATHEMATICS                 and ABSE 25.                        paced course in an open-entry, open-exit lab
            0 Units                                                                 environment. Successful completion of this
            ABSE 27 is designed to help students use   29                           course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a
            mathematical principles and computations   ALGEBRA 2B                   high school diploma. Recommended prepa-
            in everyday living and business transac-  ABSE 29 focuses on rational functions,   ration: ESL 40 or equivalent.
            tions. This course may be taken as a high   sequences and series, and quadratic relations   33
            school elective in mathematics. Laboratory   and conic sections. Students continue solv-  PHYSICAL SCIENCE 1B
            100 hours. Note: This is a self-paced course   ing complex systems of equations including   0 Units
            in an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.  matrices. They use the coordinate plane
            Successful completion of this course is worth   to extend trigonometry to model periodic   ABSE 33 is a high school level course
            5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school   phenomena and expand basic functions   designed to expand on basic physical science
            diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL   to the entire unit circle. Students identify   with concepts of motion, machines, sound,
            40 or equivalent.                   diff erent ways of collecting and analyzing   light, electricity and magnetism. This is the
                                                data and the role of randomness and careful   second half of a one-year course. Laboratory
                                                design in the conclusions that can be drawn.   100 hours. Note: This is a self-paced course
                                                Note: This is a self-paced course in an open-  in an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.
                                                entry, open-exit lab environment. Successful   Successful completion of this course is worth
                                                completion of this course is worth 5 credits   5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school
                                                (1/2 unit) towards a high school diploma.   diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL
                                                Recommended preparation: ESL 40 or   40 and ABSE 32 or equivalent.
                                                equivalent. ABSE 28 or equivalent.
                                                30                                  HEALTH AND GUIDANCE
                                                LIFE SCIENCE 1A                     0 Units
                                                0 Units                             ABSE 34 presents guides to healthy life styles
                                                ABSE 30 is a high school level course   and positive health behaviors. It focuses on
                                                designed to give an overview of life science   decisions regarding drugs, alcohol, tobacco,
                                                from cells through the plant kingdom. It   exercise, safety and nutrition and how these
                                                includes the characteristics of life, cells   issues impact health and well-being. This
                                                structure and function, heredity, evolution,   course may be taken for high school credit.
                                                and the classifi cation of plants. This is the   Laboratory 100 hours. Note: This is a self-
                                                fi rst half of a one-year course. Laboratory   paced course in an open-entry, open-exit lab
                                                100 hours. Note: This is a self-paced course   environment. Successful completion of this
                                                in an open-entry, open-exit lab environment.   course is worth 5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a
                                                Successful completion of this course is worth   high school diploma. Recommended prepa-
                                                5 credits (1/2 unit) towards a high school   ration: ESL 40 or equivalent.
                                                diploma. Recommended preparation: ESL
                                                40 or equivalent.

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