Page 238 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 238

Noncredit Continuing Education        235

                               HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS

                •  40 credits of English
                •  10 credits of World History
                •  10 credits of United States History
                •    5 credits of American Government
                •    5 credits of Economics
                •  10 credits of Physical Science
                •  10 credits of Biological Science
                •  10 credits of Algebra
                •  10 credits of Geometry
                •  5 credits of Career Preparation
                   (or equivalent work history)
                •  5 credits of Computer Applications
                •  5 credits of Health
                •  10 credits of Humanities (Art, Music or Foreign Language)
                •  50 credits of Electives
            Total of 185 credits plus demonstration of competency in reading, writing, and mathematics.
            20 credits must be completed at Glendale Community College.

            Reading Competency— One of the following:
                •  Pass the HSE Language Arts, Reading with a score of 410 or higher
                •  Score 584 or above on the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
                •  Score 246 or above on the CASAS Life and Work test level 187 or 188
                •  Place into English 192
                •  Pass the English-Language Arts portion of the CAHSEE
            Writing Competency— One of the following:
                •  Pass the HSE Language Arts, Writing with a score of 410 or higher
                •  Place into English 120 or higher
                •  Pass the English-Language Arts portion of the CAHSEE
            Mathematics Competency— One of the following:
                •  Place into Mathematics 141 or higher
                •  Pass the HSE Mathematics with a score of 450 or higher
                •  Pass the Mathematics portion of the CAHSEE
            For HSE testing information please refer to the General Information section of this catalog.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   233   234   235   236   237   238   239   240   241   242   243