Page 233 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 233

230     WELDING

        183                                 121                                 124
        CONTEMPORARY PRODUCTION             3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
        2.0 to 4.0 Units                    WELD 121 is the fi rst in a series of occupa-  WELD 124 is fourth in a series of occupa-
        T ART 183 is a practical application of theatre   tional welding courses designed to prepare   tional welding courses designed to prepare
        arts technical support. Through lecture and   the student for employment in the welding   the student for employment in the welding
        laboratory experiences, students gain experi-  industry. It covers the theory of welding   industry. It covers the preparation for a weld-
        ence in the application of production respon-  processes, welding safety, terms, basic metal-  ing certifi cation in metallic arc, tungsten
        sibilities in the areas of stage management,   lurgy, and the fundamentals of metallicarc   inert gas, and metal inert gas arc welding.
        house management, construction, scenery,   and oxyacetylene welding. Lecture 1 hour/  Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 6 hours. Prereq-
        properties, costume, lighting, sound, and   Laboratory 6 hours. Recommended Prepa-  uisite: None.
        running crews for the genre of contemporary   ration: Eligibility for ENGL 120 or ESL 151.   125
        theatre. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3-9 hours.   122                     ADVANCED WELDING
        Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU,   GENERAL WELDING             PROCEDURES
        UC, USC. (C-ID THTR 192)
                                            3.0 Units                           1.0 Unit
        184                                 WELD 122 is second in a series of occupa-  WELD 125 is advanced welding procedures
        TECHNICAL THEATRE IN                tional welding courses designed to prepare   and practices for experienced students or
        NEW WORKS, DEVISED, AND             the student for employment in the welding   industrial workers who wish to improve and
        EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTION             industry. It covers fundamental of blueprint   update their manipulative skills or prepare
        2.0 to 4.0 Units                    reading interpreting shop drawings and   for a specifi c  certifi cation in metallic arc,
        T ART 184 is a practical application of theatre   sketches, advanced metallic arc and oxyacet-  tungsten inert gas, or metal inert gas welding
        arts technical support. Through lecture and   ylene welding and provides an introduction   Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: WELD 117
        laboratory experiences, students gain experi-  to tungsten inert gas and metal inert gas   or 121 or equivalent.
        ence in the application of production respon-  arc welding. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 6   126
        sibilities in the areas of stage management,   hours. Prerequisite: WELD 121 or equivalent.   OCCUPATIONAL WELDING
        house management, construction, scenery,   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for   CERTIFICATE SHOP
        properties, costume, lighting, sound, and   ENGL 120 or ESL 151.        1.0 Unit
        running crews for new, devised, or experi-  123
        mental play genres in production. Lecture   OCCUPATIONAL WELDING        WELD 126 is designed for the student or
        1 hour/Laboratory 3-9 hours. Prerequisite:   3.0 Units                  industrial worker with a welding back-
        None. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID                              ground to gain practical experience in
        THTR 192)                           WELD 123 is third in a series of occupa-  specifi c skill areas of concentration, resulting
                                            tional welding courses designed to prepare   in state welding certifi cation. Laboratory 3
                   WELDING                  the student for employment in the welding   hours. Prerequisite: WELD 117 or 118 or 125
                                            industry. It covers basic preparation for   or equivalent.
        117                                 welding certifi cation, advanced metallic
        INTRODUCTION TO WELDING             arc, tungsten inert gas, metal inert gas, and
        2.0 Units                           oxyacetylene welding, including specifi c
        WELD 117 consists of oxyacetylene weld-  welding exercises needed to prepare the
        ing, fl ame cutting, (manual and automatic),   student for the manipulative phase of the
        bronze and silver brazing and soldering.   certifi cation examination. Lecture 1 hour/
        These processes are discussed and demon-  Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite: None.
        strated. The student is given experience
        in applying the principles by individual
        practice on a sequence of selected plates and
        manipulative exercises on various metals.
        Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3 hours. Recom-
        mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
        120 or ESL 151. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        2.0 Units
        WELD 118 consists of theory and techniques
        in basic Shielded Metal Arc Welding and Flux
        Cored Arc Welding. The student is given
        experience in applying the principles by
        individual practice on a sequence of selected
        plates and manipulative exercises on mild
        steel. Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 3 hours.
        Prerequisite: WELD 117 or equivalent.

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