Page 228 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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            101                                 127                                 143
            1.0 Unit                            1.0 Unit                            0.5 to 2.0 Units
            ST DV 101 is dedicated to ensuring students’   ST DV 127 is a course designed to help   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
            college success and motivating their journeys   students select majors that will lead to a   ST DV 143 is a laboratory course designed to
            toward lifelong learning. Students develop   potential career. Emphasis is placed on   meet the individualized needs of students
            their own plan for personal, academic, and   introducing students to the required educa-  with disabilities. Specialized tutoring is
            career success through self-evaluation, appli-  tion and training within a particular major.   off ered to assist students in developing
            cation of specifi c techniques, and classroom   Guest lecturers present on various careers.   compensatory strategies necessary for
            activities. Topics include eff ective  study   Students explore factors such as interests,   success in mainstream classes and daily
            strategies, short and long-term goals, time   values, and skills that infl uence their choices   living.  Note: This course is Pass/No Pass
            management, and campus resources. This   of a major. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass   only. Laboratory 1.5-6 hours. Prerequisite:
            course is about making choices, especially   only. Lecture 1 hour. Recommended Prepa-  None.
            those about setting and meeting personal,   ration: Completion of ENGL 188 and ENGL   145
            academic, and career goals. Note: This course   189, or ESL 133, ESL 135 and ESL 136.  ACHIEVING ACADEMIC AND
            is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 1 hour. Recom-  128                       CAREER SUCCESS
            mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL   VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS          3.0 Units
            190, ENGL 191, ESL 141, ESL 146 Transfer   1.0 Unit
            Credit: CSU.                                                            ST DV 145 is a survey course designed to
                                                ST DV 128 is designed to assist students with   increase academic motivation and career
            103                                 disabilities prepare a vocational plan and   success throughout the life span. The
            COLLEGE ORIENTATION FOR             apply decision-making skills to the world   primary goal of this course is to examine
            INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS              in which they live. Students explore career   how an individual’s psychological, social,
            1.0 Unit                            options and construct a well planned career   physical, and environmental factors impact
            ST DV 103 is an introduction to customs   path, show a thorough understanding of the   academic achievement and academic, career
            unique to the American culture, prevalent   Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and   and personal life choices. Topics include
            American attitudes, United States Immigra-  its application to their employment options,   learning theory, achievement motivation,
            tion regulations aff ecting F-1 Visa interna-  and increase their awareness of how to live   identity development, critical thinking
            tional students, and general principles for   as independent adults.  Note: This course   strategies, study and time management tech-
            living and studying in the United States of   is Pass/No Pass only. ST DV 128 may not   niques, career exploration, decision making,
            America. Additionally, the course covers   be taken for credit by students who have   and vocational planning. Note: ST DV 145
            college academic regulations, require-  successfully completed ST DV 125 or ST DV   may not be taken for credit by students who
            ments for transfer to four-year colleges and   145 Lecture 1 hour. Prerequisite: None.   have successfully completed ST DV 125 or
            universities, college services, and specialized   129                   ST DV 128. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended
            student support services. At the conclusion   TEXT-TO-SPEECH SOFTWARE   Preparation: ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Transfer
            of the course, the student is able to produce a   USE FOR READING AND WRITING   Credit: CSU, UC.
            Student Educational Plan. Note: This course   ASSISTANCE                146
            is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 1 hour. Prereq-  1.0 Unit                 EFFECTIVE STUDY TECHNIQUES
            uisite: None.
                                                NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE               1.5 Units
            125                                 ST DV 129 provides instruction in eff ective   NON-DEGREE APPLICABLE
            CAREER PLANNING                     use of text-to-speech software. Students   ST DV 146 is a lecture course designed to
            1.0 Unit                            with disabilities will learn how to use this   place special emphasis on memory tech-
            ST DV 125 is a course that helps students   program as an assistive device for improv-  niques, test preparation strategies, time
            choose a career goal by assessing and   ing skills in reading, study skills, vocabulary   management, and note-taking skills for
            analyzing personal values, aptitudes, skills,   development, prewriting, and editing for   students with disabilities. This course helps
            interests, and traits and relating them to   correct spelling and word usage. Note: This   students develop critical thinking skills as
            career areas. Decision-making strategies are   course is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 1 hour.   well as compensatory strategies. Lecture 1.5
            taught and a tentative career plan is devel-  Prerequisite: None.       hours. Prerequisite: None.
            oped. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass only.   141
            Lecture 1 hour. Recommended Preparation:   IMPROVING COLLEGE
            ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Transfer Credit: CSU.
                                                PERFORMANCE AND STUDY SKILLS
                                                1.0 Unit
                                                ST DV 141 is an introduction to study skills
                                                methods, academic support services, and
                                                students’ academic assessment. This class
                                                is designed to improve such skills as note
                                                taking, test taking, and time management.
                                                Note: This course is Pass/No Pass only.
                                                Lecture 1 hour. Prerequisite: None.

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