Page 226 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 226


            131                                 101                                 104
            CONVERSATION                        3.0 Units                           3.0 Units
            3.0 Units                           SPCH 101 is an introductory course focusing   SPCH 104 provides students with instruc-
            SPAN 131 is a course of intensive practice   on public speaking - the process of learning   tion and practice in the principles of
            for improving oral communicative skills   to speak in front of a group of people in a   argumentation and the various forms of
            in the Spanish language while exploring   structured, deliberate, organized manner   debate. It includes the analysis of proposi-
            culturally signifi cant topics in the Spanish   in a variety of public speaking environ-  tions, research, evidence and reasoning.
            speaking world. By means of a variety of   ments. Through their reading of research-  Students are required to practice various
            media such as short fi lms, comic strips, and   based theories and principles of human   forensic debating techniques through the
            readings in diff erent genres by important   communication, and critical analysis of   presentation of their outlined affi  rmative
            literary figures, students participate in   public discourse, students learn to research,   and negative cases after investigating major
            conversational tertulias as they review and   compose, present and evaluate various   contemporary issues; to read a college level
            practice the use of grammatically correct   types of speeches including informative and   argumentation and debate textbook and
            constructions, expand their vocabulary to   persuasive presentations. The course focuses   apply its principles in the preparation of their
            enable them to express their opinions, and   on developing skills in the areas of language,   cases and to critically analyze debate cases.
            develop their socio-cultural awareness. Class   listening, ethics and diversity, audience   Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
            is conducted primarily in Spanish. Lecture   analysis, evidence evaluation, presentation   tion: Eligibility for ENGL 101. ESL students
            3 hours. Recommended Preparation: SPAN   skills and oral communication eff ectiveness.   should complete ESL 155. Course Typically
            102 or equivalent.  Transfer Credit: CSU,   Through class discussions, written assign-  Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
            UC, USC.                            ments, verbal and nonverbal communication   UC, USC. (C-ID COMM 120)
                                                exercises, and oral presentations, students
            SPEECH COMMUNICATION                learn the essential elements of public speak-  105
                                                ing and how extemporaneous speeches are   VOICE AND DICTION
            100                                 used in personal and professional contexts.   3.0 Units
            INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION         This course satisfi es speech requirements   SPCH 105 is designed to improve vocal
            3.0 Units                                                               quality and force, pitch flexibility, rate,
                                                for those students who expect to transfer to
            SPCH 100 is an introductory course focus-  colleges and universities. Lecture 3 hours.   articulation, and pronunciation. The student
            ing on human communication between   Recommended Preparation: Eligibility   develops an understanding of the speech
            two people. Through their reading of   for ENGL 101.  Course Typically Off ered:   mechanism. Emphasis is placed on improve-
            research-based theories and principles of   Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.  Transfer   ment through increased self-perception and
            interpersonal communication, verbal and   Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID COMM 110)  practice exercises. The student acquires a
            nonverbal communication exercises, and                                  basic understanding of the International
            class discussions regarding personal identi-  103                       Phonetic Alphabet. Lecture 3 hours. Recom-
            ties and ethical conduct, students learn to   GROUP DISCUSSION          mended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL
            identify and understand factors aff ecting   3.0 Units                   101. ESL students should complete ESL 155.
            interpersonal communication in personal   SPCH 103 is an introductory course focusing   Course Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer
            and professional contexts. The course focuses   on the principles and practices of human   Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            on self-discovery and developing skills in the   communication in various group contexts.   106
            areas of language, listening, assertiveness,   This course is designed to help students   ORAL INTERPRETATION OF
            confl ict management, nonverbal behaviors,   become familiar with the major theories   LITERATURE
            group problem solving, and cross cultural   and research regarding group communi-  3.0 Units
            communication. Students discover and iden-  cation. Students experience the challenge
            tify the factors that infl uence communication   of learning how to improve their group   SPCH 106 teaches the skills, techniques
            behavior, and the establishment and main-  communication skills through participation   and theories of oral interpretation of liter-
            tenance of meaningful and necessary rela-  in a variety of group activities. The course   ary works. Students learn to use verbal
            tionships. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended   focuses on self-discovery and developing   and nonverbal elements to communicate
            Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 101. ESL   skills in the areas of language, listening,   subtextural choices related to structural
            students should complete ESL 155. Course   leadership, confl ict management, problem   analysis of a variety of literary genres
            Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer   solving and decision making, nonverbal   including prose, poetry and drama. Class
            Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID COMM 130)  behaviors, and cross cultural communica-  exercises and instructor feedback are used
                                                tion in family, social and professional group   to teach these concepts and to focus on the
                                                settings. Knowledge gained through group   student’s individual strengths and weak-
                                                discussion helps students to become more   nesses. Methods of literary selection and
                                                comfortable and competent participants in   excerpting, along with analysis in relation
                                                the group communication process. Lecture   to performance requirements are demon-
                                                3 hours. Recommended Preparation: Eligi-  strated. Specifi c skills needed to participate
                                                bility for ENGL 101. ESL students should   in collegiate forensics competitions are also
                                                complete ESL 155. Course Typically Off ered:   taught. Note: An audition may be required.
                                                Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.   Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
                                                (C-ID COMM 140)                     tion: Eligibility for ENGL 101. ESL students
                                                                                    should complete ESL 155. Course Typically
                                                                                    Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
                                                                                    (C-ID COMM 170)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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