Page 221 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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        131                                 203                                 130
        RELATIONSHIPS                       LAB                                 3.0 Units
        3.0 Units                           1.0 Unit                            RE 130 is an economic history of contem-
        PSYCH 131 studies the development of   PSYCH 203 is an introductory science   porary real estate and chronicles the events
        traditional and contemporary patterns of   laboratory course that surveys structure   and economic trends infl uencing real estate
        people living together with an emphasis   and function of the nervous system, neuro-  values (appraisal). It off ers an analysis of
        on psychological and sociological theories   logical correlates of behavior, psychophysi-  the interrelationship between the cost and
        and research. Topics examined include the   ological research methodology, and scientifi c   value of real estate on a local and national
        historical development of marriage, diverse   research investigation. Main topics include   level. This course meets the requirements
        lifestyles (including single-parenting, the   neuroanatomy, behavioral neuroscience,   for the appraisal subject matter electives of
        blended family, and gay and lesbian partner-  consciousness, emotion, stress, sensation   the 2008 Appraisal Qualifi cations Board of
        ships), partner compatibility, communication   and perception of vision, audition, touch,   the Appraisal Foundation and fulfi lls  the
        techniques, intimacy, confl ict, child-rearing,   olfaction, and gustation. Laboratory 3 hours.   statutory pre-licensing requirements of the
        dissolution of partnerships, and specula-  Prerequisite: PSYCH 103 Course Typically   California Department of Real Estate for
        tion about the future of relationships. Note:   Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   salespersons and brokers. Lecture 3 hours.
        This course may not be taken for credit by   USC.                       Prerequisite: None.  Course Typically
        students who have completed SOC 131.                                    Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-      REAL ESTATE                 140
        tion: ENGL 191 or ESL 141. Course Typically                             LEGAL ASPECTS OF REAL ESTATE
        Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,   101                        3.0 Units
        USC.                                REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES
                                            3.0 Units                           RE 140 is a study of California real estate
        150                                 RE 101 covers the basic laws and principles of   law, including rights incident to property
        EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY              California real estate and gives understand-  ownerships and management, agency,
        3.0 Units                           ing, background, and terminology necessary   contracts, and application to real estate
        PSYCH 150 is designed to provide students   for advanced study in specialized courses.   transfer, conveyancing, probate proceed-
        with a fundamental understanding of the   The course is of assistance to those preparing   ings, trust deeds, and foreclosure, as well
        theoretical foundations of learning theories   for the real estate sales license examination.   as recent legislation governing real estate
        and their application in school settings.   Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: None. Note:   transactions. This course applies toward
        The course will focus on the evaluation of   May be taken 3 times for credit. Course Typi-  education requirement of broker’s examina-
        these applications as each contributed to   cally Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.   tion. Lecture 3 hours. Recommended Prepa-
        the development of American Education. It   Transfer Credit: CSU.       ration: RE 101. Course Typically Off ered:
        will also provide a basis for understanding                             Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        both failed and successful eff orts  toward   105                        150
        remediations and reform, using psychol-  REAL ESTATE PRE-LICENSE        REAL ESTATE FINANCE
        ogy as a means of analysis. Lecture 3 hours.   3.0 Units                3.0 Units
        Recommended Preparation: PSYCH 101 or   RE 105 is a course that reviews all the mate-
        SOC S 101; and ENGL 120 or ESL 151. Course   rial necessary to take the Department of Real   RE 150 covers statistics, modeling, and
        Typically Off ered: Spring. Transfer Credit:   Estate Salesperson’s or Broker’s Examination.   fi nance and is accepted for all four levels
        CSU, UC, USC.                       Students learn the fi nancial, economic, and   of appraisal licensure, including trainee,
                                            political aspects of real estate practice in   licensed appraiser, certified residential,
        200                                 California. Regulations of the real estate   and certifi ed general. This course meets the
        RESEARCH METHODS FOR                business and licensing of real estate brokers   requirements of the 2008 Appraisal Qualifi -
        PSYCHOLOGY                          and salespersons are discussed in detail. In   cations Board of the Appraisal Foundation
        3.5 Units                           addition, the license law, the subdivision law   and meets the California Department of
        PSYCH 200 is a lecture and laboratory   administered by the Real Estate Commis-  Real Estate (DRE) salesperson and broker
        course focusing on the nature of theory and   sioner, the Regulations of the Commis-  pre-license real estate fi nance requirements.
        the principles of descriptive and inferen-  sioner, and extracts from other pertinent   Lecture 3 hours.  Recommended Prepara-
        tial research. Topics covered in the course   California codes, are presented. Lecture 3   tion: RE 162 or RE 163.  Course Typically
        include: an analysis of the scientifi c method,   hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically   Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
        research design, ethical principles, internal   Off ered: Fall/Spring.
        and external validity, and scientifi c writing.
        The course is built around the application   120
        of these topics in a laboratory environment.   REAL ESTATE PRACTICE
        Note: This course may not be taken for credit   3.0 Units
        by students who have successfully completed   RE 120 covers the day-to-day operations
        SOC S 200. Lecture 3 hours/Laboratory 1.5   from the viewpoint of the real estate sales-
        hour. Prerequisite: MATH 136 and PSYCH   person. The topics covered include: listing,
        101. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (C-ID   prospecting, advertising,  fi nancing,  sales
        PSY 200)                            techniques, escrow, and ethics. This course
                                            applies toward the State of California’s
                                            educational requirement for the salesper-
                                            son’s and broker’s examination. Lecture 3
                                            hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
                                            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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