Page 216 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 216


            216                                 219                                 239
            1.0 Unit                            1.0 Unit                            1.0 Unit
            PE 216 is designed to help women develop   PE 219 applies the intermediate skills taught   PE 239 off ers instruction and practice in
            and master principles and practical aspects   in PE 218 to match situations and self-  intermediate soccer techniques and team
            of personal safety. The course covers meth-  defense. Instruction focuses on diff erences   concepts in a recreational environment.
            ods and tactics of practical self-defense, and   between gi and nogi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and   This course builds upon the application of
            builds on fundamental techniques taught   advanced ground techniques and take-  basic skills, team play, and off ensive  and
            in PE 215. It provides rigorous conditioning   downs. Application focuses on the mastery   defensive fundamentals learned in PE 238.
            exercises and develops profi ciency in skills   of fundamental techniques and transitions   Rules, soccer etiquette, and team strate-
            in perception, analysis, escape, compromise,   and the ability to train eff ectively with a   gies are major components of this course.
            avoidance, blocking, throwing, and striking.   partner, as well as the ability to eff ectively   Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: PE 238.
            Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequisite: PE 215.   instruct novices in introductory-level tech-  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  (Soccer/
            Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.  (Martial   niques of self-defense. Laboratory 3 hours.   Football Family)
            Arts Family)                        Prerequisite: PE 218. Transfer Credit: CSU,   240
                                                UC. (Martial Arts Family)
            217                                                                     SOCCER III
            INTRODUCTION TO BRAZILIAN JIU-      220                                 1.0 Unit
            JITSU                               KICKBOXING I                        PE 240 teaches advanced concepts of soccer
            1.0 Unit                            1.0 Unit                            in a recreational environment. The main
            PE 217 instructs students in the basics of the   PE 220 instructs students in the basics of   goal is to provide the student with continued
            martial art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Instruction   kickboxing as a martial art, self-defense   advancement in soccer while incorporating
            focuses on nogi, ground-based techniques   technique and exercise format to improve   a better understanding of teamwork and
            including guard positions, mount positions,   physical conditioning. Instruction focuses   communication. The course emphasizes
            escapes, sweeps and submissions. Applica-  on achieving safe practice and proper form   principles relating to advanced individual
            tion focuses on development of fundamental   for fundamental stance, footwork, punches,   skills, theory, tactics, rules, and strategy.
            techniques, conditioning and body control   kicks, knees and elbows, as well as simple   Team competition is a major component of
            as well as the philosophical principles of the   combinations. This course utilizes bag-work   the course. Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite:
            “gentle art” of self-defense, and maintaining   for conditioning drills, and emphasizes   PE 239. (Soccer/Football Family)
            a mutual respect and consideration between   injury prevention. Laboratory 3 hours.   261
            training partners. Laboratory 3 hours.   Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU,   TENNIS I
            Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU,   UC. (Martial Arts Family)   1.0 Unit
            UC, USC. (Martial Arts Family)
                                                221                                 PE 261 covers the beginning concepts of
            218                                 KICKBOXING II                       tennis. Emphasis is placed on fundamental
            BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU II              1.0 Unit                            skills including rules, terminology, and
            1.0 Unit                            PE 221 builds on the fundamental skills   court etiquette. Instruction is given in the
            PE 218 builds on the fundamentals of Brazil-  learned in Kickboxing I and introduces   basic strokes: forehand, backhand, volley,
            ian Jiu-Jitsu taught in PE 217. Instruction   the student to intermediate techniques in   and serve. Laboratory 3 hours.  Prerequi-
            focuses on nogi, ground-based techniques   kickboxing for self-defense, competition   site: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
            including transitions between techniques   and exercise. Instruction focuses on adding   Spring.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
            and self-defense and sport strategies. Appli-  power and placement to basic punches,   (Tennis Family)
            cation focuses on practicing the ability to   kicks, knees and elbows, as well as adapting   262
            “fl ow”, conditioning and body control as   to an opponent’s movements and evasive   TENNIS II
            well as the philosophical principles of the   techniques. Physical conditioning for injury   1.0 Unit
            “gentle art” of self-defense, and maintaining   prevention and performance are empha-
            a mutual respect and consideration between   sized. Students are introduced to focus   PE 262 builds on fundamental knowledge of
            training partners. Laboratory 3 hours.   pads and mitt-work, as well as safe sparring   tennis rules, etiquette, basic skills, strokes,
            Prerequisite: PE 217. Transfer Credit: CSU,   between training partners. Laboratory 3   footwork, scoring and strategy. Emphasis is
            UC. (Martial Arts Family)           hours. Prerequisite: PE 220. Transfer Credit:   on intermediate skills development includ-
                                                CSU, UC. (Martial Arts Family)      ing: shot placement in game situations, the
                                                                                    lob and overhead smash, and the use of spins
                                                238                                 in fundamental strokes. Laboratory 3 hours.
                                                SOCCER I                            Prerequisite: PE 261.  Course Typically
                                                1.0 Unit                            Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                                PE 238 teaches the beginning concepts of   UC, USC. (Tennis Family)
                                                soccer in a recreational environment. Instruc-
                                                tion includes basic skills of soccer: passing,
                                                receiving, trapping, dribbling, and control
                                                techniques. Students learn the fundamen-
                                                tal history, rules, etiquette, and safe play
                                                pertaining to soccer. Laboratory 3 hours.
                                                Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU,
                                                UC, USC. (Soccer/Football Family)

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221