Page 213 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 213


        Motor Performance Fitness(PE 108, 180, 181,   102                       108
        182 295, 296, 297). The Motor Performance   FITNESS LAB II              GROUP EXERCISE I
        Fitness Family teaches students to understand   1.0 to 2.0 Units        1.0 Unit
        how feedback, practice and individual retention   PE 102 is an open laboratory physical fi tness   PE 108 off ers various modes of moderate-
        leads to the transfer of motor performance. These   course designed to enhance the student’s   vigorous aerobic exercise set to contempo-
        courses require a predetermined goal relating to   cardiovascular fitness level. The course   rary music. Course includes instruction
        overall wellness and  fi tness. The courses also   emphasizes the development of positive   on group exercise formats as well as basic
        focus on safety as it relates to physical activity;  attitudes and habits with regard to cardio-  physiology, safety protocols and program-
        Golf(PE 202, 203, 204). The Golf Family teaches   vascular efficiency, body composition,   ming of aerobic fi tness. Note: Students who
        students of varied abilities to learn basic to   muscular toning, and  fl exibility.  Students   have completed PE 164 or DANCE 164 may
        advanced skills related to this individual sport.   are assessed in these areas and an individual   not receive credit for this course. Laboratory 3
        The courses also focus on safety as it relates to   fi tness profi le is established. Fitness activi-  hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
        physical activity;                  ties primarily utilize exercise equipment   Off ered: Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU,
        Martial Arts(PE 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220,   which is organized into an aerobic super   UC, USC. (Motor Performance Family)
        221). Courses in this family focus on the codi-  circuit. Additional activities are prescribed
        fi ed systems and traditions of combat practices   in an aerobic machine arena, cross train-  110
        relating to self-defense, competition, physical   ing area, and a fl exibility area. Laboratory   INDOOR CYCLING I
        health and  fi tness, entertainment, as well as   3.0-6.0 hours.  Prerequisite: None.  Course   1.0 Unit
        mental, physical, and spiritual development.   Typically Off ered: Winter/Spring/Summer/  PE 110 off ers instruction in indoor cycling,
        The courses also focus on safety as it relates to   Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC. (Cardio   a low-impact, non-weight-bearing physical
        physical activity;                  Fitness Family)                     activity, enhancing cardiorespiratory and
        Soccer/Football(PE 210, 211, 212, 238, 239, 240).                       muscular performance, and promoting
        The Soccer/Football Family teaches students the   103                   mental and emotional well being. Various
        skills related to these team sports, while incorpo-  FITNESS LAB III    cycling routines are performed on a station-
        rating strategic plays. The courses also focus on   1.0 Unit            ary spinning bicycle accompanied by both
        safety as it relates to physical activity;  PE 103 is a laboratory physical fi tness course   auditory and visual cues. Laboratory 3
        Tennis(PE 261, 262, 263). Courses in this family   designed to take the theoretical compo-  hours. Prerequisite: None. Course Typically
        help players of varied abilities to improve their   nents of KIN 166 and 167 and put them into   Off ered: Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, USC.
        individual and team play in singles or doubles   practical use. The course emphasizes the   (Cycling Family)
        tennis. The courses also focus on safety as it   ability to identify and demonstrate the use   111
        relates to physical activity;       of cardiovascular, strength and  fl exibility   INTERMEDIATE INDOOR CYCLING
        Volleyball(PE 274, 275, 276). The Volleyball   equipment. Fitness activities primarily   FOR FITNESS
        Family teaches players of varied abilities to learn   utilize the exercise equipment discussed   1.0 Unit
        basic to advanced skills related to this team sport.   in KIN 166 and 167. Additional activities
        The courses also focus on safety as it relates to   are prescribed using aerobic machines and   PE 111 off ers instruction in indoor cycling
        physical activity;                  cross training exercises. Laboratory 3 hours.   dealing with basic cardiovascular  fi tness
        Adapted Physical Education (PE 130, 131,   Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU,   which is achieved through general cycling,
        132, 134, 135). These courses off er a variety of   UC, USC. (Cardio Fitness Family)  fast cycling, sprints, intervals, and climbing.
        activities that off er a wide range of movement and   104                Cycling safety, bike fi t, and heart rate training
        fi tness based courses designed to meet the needs   FITNESS LAB IV       are incorporated with choreographed work-
        of students registered with Disabled Students   1.0 Unit                outs. Note: This course may not be taken by
        Programs and Services (DSPS). The courses                               students who have completed PE 121 prior
        in this area will focus on safety as it relates to   PE 104 is a laboratory physical fi tness course   to Spring 2016. Laboratory 3 hours. Prereq-
        physical activity and adapting physical activities   designed to take the theoretical components   uisite: None. Course Typically Off ered: Fall/
        to meet the needs of students with disabilities.  of KIN 168 and 169 and put these components   Spring/Winter.  Transfer Credit: CSU, UC,
                                            into practical use. The course emphasizes   USC. (Cycling Family)
        101                                 the development and maintenance of a
        FITNESS LAB I                       cardiovascular, strength and flexibility   112
        1.0 to 2.0 Units                    program. Fitness activities primarily utilize   INDOOR CYCLING III
                                                                                1.0 Unit
        PE 101 is an open laboratory physical fi tness   the exercise equipment discussed in KIN 168
        course designed to develop and encourage   and 169. Additional intermediate activities   PE 112 off ers instruction in advanced tech-
        positive attitudes and habits with regard to   are prescribed using aerobic machine and   niques of indoor cycling to improve cardio-
        cardiovascular effi  ciency, body composition,   cross training exercises. Laboratory 3 hours.   vascular and muscular  fi tness,  including
        muscular strength and endurance, and fl ex-  Prerequisite: None. Transfer Credit: CSU,   steady-state training, intervals, hill climbs,
        ibility. Students are assessed in these areas   UC, USC. (Cardio Fitness Family)  sprints and high-intensity interval train-
        and an individual  fi tness  profi le is estab-                           ing (HIIT). Targeting appropriate heart rate
        lished. Fitness activities primarily utilize                            zones and arranging various components of
        exercise equipment organized into an aero-                              training are discussed, as well as program-
        bic super circuit with additional activities                            ming appropriate revolutions-per-minute
        prescribed in an aerobic machine arena, body                            (RPM) and music tempo for choreographed
        parts weight training area, and  fl exibility                            workouts. Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite:
        area. Laboratory 3.0-6.0 hours. Prerequisite:                           PE 111. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC. (Cycling
        None.  Course Typically Off ered: Winter/                                Family)
        Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU,
        UC, USC. (Cardio Fitness Family)

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   208   209   210   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218